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201209558 <br /> sentences shall not apply to the presence, use, or storage on the Praperry of small quantities of Hazardous <br /> Substances that aze generally recognized to Ue appropriate to normal residenrial uses and to maintenance of <br /> the Properfy(including, but not lunited to, hazardous substances in conswner products). <br /> Borrower sha11 pfomp�ly give Lender�wxitten notice of(a) any iavespgation, claim, demand, lawsuit or other <br /> action by any govcrnmental or regulatory aeency or private party involving the Propez-I:y and any Hazazdons <br /> Substance or En�rironmental Law of which Borrower has actual knowledge; (b) any Environmeirtal <br /> CondiSon, incluciing but not limited to, any spilling, leaking, discharge, release or threat of release of any <br /> Hazardous Substance, and(c) any cqndition caused by the prescnce, use or release of a Hazardous Substance <br /> which adversely affeets the�alne of the Pxoperty. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any goveritmental or <br /> regulatary authority, or any private party, that any remov�l pr other remediation of any Hazardous S�abstance <br /> afTectuig the Property is necessary, Borcower shalL promptly take all necessazy remedial ac#ions in <br /> accordance with Envuonmental Law. Nothing herein shall create any obligation on Lender for an <br /> Environniental Cleanup. <br /> Non-Uniform Covenants. Borrower and Lender covenant and agfee as follows: <br /> 22. Acceleration; Remedies. Lender shall give nofice to Borrower prior to acccleration following <br /> Borrow2r's breach of any covenxnt or agreemCnt in this Security Instrnuient(but not prior to <br /> aceeleration under 5ection 18 unless Applicable Law provides oYherwise). The notice shall speCify: (a} <br /> the default; (b) the action reqnir0d to cure the defatfft; (c) a date, nut less than 30 days from the date <br /> the notice is given to&orrower, 6y wluch the default must be cured; amd(d) that failure to cure thc <br /> defaalt on or before the date specitied in the noticc mxy result in accflerafion of the sums secured by <br /> this Security Instrument and eale of th0 Property�. The noHce shaR further inform IIorrower of the <br /> right to reinstatc after accelera6on and the right to 6ring a court aclion to assert the non-e�stence of a <br /> default or any uther defense of Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the default is not cnred on or <br /> before the date speci£ed in the notice, Lender at its opfion may require immecliate paymenY in full of <br /> all snms secured by this Security Inst[��ment withont farther demand and may invoke the power of sale <br /> and any other remedies permitted 6y Applicable Law. Lander sl�all be entifled to collect all e�penses <br /> incurred in pursuiug the remedies pros2ded in fhis Section 22, including, but not limited to, reasonable <br /> attorneys' fees and costs of ktle evidence. <br /> If the power of sale is ihvoked, Trastee shall record a nofice uf defaalt in each county in wl�ich any <br /> part of the Property is located and shall mail copies of such notice in the manner pmscribed by <br /> Applicable Law to Borro«�er and to the other pessons prescribed by Applieable Law. After the lime <br /> required by Applicable Law, Trustee shall give publie notice of sale to the persons and in the manner <br /> preseribed by Applicable Law. Trustee, wiPliOnt demand on Borrowei, shall sell Ehe Property at publfic <br /> aucrion to the highest bidder at the time and place and uuder the terms desiwated in the nofice of sale <br /> in one or more parcels and in any order Trustee determines. 1'rustee may postpone sale of all or any <br /> parcel of the Pro�erly by public announeement at the iime and plxce of any previonsly scheduled sale. <br /> � Lender or its designee may purchase the Property at an}�sale. <br /> Upon receipt of payment of flte price bid, Trnstee sftall deliver to the purchaser 2rustee's deed <br /> couveying the Property. The recitals in the Trustee's deed shall be pruna facie evidence of the truth of � <br /> the statements made therGin. 'Prustee shall apply the pruceeds of tlie sale in the foliowing order. (a) to <br /> all costs and expenses of esercising the power of sa1e, and the sale, includiug the payment of the <br /> Trustee's fees actually incurred and reasonable attarneys' fees as petmitfed by App$cable Law; (b) to <br /> all sums secured by this Sectu-ify Instrwnent; and(c) any eacess to the person or persons legall}� <br /> entitled to ik <br /> 24002]51 <br /> NEBRISKA-Single Family-Fannit Mae/Fretltlie feiac UMFORM INSTRUA4ENT Fotm 3028 ti0t <br /> VMPf� VMP6NE fi05 <br /> Wolters Ktmver Fnancia!Services Pzge'I��h o`1� <br />
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