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<br /> . F�n wa�nFote a�ut Y.auta a.wamgo� �::.::
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<br /> �4 TRYT�a1'EE'�DES�D � ' .
<br /> � � �����.:.
<br /> �:_
<br />_ - . . •.rt:��. KNOW ALL MEN BY TI�IESE PRESENTS: . �p� ��_
<br /> �`. _ _—
<br /> r.'. . That a Deed af'Frust was a�ade and ente�ed into oa or about D�ember 7,1940,by and betwe� � �`-
<br /> . Fi�ank D W�oole and Laura A Wampol�as husbaud and aif�Trustar�.and Homs Fede�al Saving� ==-_
<br /> . � . Loan As�acaation ofGrand Lstand.Eene$aary,wherein Commeraal Federa3 Bant�a Federal Saw�gs Bagk -�---
<br />`: �.,:' ..� � was uamed Tmstee. Thi$Deed of Tn,st was recorded D�cember 10,1��0 ia the Recor+ds of the R�st�r �•
<br /> ' �Y�..:���" ����.••�-.� �-�^._
<br /> .. . °" Of Deeds of Hall County,Nebraska.as Iast�me�NO.9Q�-IOTQ73. Heranaft�the Tnistte�CommeYraal
<br /> s �;:
<br /> •. �.'.„ .:` ;`� � Federal Bank.a Federal Saviags Bank.vaU 6e referred to as(iRANTOR. �-
<br /> . . .;��°..�i. - On or a6out De�ember 7,1990,Home Federal Saviag aad I.oan Associatioa of GTand LSland�ss
<br /> r�. ,,� .�
<br /> . . � , H�caary,a�signed all of iES righ�title and beuefiaal int�est in the Deed of Tmst to Com�a�l Fede�t
<br /> �' ��� � MortgageCoiga�iadon. TE�e Assi�ment was r�corded December 10,1990,in the offce ofthe R�istea of.
<br /> - . '�,.;`� Deeda of Hatl County,N�iaske, as Listrumemts No.90-107474. - -
<br />_ . • ,.r, .
<br /> � ' � ��.-.
<br /> ..• �; °:.. -���� � The GRANTOR i�wnsidea�tion of �Y Ffve 7housand Four�tiemdred Fifteen and 68l1QR-----
<br /> - kl.. —
<br />_ . , . _ -!;4rn �
<br /> . .:. . . _ ($�F4+�a�___)and other vatuable consideration received from Commercial�ettenal P�iortgage -__.:.
<br />_ � � � ' �< Corporation,heaearafter GRAIV'I'EE does hereby grant,bargain,sell.comr�y an$caAfirm unto� .__-
<br /> . _ _: ;+,.' the fottowing descri'bed real prop�rty in I�sill Ccunty,Nebrastcs: ----.
<br /> ��'�` �'��. Lot Sevesi (�, ia Block Sixteen(16�w�Riat,lich's Addition to th�Citq of '
<br /> �� �:r.. �
<br /> � Crand I�and,Hall Gounty,Nebraska
<br />_ . . .�.:5'y'� _ � .
<br /> '� ,`.' : ,-.'ii/i�.
<br /> . ; . ..� .. .'"; To ha��e and to�arYd the abave�des�nbed prearises wgeth�with aIl t�enne�4s,h�rn�nts aad � �
<br />_ �.��<<�;�;�;;}f`'''� ` ap;pnrtenances ther�to be�ing unto the GItAI3TEE.and W G�RAI�'TE�S�aocessor�and assig�£vreve� __
<br /> "hi�4LZq•n . .. �.� _ . ' , � . .
<br /> - . � : ;�:� GRElNTOfi daes fiereby wvenant with the G1tAN1�and with the GiItAN�S suca�.ssflrs,aad • �-
<br /> �: �: ...;; . �..
<br /> . . .:�;!. ��s. . , _
<br />- ,,��,i�f;, � ;;;. .: . _.-
<br />- ,��. .. , ��
<br /> �``�� �� '��.�� �' ��' (1). � That Frantc D.�NampoIe and Laura A Wampoia;ss tmsbarW as�c�if�Tnastors,fa�ed to p�g► �--
<br /> �;.,;.: ��
<br /> � :�::�}•�;�:�t��� the �enefciaz�+ Payments whicb vr�te contractualiy du�,�enA the GRANTOR ai the r�uest of the �
<br /> ., • .:,..s �� Hen�eficiary,e�¢cxed w d�are tiv��neire unpaid principal9�artc�together with interest thereoq at oaoe --_
<br /> , .� . .!,� � immediately due and pay�3�te. . ' �
<br /> -.if'�...�: • � � �y.:•�
<br />-=_ � (2) That a Norice of Defaiilt was r�orded by GRAN'l�OR on Mar�ch 2�.I9S7, as L�swment Na �:;�,
<br />