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_ � <br />�012�9525 <br />When Recorded Retum To: DODI LYNN 2212 W KOENIG ST, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68803 <br />I II�U IIIQ Ipa IUa I�� IUn I�� I�Q IOn IQn I�� IQ� IQQ I�I IIQ <br />SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE <br />One Main Financial #:2700910107367 "DAVIS" Hall, Nebraska PIF: 09/27/2012 <br />WHEREAS, the undersigned is the present Beneficiary under the Deed of Trust described as follows: <br />Original Trustor. DODI L DAVIS A SINGLE PERSON <br />Original Beneficiary: CITIFINANCIAL, INC. (MD) <br />Original Trustee: MICHAEL F. KIVETT <br />Dated: 08/03/2007 Recorded: 08/07/2007 in Book/Reel/Liber: N/A Page/Folio: N/A as Instrument No.: <br />0200706737, in the County of Hall, State of Nebraska <br />Legal: THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY IN HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA: FRACTIONAL LOT <br />EIGHT 8, IN FRACTIONAL BLOCK THREE 3, IN ASHTON PLACE AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND <br />ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, NEBRASKA, AND ITS COMPLEMENT, TO-WIT: FRACTIONAL LOT EIGHT 8, IN <br />FRACTIONAL BLOCK 8, IN WOODBINE ADDITION TO THE CITY OF GRAND ISLAND, HALL COUNTY, <br />NEBRASKA. BEING THE SAME FEE SIMPLE PROPERTY CONVEYED BY WARRANTY DEED FROM IRMA <br />JEAN WALTERS, F/K/A IRMA JEAN MUNN AND ROBERT V. WALTERS TO DODI L. DAVIS, DATED <br />03/17/2006 RECORDED ON 04/10/2006 IN NSTRUMENT NO 200603119, IN HALL COUNTY RECORDS, <br />STATE OF NE. <br />Property Address: 2212 W KOENIG ST, GRAND ISLAND, NE 68803 <br />AND WHEREAS, the undersigned, who is the present Beneficiary under said Deed of Trust, desires to substitute <br />a successor Trustee under said Deed of Trust in the place and stead of present Trustee thereunder; <br />Now therefore, the undersigned hereby substitutes CITIBANK, N.A. whose address is 14700 CITICORP DRIVE, <br />HAGERSTOWN, MD 21742 as Successor Trustee under said Deed of Trust , to have all the powers of said <br />original Trustee, effective immediately. <br />CITIFINANCIAL, INC. <br />On November 6th. 2012 <br />CitiFinancinl Company <br />Cory+oratc Scal. Dclawarc <br />197a <br />By: <br />WALTER H EICHELBERGER, / <br />Vice-President , % <br />STATE OF Maryland <br />COUNTY OF Washington <br />On this 6th day of November 2012, before me, the undersigned officer personally appeared WALTER H <br />EICHELBERGER , who made acknowledgment on behalf of CITIFINANCIAL, INC., who acknowledges <br />himself/herself to be the Vice-President of CITIFINANCIAL, INC., a corporation, and that he/she as such <br />Vice-President, being authorized so to do, executed the foregoing instrument for the purposes therein contained, <br />by signing the name of the corporation by himself/herself as Vice-President . <br />Qatherine M. AAUIIendore <br />W ITNESS my a d an o cial seal, Not�ry public <br />1Nashington Co., MD <br />CATHERINE U LEND E <br />Notary Expires: 08/03/2016 <br />(This area for notarial seal) <br />'M`MICITM'70/08/201210:22:00 PM' CffMOSCITM0000000000000006826042' NEHALL' 2700910107367 NESTATE_TRUST SUB'SL1•SLICITM' <br />