`F;:�:.'.'-.t.K'. - i - .
<br /> '.�. :�..,..'.�_�L,;..�.. ' .[,�. _ '_
<br /> ,, �i-� �ftc
<br /> -..._�=.^� . .—�-",___�_.—'--z �._-- . , _' _ _ _c..�__ __
<br /> ` :•F'{1 Y � _ " � z ' r 1 � ' , ' ' . � F (�r� _
<br /> , ,� -, F . _ , .
<br /> . 5;- . . ._ ..� ..... �. � .<<_-' � _ " '" .�.s;',�,..4r..:_s ' - � "''
<br /> . . . . .
<br /> _- ,...
<br /> . �, , � .
<br /> � �" ''.i,:' . .
<br /> . . .�__ .•S�
<br /> __ ' , o�m ,_., '.1r....
<br /> , . 18. �OrfONJOi'8 RIQh4 t0 ideitl8li�l. n Borrower meets eacteht cond�tcns. Bortower sf� have the dght to have < <,
<br /> �ton�nent ot this Secun'�/I�umeni�seo�fnued at any tlme D�r to the earQr�of. (a)5 days (or such ath�petcd es eDAQcel�te ':,`,l ,,�`
<br /> .`., ` t3w maY sA�f►for��)betace sale a!ffie FroPe�y►P�usnt to any Dower of sate contained b+this Securii5► Mswm� or
<br /> � - • . 4b?�Y�a jud�nert enfardr►g tNs Sewrityl tnstrnmert. Those e�►�ions ere that Bortower:(a) DaYs Leider eU sums whtch th� �.��, .: .
<br /> ;,`c`°�° ` �.,`,. wouid be due wd�this Sewrtty�s5strum�t end the Note as B no aax�t2ration had ocmrted: tD) cures an7l de�mdt of any►othe� .
<br /> covenant or egreemerns: (c)pays a9 e�enses Mcuaed in eMoccing tNs Sewriiy InsUumeM,tnduding. hut nof Rnilted to.ce�ar�abte � �
<br /> , i� ar .
<br /> � ' ° attomeys'tee�and(��sucA aetton as Leiid�may ceasonaby re4utre to assure tt�at tRe Qen at Ws Seeurity tnsuum�R.Lender's �. _� ' ���
<br /> ' - dghts in the Property and Bortawer's oCOgffitan w pay the surt�s seeured tsy this Securiry tnstrume�R sRall corttir►ue unehenged Upon`"" �. , �� ;�`
<br /> e�t Borrovrer,Ws SeauitY Instrument snd the obQg�Lons secaued her�y sha7 rmnain 11�y eNectI�re es iT no acceteffilon�
<br /> �tem Dll
<br /> < ` � had oaurted However,this dgM m�einstate shaD nat appty in the wse oi aa�eratfon under P�9�Fh 17.
<br /> , - ° 18.Sate ot Mote: Ch�tg� of LAat1 SB�v1Cet Thv Nlata or e pa�tl�i i�etest in Ne Nate (togeU►er vr�thEs Seauity .. .
<br /> _-" (nspumenp may 6a sotd one or more ttmes w�t►out pdor notles to Bartawer.A sa!e may�esutt in a char►ge In the entiy►pai°�"�e�the
<br /> N--""J-, er� due under the Nate and this Secur�Y tnstrument These atso may be one nr moce� . :
<br /> -`._ : _ •Loan Servta�')thffi ooIIects montAt�/ paym � _ �
<br /> ''�`-- changes oi Me Loan Servtce unr�at�to a ssta of ffia Note. M thera is a chan9e of ttte Laass Sevicer Barorr�wID�e�ven wrftten . --
<br /> � noUce of the change in accoNance wUh pa�a�aPh 14 ebwe artd apAUcabte taw. Ttie nadce vn'0 state the name a��ad�ess ot the
<br /> � . nevr Loan Servica end the ad��s to whlch paymer�ffi shoutd be mada ?hs natice wID atso wr�sin enY oth�irnormati�n re�d bY . `
<br />_ _ : T ePP@cabta law. smrage, or re(Pase o3 atry _.�„�, . �'„
<br /> .. _ .,q' 20. HazBrdOUS Sttbslencea 8orrower shaa noc eause or p�rrtu7 the presenee.vse. e�spcsal :r�;�;%�s.;,'';;-
<br /> .. ' li�erdons Substanoes on or in the Properry. Borrow�she0 not do.nor allow enyorto etsa to do.arrythin9�9 tha R+'�p�l►'� ,.° , �
<br /> t o t he p r e s e n c� use. ot sto r a ge an tfie <r;.:r::,,,:. •
<br /> - b fn vtotffiIon al arry EmUonmerdei law. The preceding two ser�tences shaU n�be approp�ate to ao�!res�tes�l uses�►d to � �.':' ".
<br /> ptoperty of smaD qusnti�s at Hamrdous 3ubstances thed are geneeUY cecog�d
<br /> � . mai�ance ot the Froparty. � , .
<br /> � , _ BoRawer shaU promptly�ve lertda�natice ot arry trnes8gagon,daim.demand Iawsuii n�Law oi whtch Bo� � , . •
<br /> or��Y BS�Y��P�Pe►y►imatvu�g fhe P�opedy and erry H�rdous Substance or F.mriro
<br /> _, actual imowiedga H Banow�[eams.or is notifred by enl/9ovenmenmi ar regulatory authot871.N���Y�01�°����edFatlon �.
<br /> _ N�
<br /> � of anfl Ha�rdous Subs�rtCS sfter.[�►g ffi� Propert�C u tte�ssary. Bomowv shsQ RcvmPnY tatte a0 neo�sssy ca�sr�l aetlons tn � ,
<br /> Oe �: �'
<br /> ' :<:F'`� eaord�ce with Emr�onrtr�tlal L aw. :... ..
<br /> . AS US6d UI th15 p3t3�8pfi 20. 'H828�d0US SUbSt8f1C8S" 8fB tItOSO SllbStAtICE.S dC1f112d 88 LO7dC Of h8�IQOLS 6LLhS1P1ICFS bY � ' '�r .._
<br /> .::._,..:,"` 6Mronm�rtffi l.aw and tfie bQa�+r(ng su6stances:gasoGne.keros�e.other Pemmabte or tode pehoteum profiecb.toxic pestl��d � .ry.. _.
<br /> - ---�•-� r�", herbtddes. voia�le so&etis.matedais cor�tr�in9�tus�or tartnatdehyd�and ra�+re rt�. As used in thts par�s�.� � . ..
<br /> . � •Environmartat Law' rts�Tedaal (aws and taws of the juds�ctlon where the �yl ts►ac�Ued that ratate to heatth. �ar `_�_ :
<br /> . . � �` eivimnmertaf pmtedton ,. , .
<br /> �'� i�•o i10AWNIFORM COVENAl�iTB. Bortower and Lendv NM�covenaat end agcee asYollow� � . �':;-;�
<br /> _ 21. 6�axeteration; Reme�iea. Lsnder shaA give nottce to Borrower prEga� acceteraHon foff�rai'i7� -- '�: '_
<br /> . - --- - Borrower's breach of any covenan4 or agrseme�t tn this SecurHy Ins�s�ent lbu� not p�r '�o ;`. �-
<br /> . .. •�,. � aeceteratt�n unde� paragraph 17 un tass a��l i c a b le I a w p r a v i d e s o t h e r w l s e). T f i e n a t t.��i a 1! s�a�T Y :
<br /> ' . � ,�� �:� (a)the detauf� (�}Che aa�on requlaed 4�aasre the detaul� (c) a Qat�. not [eag fhs�57�cF�ya 4rona the " `�:�::
<br /> . � , date th� �otice is g[ven to �orrower, by whlch the default must 6e cured: and (c1f3 ti���'hue to�.+re �- ., .
<br /> " . , ' the d3€�c,.� on or before the date s�e c t Se d in t h e n o t lce m a y re s u l t i r r a a c e f e s e H o n o f t h a ��3�s s a ""�,`.:.,._
<br /> ; � � � securr� � 4l+�s Security Instrument and sate ot the Property. The e��ce shait 4urtheP i��n .�
<br /> ., �o�os�-a;a3 t�ho ��2tt to reinatata sRor accefera�ion and the righE to bring a couR acttom !o assertt�tra p' ,' . :
<br /> . . non-exis3o�c��c a►��tault or any ather defense af Bonawer 40�ceteration and eaia tf 4he defaui�Is �::h,;� :.
<br /> � '" tt a t c u r e d an or �re tho d a t e spec i fl e d t n t h e n a t t c e.L e n d a a�4 i t s o�t d a n m a y r e q u i r e i m m e d i a t e =: �.
<br /> :,.�...,,..
<br /> � . paqmet�Y in fult of a!1 sums secared by this Security Instrum.,7e! wi4hout turther dereeand en d may . ._,.;:.. .;:'
<br /> � imolce 4�e povror M salo and any other remedles permift�d b1l ePPllc�l� taw Len�er shaft BB �u�;�.:
<br /> i; ."` eMPtted to colfec�t all expensas incurred In pu�utrtg tha f8ftf8�I6f3 pi6�•i�1D� (fl tht8 P��P7� 21� .:'�r� ,
<br /> �� inWuding,but na!Iimitsd to,reasonabl�attomeys'fees and cos4s of ti41e eb��srece. <---,. -
<br /> • 1�t�e powar of sale t� tmroSced, Tniatee shall record a natdce ot defauR tn ea�Ee �a�eu�ty in whtch
<br /> Ee
<br /> �� " � ' eny part of tha ProperRy ia tocated and shail mail eoples af such notica in ttoe maR►��aesc�ibed 6U �:=.k
<br /> �.� � � $p '°�^�^ te lawr to Borrdwer and 4o the other persons prostxib�d by ep�afica�fe faw &�ier ffie ttma �,��!_
<br /> , ... re��d.bY aPAltaabte taw. Trustea siiall give public aotice of e�tte to the persons and in the marsnar �=�,-�_.�
<br /> ' " �� p�es�aad by appticabse taw. Trustee,wttho�t damand on Bonrawer.shall ssi!the Properly at Gr�iic .�:A:,��`�' .
<br /> _ , .•;; �r==-
<br /> a�rcHon to the @ri�asst btdder at the ttma end ptace aRd u�adQ��e tertns desfgnated in t�e natTce of •,.�.�-.
<br /> � � � sale in one or� parco�s and ln arry order Tnrstee deterrt�fcr�. Trustee may ��one sala of all ��
<br /> �' � or arty parcei ot� �he P►opeRy by pu611a annouaeament at tt�e tlrtee and place of erry prevlousty .�`n;
<br /> � acheduigd sate. I.�ende�or fta des4gnee may purehase 4he Propertyl at a��!e• °,
<br /> : Upan receip! of paymant of the prlce bid. Yrustee ehall deliver to t4'ar�tb't��chaEe�Ywstee'e deed �."
<br /> � conveying the Property. The�ecitais ln the Trusteo'a eeed s4�a11 be prima gacte svtdear.�of the truth '�;��;:,_
<br />. • 04 the �4atomeM� rnade therefn. Yrustoe shatt aPpfy 4h�Procoeda o4 tha sal� !n tho io��at�ing order. �� ,-,��
<br /> � � , �e)to ail casts aed expenses a?exorcising the pawer af sata. and the safe. tncluding the pay9mett!a! _ _ .- :_
<br /> `� � � the Tn�s�tea's taes actuatly incucred, nat to oxcead 109'__o of the priaaipal amount of th� nota -- -
<br /> � '�<'�•- � at t��se at tho doclara4ton of detautt.and reasoaabte attorae�l's tees as permftted by law; (b)to a11 . .
<br /> .;. �`���f;i'�'�. .�:.� sums �eur�d by thla Seeur i t y �n s 4 r ume n� a n d (c) a n Y e x c e s s t o t h e p e t s o n o r p e�s o n o l o g ffi t y .
<br /> � � entt'tted to k. ' _
<br /> �� 22. R�COP►t�v�7''aaae0• Upon payment of aA sums seaned by thts 8ecuifry 6nstrument,lender sha0 requast Ynistee to recomey ,
<br /> �. � the ProO�Y�4 gh�$�der this Securfty tnsWmertt and aD notes evidendng debt secured by this Secasrily IrtsUumelR to Trustee
<br /> � � TcwMee shafl recomey the P�operty without v�artanty and without charge to the person or persons tegaIIy errtitted to h. Such person or ,:,;.:
<br /> .. . persons sha0 pay enll recordatton casts. '"�'"���
<br /> ��;':
<br /> . . . �
<br /> � . � " 2�. Su68titlJt�Tnrf3489. lender, at ite opUon, may tram Ume to tlme remove Trustee end appoirR a suocosscr rtustee to ,
<br /> � an y Trus t e,e appointed hereundet by en instrumenl recorded In the wunty in whieh this SecduitSt tnstrumerd b� recorded Wrthou! �.
<br /> • • eanveyartce oi tAe Praperty. successor trusKea shall succee d to a 1 1 t he U Ue, p o w e r e e d d W e s c e n t e rt e d u p o n T r u s t e e h e�r►e n d b y ___.
<br /> BppOCabla law.
<br />` � ,, Z4. i�oqaest for No41c�a Bortower requests that copies ot tha notices af detauil and sate be senl M 8ortowva address
<br />,. � which is the Proyerly Address. �
<br /> :� � 25. i�ld0r8 t0 this SeCUfity IttBtrt�tltenL If one or more dders are executed by Borrovue end reeorEed together witA
<br /> sr
<br /> = .--- .. this Searrity Instrument.tne cwenanis and agreements ot eacfi suct�ddcr slKtD be incerporat¢d lnto end shall amend artd suppfm�ent
<br />_ • the�ayenants and e�eemerrts ot this Security Instrument as H the dder(s)were e part a1 this Secur(ry InstrumenL
<br /> � � ! • � _
<br /> . . ' Form 30�8 9� �
<br />... , . • Pape 4 015 . •
<br /> _ : P1079.LM0(6197! . .�
<br /> .�� '
<br /> . E
<br /> • � o��soo2g . .
<br />