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' � Exhibit"A" �0�`�09�0�. <br />The East Half of the NartheasC Quarter (E1 /ZNE1 /A) of 5ection Twenty-One (21)� Township <br />Nine (9) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 4th P.M., Hatl Caunty, Nebraska, EXCEPTING a <br />tract of Iand comprising a part of the Hortheast Quarter of Section 21, Township 9 North, <br />Range 9 West of the 6th P.M,, Hall County, Ne�raska, desc�ibed as fotlows: Commencing <br />at the Southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of Sectiot� 21, Township 9 Nottfi, Range 9 <br />West af the bth P.M., thence W Op dc�r�es 00 minutes 00 secot�ds, alang the 5outh line of <br />the Northeast Quarter, thirty•thre� (33) feet to the point of beginning; thence West 00 <br />degrees Op minutes OQ seconds, one hundred flfty-ihtee and twentyeight hundredths <br />('153,28) feet; thence Nvrthwest 05 degrees 42 minutes 38 seconds, parallel to the �ast <br />ltne of the Northeast Qluarter, two hundred (Z00.00) feet; thence Northeast Q7 degrees 41 <br />minutes 18 seconds, two hund�ed one and eighty-one hundredths (Z01.8i } fee�; then�e <br />South 172 degrees 18 minutes 42 seconds, parallel to the East liqe of the Hvrt.hwest <br />Quarter, six hundred fifty-three and cwenty-eight hundredths (653.z�) feet to the point oi <br />b��inning, <br />