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, 201209506 <br /> f ' <br /> , �. . . 9902422708 <br /> 1Le real proper[y described is located in Hall COUNTY, NEBRASKA , <br /> nnd being set forth as follows: <br /> The South Forty-Three and Seventy-Five Huudredths(43.75')feet ot lot ten(10)and the Nor[h <br /> Twenty and Twenty-Five Hundredths(20.25')fee[of Lot Twelve(12)in Block Eight(8)io <br /> University Place,and Addition to the City of Grsnd Isla�d,Hall County,Nebraslce. <br /> 45447856 NE <br /> FIRST RMERICRN ELS <br /> MODIFICRTION iiGREEMENT <br /> II�IIII�IIIIIIIIIIII�IIII�IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVI�IIIIIIIII <br /> In consideration of the mutual promises and agreements�changed,the parties hereto agree as follows <br /> (notwithstanding anything to the co�trary contained in the Note or Security InsWment): <br /> I.As of December 8,2009 ,the amount payable under the No[e a�d the Securiry Instrument <br /> (the"Unpaid principal Balancc")is U.S.$ 105,947.21 consisting of the amount(s)loaned <br /> To the Bortower by the lender and any intcrest capitalized to date. <br /> 2.Borrower promises to pay the Unpaid Principal 6alance,plus interest,[o the order of the Lender. <br /> Interest will be charged on the unpaid Principal Balance at the yearly rate of 5.750% from <br /> December S,2009 .The Borrower proatiscs to makc monttily paymenis of principal and interest of <br /> U.S.$ 620.23 �beginning on the first day of Ja¢uary,2010 ,and wntinuing <br /> Thereafter o�the same day of each succeeding month until principal and interest are paid in fuR. If on <br /> 1039 (the"Maturiry Date"),the Horrower still owes amounis under the Note and <br /> The Security Instrument,as amended by this agreement,[he Bottower will pay these amoun[s in full on lhe <br /> . Ma[urity Date. <br /> The Bomower will make such payments at <br /> USBANKHOMEMORTGAGE a divisoon of U.S . Bank na`.ional Association <br /> P.O. BOX 790415 <br /> ST.LOUIS,MISSOURI 63179-0415 <br /> or at such other place as the Lender may require. <br /> 3.If all or any part of the Property nr any interest in it is sold or transfemed(or if beneficial interest in <br /> The Borrower is sold or transferrcd and the Borrower is not a natural pe�son)without the Lender's prior i <br /> Written consen�the Lender may require immediate payment in full of all sums secured by[his Securiry � <br /> instrument �' <br /> If the Lender�ercises this op[ion,the Lender shall give Ihe Bortower no[ice of acceleraUon. The nolice '�, <br /> Shall provide a period of not less than 30 days from the da[e the notice is delivered or mailed within which the I <br /> Borsower must pay all sums secured by this Securiry Ins[rumen[. If the Borrower fails[o pay[hese sums prior to <br /> The expiration of this periud,the Lender may invoke any remedies peanitted by this SecuriTy Instrument without <br /> F!irther notice or demand on thr.Aorrower. <br /> 4.The Borrower also will cumply with al]other cuvenants,agreements,and reyuiremenTs of the <br /> Sewriry Instrument,including wi[hout limitation,the Borsower's covenaats and ageemen[s to make all <br /> Payments of taaces,insurance premiums,assessments,escrow items,impounds,and al]offier payments tha[the <br /> Borzowec is obligated to make under the security Instrument;however,the Folluwing terms and provisions are <br /> Forever cancelled,null and void,as of the date specified in Paregreph No. 1 above: <br /> FII7D MODIFICATTON ACREF.MENT <br /> First American Loan Production Services <br /> First American Real Estate Soludons,LLC <br /> FALPSf!HUDMOD Rev.09-14-09 2 af 4 <br />