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<br /> p�siga�m�t of R�4s 2002�dQ4
<br /> f \ '�'�Qg i.q gpM11,Y RIpER is smde this Z�B day of OCTOBSR . 1997 • �� °
<br /> attd is intaiporated inw 3ad sba11 be deemed to amPad and snpAteazem the Mortgage.Deed oF Trust ar Se�vrity �,
<br /> . t .
<br /> `.;,�..�,`�,�- I?r�d (ths "Sixvrity Instrumaat"1 of ttee same date given by the widersig�d(tRe "Soirowes') to s�cure ..`;,t-=.r�,
<br /> �. . ` Bonawer s Note w � .,_�
<br /> �L � `,`'� The Bquitahle Building and Loan,Associ�tion af Graad Isiand, �'%--.
<br /> • 4 .� g.}.la.._-.
<br /> ��� ���.���� �• - Nebra�ka, A Federal �avings Bank `,''` -�
<br /> • • of the same date aad oovering the ProgertY desccibed in the Serurity Insuument and lerated ai:
<br /> ��e,•��••� -
<br /> 00 SB ST GRANA ISLAND. N�BRASRA 6880/ �'�� �
<br /> � 14�4 W L � o �': �
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<br /> -�� F + y I�RY�� �,_. _-_-
<br /> - �-•��-%� � 1-0 FAR�ID.Y COYENANT�.In addidon w the oavenaats aud a$rcements made in tRe Se�auiry Insuumcnt. _
<br /> .�-:' .^.�
<br /> � 8ona.rrer and Ixnder further oovenaat aad ag�ee as fotlows: � - _
<br /> . , � ;
<br /> � �`<:� . .,t�. ADDTTI�NAL PFB�H�EtTY SQJHJEG°�TO'TAE SEC�JRITY IN�TRBJNl�.'�iT. In uddition to the . ,;;
<br /> :�' descn'6ed in th�Secxuicle Insuu�tent.the foltowing items are added m the Prupect}►dc.scaPnon,and si�11 ` ` _.-
<br /> ,,�.' 'r ' �+ca�5►. . oads of ev �'�:".
<br />,, � � .�..:•s: a�.so oonstiate t��P�Y coverea uy the seauicy Insvumer►�buitaing cnateaials.applia�an�S �' �'
<br /> a- ---
<br /> .:,'' . �e wLatsoevr�"t�w.,or he�fter located in,•on. or �.sed. ot int�uded to 6e use@ in oonnectian with th�e �_ :��
<br /> _ . • • ttso oses of sn or dism�nting heating.000ling. —
<br /> .� :�,.�s��`; �� " ;L�t t y, i n c t u d i n g,but not timited to. those far the pucp PP�g � ra m l -
<br /> � �. 5� • securi acoess ca
<br /> �` � ;�-�``' �'4 ` '... � ei'"'���citY• Sas.water,��a�ed�ight. fire pieve�inn and extingu�sl�mS aPDaratus. ty e�dishwashers. -- --
<br /> `'r! r 43' �t SIII�LS TdJ1 CS StU11ES [e.fI1�CIS�
<br />�F"', !`�f�'� $���AL4�raU01�1iA$s,b31b pit14.WatCt�ICfS. WZiCi C1dSCi5s • S OS�CuTt2IIt -
<br /> `.�.. � .. dispOSals,washets.dryers.awaings.sposm vriadoers.stora►doots,scceeas.blinds, stiaades.curtai .
<br /> s
<br /> � . � ` rods,attact�d aurrors.ca6inas.panelliag and attashed floor coverings uavr or he�aiter attadted to tttee 4raFerty. ,
<br /> .. . `,'.'.,i � aLt af whici�. includiag,�eplaoements and additioas tliereto. shall be dee�ed to 6e and remain a part of the .-_
<br /> . � � •.`.� Pragerty onve,red by the Security Instrumeni. All of the fur2going tagether with the Propen3+ 8esaibed in the i;_.,:=
<br /> ;', ,. `. _
<br /> , . �..s � Secnrity insvument(or the ieasehotd estate if the SacuritY Ls�ume�it is on a teasehoId)a:e referred to in.tt�is 1-4:, _
<br /> • ',�� FaaWY Rlder at�d the S�ri�Y�uumeat as the"ProPeit�'-�� ' '_- --
<br /> � ',�`t ' B.USE 0F FROPERT!(,COM�LIANCI%WIT�i 1.kw•Baz�awer sball not seek,agt�ae to or mafce a �_.
<br /> � • . '- > � change in the use of the PropettY or its zoning classification.unless Lender has ageed in writimg to the change. __�
<br /> : .s ':�:::. ,` ,. :'r Smrawer shall compty with s�l taws. ordinances. reg�ilations and requirements of airy gavem�ental'hadY � ---.
<br /> ... •.�� apph�bie to the Property. • .
<br /> � ' �.SUBORIDIIVATE L�IS.Faccept as pem�itted by federal law.Borrower sha11 not allaw'any.l�en inferior . _
<br /> ''' ,; to th�.Security Instcumeat[o be perfected agains4 the Praperty tivithaat Lxnder's pdor written permission. _--
<br /> ' ,; :D RENT LOSS IN�'tJitANCE.Borrow�r shall maintain insiva�e against rent toss,ia addition ta the atlier -
<br /> • . .� '.�`; Diax.t�is for whlch insur�ae is:�r�c�uired by Uniform Covc.�ant 5. . . : • _
<br /> . r . � ,r ;:��."BORRO�'VEIi'5��TO REINS7'ATE"DELETED Unifarm Coven�ttt i8 is delefed: .. - � : ___
<br /> . ,, F. BORROWETFi'8���ANCY.�Unless Lencler and Borrower othenvise ag[ce in wxitin�.the fust' -
<br /> "�. �,.:; ' sQateace in Uni�'arm Covenant 6 conceruoa� Bar�awer's accupaacy��i�f Gye Proaertl► is deIeted...t�l�'remainirig �_-
<br /> „ :,�.• �'• wvenants aa�eg�u�ents set fnrth in Uniform Covenant 6 sha�l remaiti:�i�effect. � ; . • � --
<br /> .: n.� ` . �, : . . , � __.
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