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. -.,. , _ <br />, � � <br />_.. �. <br />�o�.�0�443 <br />IN THE COUNTY COURT OF IiALL COUNTY, NEBR�I�A� �i .� <br />IN THE MATTER OF THE ) Case No. �(( JAN � 4 20 �1 <br />GUARDIANSHIP/CONSERVATORSHIP ) <br />) LETTERS OF T ' ���� <br />OF ) GUARDIANSHIP/ RSHiP <br />) <br />KAREN L. ZIGLER, ) <br />An Incapacitated Person. ) <br />TO: TIMOTHY L. ZIGLER aad M[CHAEL T. ZIGLER <br />WHEREAS, you are hereby duly appointed Temporary Co-GuardianslConservators for <br />Karen L. Zigler, an incapacitated persan, following an ex parte hearing, to perform the duties and <br />responsibilities of Guardian/Conservator as required by law. <br />NOW TH.EREFORE, these Letters are issued to evidence your appointment as Ternporary <br />Co-Guardians/Conservators. Specific Guardianship/Conservatorship powers being authorized are as <br />follaws: <br />A. The power to select the wazd's place of abode; <br />B. The power to arrange for the ward's medical care; <br />C. The power to protect thc persona) effects of the ward; <br />D. The p�wer to give necessary consents, approvals, or releases on behalf of the ward; <br />E. The power to arrange for rehabilitative services for the ward; <br />F. The power to apply for private or governmental benefits to which tlae ward may be <br />entitled; <br />G. T'he power to institute proceedings to compel any person under a duty to support the <br />ward or to pay surns for the welfare of the ward to perforni such duty; <br />H. The power to enter into contractual arrangements on behaJf of the ward; and <br />I. The power to receive money and tangible property due to the ward and to make <br />exp�nditures thereof for room and board, medical care, personal effects, training, education and <br />rehabilitative services for the ward. <br />You shall not pay compensa.tion to yourself or your attomey from assets ar income of your <br />ward, nor sell real property of the estate, without first obtaining an Order therefore, after an <br />1 <br />000093530008 <br />