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<br /> from my eavings accoun�s, to make daposits � wri.ta ch@aks on my � "-
<br /> � `��,. checkfng acco�ts, in any bank or saviriga aad Ioan associa�.oa ��_�__
<br /> � � where I may have auah savfags. an8 ch�oking accouatg,� to enflorss m
<br /> ' checks of ali kinds, to r�deem certificates og deposit, ali types --
<br /> � of bonds, iaicluaing ail gove�rnment oblic�ations, to invesic funds =
<br /> " �,,: �::;..'.,; ': lbe2onging to ma acaordiag tQ her best jut�gment and dises�eLf.o�►f #a _
<br /> ' exeaute aont.�aats, leases and generaliy manage any real an8
<br /> `. . person�2 propartys to eeil and convey ani► oP my peraanal pgoBc�tY _
<br /> ,� :,�_:��' .�,`t and aa'►y reai praperly �hi�h I ma�y aow own or in sa�ch E may own an -_.
<br /> , . _. �nterast, inalu�i.ng bu� aot 23mited to the sQal p�o�erL� dasaz3.�s8
<br /> ��,' �.
<br /> , �.:� . --
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<br /> �...; ��:�.;; The SoutD This�ty-Bight I�eet (S38•) of Lot Ons (1), Bloak : -
<br /> � • �%° Sixteen (16), Ar�old b Ablbott�s Addition to th� City oP =
<br /> _ � . �_.,,:,1 6ran8 Island, 8a11 Coun�y, ATsbraak�. katoWA �s 2�� N. _-:.
<br /> .. Washiag�on St., Grand 2slanc�, NeB�raska. . -
<br /> , �: �-? attd in conuectio� wit.� such sales, to execute dee8s. bille of eale,
<br /> . . and do ar►y ana sii ot�ter thinqs nscessary or incides►�ai to the sale -
<br /> � � •�� ot any �of ffiy propes�yt to aolleat accaunts receivable an8 pay z: "
<br /> = . ' . ..�°:t� creditors: to �ceceive ranta end sil otRer fcunds, to execufe and --
<br /> � sign in my behalf all legal dvaument� need� in �he manago�n� of = �
<br /> . . . :�� my atfairs, inclualing the execution and �igning �f Yederal and �-_=
<br /> . � �..� " sta�e incoms tax returns, estimates and declarati�� an8 to aat aB � _
<br />-- � , my Attorney in Fact be8ore the Internai R+evenue Serviae on any tax `_-�-
<br /> •. ; �.. ... �,`,:� matter for any tax year: t.o epecifically endor�e all gaver�ent _
<br /> _ :5= checks, c�raFts for Sooial seaurity bene�its and inauranc� and o_,._
<br /> t�diaare benefits, or intsrest paymetits due to me, an� t.o manage my r=:�
<br />= � "` property in every resp�ot: to secure and provids Por me aay me81ea1 �:j.�_
<br />- care or treatta�nt, hospitsl or skill-aare/nureing home care an� .�;•.
<br />-- . 1 .��,�ti treaffient, ae may be needed by me in the so�m� 8isas�i.on of my ��;-
<br /> iving unto my Attorne in Faat fuli �
<br /> Attorney in Facts herebY g Y
<br /> .� ; �:" ����� autharity and por�er to 8o everytbing requisiP.e or necessarg to be �
<br /> .- done in the handling, conserving an� manaqement o� my �PPeirs an8
<br /> � estats as f�ally �s I could or might do personally, hereby
<br /> - � �� ' conPirming an8 ratiPyiag all that mX said Attorney !n Faat shail -
<br />= lawfuliy do or cause to bs flone heaeunder, with this Po�er of
<br /> - -- " '���� Attorney to remain in full Porce an8 ef4eat until mo8lfied or -
<br /> - � : . ' revolte8 in tirriti.ng. �hhis Power oP �fttornay ehaii not be atPecte�
<br /> � ti.�,,;..
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