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<br /> ��J'.+�w's � ' ' .- __.,�h.^('_ � ���� _ - _ - �\
<br /> . - _ ' - L', �'J�'_�-, l r .
<br />.. . ...f.• -.i. -, . ,��x� L-.if'• • _ ~ -F-1^ . .c .0 n.�F;J�_1:•.. l, , t .`4r'. �
<br /> :C-.' t l�. . ���\ 1 -��" _ . }- p�r :'S: ' _L� -_
<br /> s. ,.��___-.
<br /> �� <
<br /> _—_—��.----_ . . R�.
<br />� f: /'-`�.S..
<br /> . ' ` • ' � gcmav�er may cure auct�a deta�lt end �ebutate. as p�evlded in para�aph 18, by causlrtg the ae6ort or pm�ng to bo
<br /> ,`:,`' `` ' dismtssed w9h a rul'mg that.fn Lendda good faith determinaticn,Predudes fa�re o1 the Bortow�'s inteest in the Properry or �` :
<br /> . :` ,� • otRer mffierial t�almtent of the�m created by thts S�t�strument or LertdePs securRy int�st. Bortower shatl atso be in
<br /> ` detantt H Bortower,d�uing tRe toan appHcatlon process.gave mste�t�ty tafse ur inaectirate tntortnatian or statemeMS to Lender(or
<br /> � � . � �ifed to pmvide tender wt�+ �f► matetat infam�ation)in corin�Hnn w8h the loan evldertced by tRe Note, indud'mg. 6�t nat _
<br /> . � limfted t0. �eAreserrt�tons eoncemtng Bartrawer's occv�ancy af the Pro�e�ly as e pdnc�pal rcstdenoe. it th� Seaui[y
<br /> ' tnshwnmrt ts an a(easehcld, Bomowv st�aD camply �u3h eD the pmvistons o1 the tease. If Borrawer acqutres tee L'Ne to ffie �
<br /> �0�lh tAe teasehatd and the tee tltle st�aU not m�cge uniess Lender agrees to the mager tn wri6ng. �
<br /> �.Protec4ton a�ff�sndor's Righte in ths�eoper4y.It Borrower taits ta pertorm the eov�ants and agreemems �
<br /> � � caniaitied In thts Set�tr�yt� or th�a is e tega!proceeding thad may signfficently eReet Lenders rfgfits in the Ytopety �
<br /> � � (sutA as a proceadtng in DdnLwPUY•P�b�e,far conde�nreeRion or toRet�ra or to entoree Iaw3 ar regidattens�.then teid�may !1 ,-z:•
<br /> � . �:, do and Pa7l for whatever ts necasseryl to praLect the valu�01 Ne Property end Lender's�igAts in the Property. lendefs aGIons `
<br /> y�� may huhcde Paylr►9 argt sums seciued by a G� vfitcb has pdorny over this Seemiry instrument, eDD�9 � eourt. PaY�9 d
<br /> --- -- � r�mb��saeys�tegs and e�tering on the Pmp�ty to make repaus.Although Lend�may take action under Mis para�b� -.- -
<br /> :..:` � . T.lender does not hava to do so. , .
<br /> • • qny amnunb disbursed by lmda under pera�aph 7 shafl became ad�onal debt of 8orrawer sec�ed by thts Seau�l J
<br /> � • � fnshument. UNess Bo�rower and lender a�ee to oth�tertns at payrtse�f.these amounLs shaD bear i�.erest @om the date ot ,,,�
<br /> � �' t �sbtasanent at Ute lVote tate end shed be paya6le.w�h interest.uPan noUee trom Lender to Bortowa r�e��tfig Pay�ne�t �
<br /> : ,V 8. BRoftg8ge En8ue8tICB. tt Lender reQat�ed mnK8a9e tnsu►ance es a eonddion at making the[flan seciued by thLs ;: •:
<br /> � Seaniry tnstrmneM.Hortower shatl p�l the preniums►e�ufred to matr�fsin tAe martgage insu�noe in eHect t�for eny►�eason.tha
<br />.. 4 .�,., .: �r•`J..:::
<br /> - morDgage insurance eoverage reQut:ed bY L�tder t�se.s as ceases ta be in�d. Bartow�shaU pay the�emiums tequired to ..
<br /> obtain eoveage subs�Ly e@ulrale�t to tha mart�ge tnsuranee prevtous�F in eHm3. ai a eost subs�ta'�4lI e4uivete�t to the
<br /> cost to Bormwer of tRe mertgage insuranoe prevtousty (n efted, ftom an altemate mortgage Insurer�oved by lendei H ,
<br /> subs�ia4y equMatent m.ortgage[nsuranee coverage is not avaaabfe.Bortawa sAaD pay to L�der ea�raorrfh a sum equaf to �4
<br /> � • one�welftb ot the yc�ady martgage insuranae prenium b�ng V�a till Bortawer wAen the tnsurance cov�age iaps¢d or crosed w ���� .
<br /> . . ti�.f' �B It1 E�ted l.�td�w31 acoePL tJSe end�HtaL1 theSe Paymeets es 8[053�evo in��Ot mmtgege irtSUfenCe. Lo.SS�es�+►e
<br /> . a..�
<br /> • paymaRs rtmy no tortger be requined.at the aption of le�d�U mortgage irtsurance coverage(in the amatmt and tor the peifod —_
<br /> • thac Le�td��equ�ce.$) vroNaea ty�msuter avv��lr�,a�a�in 6ecames avaTaaf�ite ena is obffiine� 8omaw�snaa pay . �;,.
<br /> � . the permlums ce�tir�to mafimin maR�98 lnsuranee in eReeC or to provide a[oss reseve.urt67 the r�dremaR tar trtortgage ;:•. ;'.
<br /> " insuianee ends(n acmrdanea w8A eay►wrftten agreartert beiwe�Bo�v+�and L�d�or aypQeahte Iav�. -
<br /> _ :.� �Y �.tr►specttor�.�a�o►�ag��r��o�te e�n�es won�a u���o�a me a�o�r. �a�r snan y,re
<br /> Bomower nottce et the thne o!or prtor to an inspecUon sAeedyM9 reasanaU:e cause for the inspeetian. .
<br /> `.;f.�'�. 10. Condomnatlar�_ihe praceeds of arry av+ard ar dalm tor damages. dIrect or cansequentia�.in connedion w3h enl►
<br /> . , , eaad�on or other taldng of am+part of the Property. or for comreyanee In Qeu o!cond�raratlon.are hereby essi�ed end
<br /> �• slmfl 6e pafd to Lendei
<br /> ., , In the eved o! a total midng of the Pmpagl. the proe�eds sha0 be eppHed w the sums smued by thfs SeauitY -_
<br /> _ InsLument.wheth�ar nol f3�en due.w�ii eny excess pakd to Ba�rar�er. In ths event ot a partLaf tatdng of tha P�epe�ry 1n whtch
<br /> � - ffie fatr matice!vafue at tAe Prop�ty hnmed'mtefy 6dore the teidng is equal to or�eater than the amauM of the sums seaued ���-,-
<br /> ' ` `�:: '� by th(s SecurSy (nstrumem imm�y► betow the taWng. tmtess Borraw�and Lender othawise a�ae in writing, the sums •:.�
<br /> seaued by thts Se�aufD/Instrument shaU be�duced by the amoimt ot the Rsoceeds mu�tpUed by the faIIoadng iractiotr. (�)the `;�'.'`
<br /> e auf
<br /> .. � totat emmmt of the sums seaued hmrtediate!!►Eetore the tatdng.divided by(pl the fair maAcet vaiue af�t4oper[y�atdY a.�•y=.-
<br /> � `, .. betore the taktng My balance sh�6e pald to Baaower. tn ffie event of e p�Rial taldng of the Propary ic�attrlch the tair madcet ,�=;°
<br /> . vatue ot the PrapeBy t�ned�atety betore the tatdng is les.s than.t�a amoimt af the sums seflued(mmedratet�f betore the t�ktng. � �=��;�
<br /> . .�:� . .: : �mtess Bomewer and Lende��rfse a�ee in m�ing or unless eDD6cabte taw atha�o?�a Pravides.the Vroceeds shafl ba ;;•.;,
<br /> • - appDeQ to the s�nns seare�blt�ss SeemitY Cns4ument vfiether or not the�are then due. --
<br /> � � It the Propety is abandened Ey Bortcwr�:or H.ffitv nadce by L�ender Ua Bortower that the concEanmor oft�s tn make en ,.
<br /> award or seqle a dalm tor damages. Bo�a�cc�t ia�s to respond to LenQe►wfthin 3D days aRer tha d�ta the natt�o tglven.
<br /> n
<br /> . . . . lenda is authorized to coIIect and aPAty the proceeds� at ita opUon. eiNer to restoration or�patr af the Rcoperty �._"r__'
<br /> .� sums sewred by this 3eaRity Insdumerrt.wfiether or nat the�due. �:��_
<br /> . � , . Y� Unlesa lenda and Bortower othenMse agree In wri'r�cy erry apA6eatlon ot proceeds to pdndpal sAafl no1 �Gend or _.
<br />_ . ,: ;� Pastpotte the due date of the morrthly Payments refemed to�i�ara�aphs t and 2 or ehange Me emourA ot such paymerrts. P---•.•
<br /> 11. �or�wer Not Rs�ease�; Forbearance 8y L.ender Not a Wafver.Extension ot the tlme tor paymem or
<br /> mod�tt�tton ot�r.ortimtlen o1 the sums secu►ed by 4hls Secu►iry Inshumeit granted by Lemt�to any succe.ssor in interes!of _ -
<br /> '� � � Borrower shaA not operate to reiease the Uab�►ot the origfnal Barrower or Borrower'e suceessors in b�tere..^t. lender shaU not =:-
<br /> �' S��'i�'j. ..,Y:: . 6e �quired to eommence procee�ngs agafist arry suce�ssor in tnteiest or refuse to aGend tbne for pa�ymatt or otheewise �'���
<br /> - .�;�.,, e w�s ---
<br /> � -- -
<br /> ::��,���-'f.. _ -
<br /> _..f1;�ry,y. , . `,�. m¢ili;y emart�tlan ot the sums secured by thb 6eGUity►Ustrumeni by reason ot e�ry de��d mad BhaD not be�e waNet of or _
<br /> ;:,:, . �:�. Bo�tnvrer's s�.�+x�ssors in intecest Arry forbearance by Lende► tn exerd:Ltg.ar►Y ctgM �dY �
<br /> 7 � pre�de tDe cx�tdrae ot srry d�t or remedy.
<br /> 12. Suc�u�sors and Asstgn�Ba+sad; Jotm end S�vasr�i L1abitt� Castgnera The eovenancs ana _
<br />_ „�..�� . a�ne�s of t�b Security tnstrument sha0 bin0 enA bene5t the successorrs end assl�s o1 L�ender end Borrowet subject W the
<br /> _ • . � � prevlslons of para�aph 17. BoROwets covenants and ag[�an�nts sha0 be jolrtt and several. My Borrovre who co-st�s thfs
<br /> � � . '.`.;; 9ec�ily Inatr�unent but does no!execute the Nota (a)[s r.a�tr�ning thfs Seairlry(nstrumertt onty to moR�ge,grant and corney :�_
<br />= tr.�t sorrm►rers mteresi m tne�operty under�e terms �r�r�s se�re►y msaumenr, (b)is no1 personaQy obVgaied to pay the . -
<br /> • �;� ;� sums seaued W this Securltj► tnatrument mrtd(c)a�ees that Lender�sd arry oth�r Borrovrer may acyea to extend,modAy.
<br /> • � forbear or mzt��erry aecommodaUons with m�ard to the tertns o!this 3aau1ty tnsWmerrt or the Note without that Borrowefa
<br /> ,t:f .: � CCltSEnL .
<br /> ;���•. •' 18. 40� Ch�g03.It :.he loan secured by thfs Seauily► Instrument Is subjecl to e law whtcfi sets maxlmum taan ,,;;`
<br /> - .:r�s;�' cha.rges;atrd that law la finr,�y ��sCSrpreted so that the tnterest or other tean charges ax2e�ed or to be coQected tn connection _ -
<br />_', t-� .. � . . wftb the loan excaed the R�'�2d Cmits.thm: (a)eny sucb lot�t�charge shaU be redlcaEd by the a.^,aimt nece.ssar�/to reduce . �
<br /> - � • the eAarge to .11te pennnt2d OmfC and Q�) anyl sums afrPady coUected trom Borrower whlch excee�.rs�permttce0�S+►lID be
<br /> • � reflmQed to Banwgr. Lendel may choose to matce thls rehmd by redudng the prindpal owed unff�l4�Note or by making a ..
<br /> _ . � dtm.et paym�t ta Bortower. It a retund �educes pr6idpa�the reduction aY�U 6e treaied as e patdai prepayment w�hout ar►y
<br />- � � � � • p�p�ment dtarge ureder tRo Note.
<br /> -. �� 14. NCBP�.My noUce to Bortower provlded for tn thls Secudty tnstrument sha0 6e glven by daIlvering H or by maIDng�
<br /> :�,�; : , ��; by first dass�untess aDp�cabte law requUes use of another method. Tha noUee shaD tre dlr�erl to the Propecry Ad�ress
<br /> � • , �i or anyr ather addre.ss Bomower deslgnates by noUce to Lendv. My noUce to Lender sha0 be gNen by ftrst dass maif to
<br /> • LendeYs address st�ed hercVn or erry mher ad�a Lender desfqnates by notice to Bortawer. Any notice provlded for tn thb
<br /> = ' •�i Security InsWment shall be deemed to have been given to Bortower or Lender when{�ire�as proviQed in thls paragmph.
<br /> ., �.� 15. Govaming 1$vr, S0Y@rebllity.Thls Securtty (nstrument shaU be govemed by tederal(aw and tha Iaw a1 the �
<br /> juds�cUon in whtch the Property is loeated. tn the event thal arry prmdsion w dause o1 thts Securny tnstrument or the Nate
<br /> '+ • � � � eontpcts rAth app�rabte taw.sueh contllcl shaA noi affeet other provlslons ot th'rs Securhy tns�umerrt or the Note whlch ean 6e
<br /> - � � given eftect without the eonflldtrig Provlslon.To thls end the provfslons o1 thls Security InsWment and the Note are dedared to _ . .
<br /> _ � � be Seuerable. '
<br /> . .�
<br /> 16.BoRaVUOr's Capy. Borrower shaU be given one ear�fortncd copy of tl�e Note and ot thls S�rity tnstrument.
<br /> _y ' ti
<br /> , � • .' ! �//(/j.
<br />_,�. . . � i13t6.UY:0(1An Rage 3 of 5 .��. . ..
<br /> :�_.._ '._. '--'
<br /> t ,
<br /> . .fi
<br /> �, � 9T7B2 ,' .
<br /> : �
<br /> . -
<br />