<br /> under the Nole and this Security Instrum��n[ shall bc made in U.S. currency. Howcvcr, if any chcck or olher
<br /> instrument receivcd by Lende,�as paymenl under the Note or this Security Instrumatt is relurncd lo Lender unpxid,
<br /> Lcnder mtty require lhal any or all subscqucnt paymcnts duc under lhe Nole and lhis Security Inswmcn[bc made in
<br /> one or more of the following forms, as scl�lul by Lender. (a)cash;(b)money ordey(c)ecrtified check,bank check,
<br /> trcasurer's chcck ur cashier's check,provided xny such chce:k is drawn upon an inslilution whose dcposils are insurcd
<br /> by a federal agency, instrumenWity, or entiry; ur (d) Eleelronic Funds rransfer.
<br /> Paymenls are dcemed received by Lcndcr whcn received at lhe location designated in the Notc or al such other
<br /> localion as may be designated by Lcnder in ac,�:ordance with lhe notice provisions in Seclion 15. Lcnder may reWrn
<br /> any payment or partial paycnent if the paymcnt or parlial payments are insufficient to bring thc Loan currenL Lender
<br /> may accept any payment or partial pxyment insufficienl lo bring Ihe Loan currc,n[, withoul waiver of any rights
<br /> hereundcr or prejudice to ils righLs to refuse such payment or putial payments in the futurc, bul Lcnder is not
<br /> obligaled lo apply such pnyments at the ume such paymcn[s xre xec�yLed. If cach Pcriodic Pxyment is applicd as of
<br /> its scheduled due date, lhen Lender nced not pay inlcrest on unapplied Cunds. Lender may hold such unapplied funds
<br /> until i3orrowcr makcs payment lo bring lhe Loan currenL If Borrowcr docs nut do so wilhin a reasonable period of
<br /> time, Lender shall either apply such funds or retum lhem lo k3orrowcr. lf not applied eadicr, such funds will be
<br /> applicd to the oulstanding principal balunce under the Note immediataly prior �o foreclosure. No offsel or claim
<br /> wlucll Borrowe,v migh[have now or in lhc future againsl Lender shall relieve Bocrowcr from making payments due
<br /> under Ihe Note and lhis Sccurity Instrumenl or performing the covcnanls and egrcemenls secured by this Security
<br /> lnsirumc�t.
<br /> Z. Application of Payments ur Prxeeds. Except as othcnvisc describcd in Lhis Section 2, all pxyments
<br /> awe,pled and applicd by Lcndcr shxll be applied in the following order of priority: (a)inlerest due under the Note;
<br /> (b)prinoipxl due under lhe Note; (c)amounts due under Sec.Kion 3. Such payments shall be applied to cach Periuclic
<br /> Paymenl in thc order in which it became due. Any rcmai�ing ttmounls shall be applied first to late chargcs, second
<br /> to any olher amounts duc undcr this Sccurily Inslrumcnt, aod then to reducc the principal balance of lhe Note.
<br /> If Lender receives a payment Gom Borrowa for a dclinqucnt Pcxiodic Payment which includes a suffcient
<br /> amount to pay any late chazgc duc, the paymcnt may be applied to thc dclinqucnt payment nnd thc lale charge. If
<br /> more [han one Periodic Paymcnl is oulslanding, Lender may apply any paymcnt received from k3orrower lo lhc
<br /> r�pxyment of the Periodic Payments if, and to the extem that, cxc:h paymenl can be paid i� full. To lhe extcnt that
<br /> any exccss eacists aller lhe payment is applied to thc full pxyment of one or more Periodic Payments,such cxecss may
<br /> be applied lo any late charges duc. Voluntary prepaymcnts shxll be applied first to any prepayment charges and then
<br /> as described in Ihe No[e.
<br /> Any applicazion of paycnents, insurancc procads, or Miscellaneous Proceeds to principxl due under the Note
<br /> shall not extend or postpunc thc due date, or change the amou�t, of�he Periodic Payments.
<br /> 3. Ftinds for Escrow Items. Bortower shall pay lo Lender on the day Periodic Paymcnts are due under the
<br /> Note, untd thc Notc is paid in full, a sum(the "Funds")to provide for paymcnt oF amounts due for. (a)haees and
<br /> assessmeuts and olher items which can attain priority ovcr this Security]nslrumenl as a lien or encumbrancc on the
<br /> Properly; (b) Icaschuld payments or ground rents on the Properfy, if any, (c)premiums for any and all insurancc
<br /> required by Lender under Seclion 5;xnd(d)Mortgage Insurttnce premiums, if any, or any sums payxblc by 13orrower
<br /> to Lender in licu of lhc paymcnl of Morlgage lnsurance premiums in accordancc wilh the provisions of Scction 10.
<br /> Thesc i[ems nrc celled"Escrow Ilems." At originatio�or xt xny time dtiring tt�c lerm of lhe Loan, Lender may rcyuirc
<br /> that Cummunity Association Dues,Fees,and Assessments,if any,be escrowedhy Borrower, and such dues, fecs xnd
<br /> asscssmcnts shall he an Escrow llem. Aorrower shall promptly fucnish lo Lender all notices of amounls to 6c paid
<br /> under this Section. Bomower shall pxy Lcnder lhc Funds for Escrow llems unless Lendcr wxives Borrowcr's
<br /> obligation to pay the Funds for xny or xll Escrow 1[ems. Lender may waive Borrowc.T s obligation to pay to Lendcr
<br /> Funds for eny or all Escrow[[etns al any time. Any such waiver mxy only bc in wriling. In ihe evcrot of such waivcr,
<br /> Borrower shall pay direcQy, whcn and where payablc, thc emuunts due for any Bscrow Items Cor which pttymenl of
<br /> Funds has been waived by Lender and, il'Lender requires, shall furnish lo Lender recx:ipts evidcncing such payment
<br /> within such[imeperiod as Lender may require. Bomower's o6ligetion lo make suchpaymenls and fo providc;rcceipLs
<br /> shall for all purposes be deemed to bc x covcnant and agreement con[ained in this Security Instrumenl, as the phrase
<br /> N�RASKA--Single Family--Fannie MaelFreddie Mac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT- MERS DocMaglcQ�lTuSnA;.
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