<br /> '3'o�et3ier with all i-ights, easesl�ents, appi€�-tenances, royalties, 31�i�zeral rigl�ts, oil and gas rights, all watei-
<br /> and riparian rights, dicchcs, and waccr stock an�all exiscina and future improvcmcnts, structures,
<br /> �ixtures, and reptacements that may nou, Qr at anw time in the future, be part of the reai estate described
<br /> ahove(al4 rcferred to as "Troperty"}.
<br /> 3. MAX3MUM 013LIGATION LIMIT. The tota3 principa] an-�oui-�t secured by this Security Instrwnent at
<br /> any onc timc shall not cxcccd $ 8 Q35 0C3__________ This limitation of amo�t docs nai includc
<br /> inlerCsl and other tees anc3 char�,es���ladly n�ade}�ursuanC to tl�is Security Instrumeni. Also, Lhis
<br /> fimitatic�n dc>es nnt�pp1y Fea a.rlvances rnade��nder the term.�f this Seci�riTy Tnstrument tri prc�tecr.
<br /> Beneficiary's security and to perform �y of the covenants contained in this Security I��strument.
<br /> 4. SECLRED DEBT AND FU"['URE A��V�CES. T6e term "Secuzed DebT" is de�ane€i as follows:
<br /> A. l7ebt incurred under the terins csf a�1 prorr�issory note(s), contract(s), guaranty(ies) ar other evidenct
<br /> af debt deseribed belotiv and al� thear extensions, rene��als, moditications or substit��tions. (LY"hen
<br /> r�fereM�i,zp tfie rl�hts h�lnw <1 is s�a,��E�stec31hn1��oia inclr,rde iiems s�se1�as borro��-ers' i�nnzec, nole
<br /> uYi1Q(.1/'1�5', 4/'1(LY(.5'L YUIC'.�', /7iLt/C1Y{fL'C�(LfL'S'. L'(L'.�
<br /> Promissory No#e #534434 dated €39/17/2012 in the amouni o# $$,035.Q€7 maturing on
<br /> O9/1 7/2019
<br /> F3. :�11 ti��irre 1dv�nces from Bcsieficiary to TrListor or�thcr fiiturc obligations ot Trustor to Scncfic.iary
<br /> uricler any prumis5cny nr��e, cczn�rad, u,�i�arans��, nr nther evrdene.e of del�t execi€[ed 1�}'Tnis[or in
<br /> £avUr of$e�ieftciaty executed aftcr T11is Sc�urity lxe�ll-urneril whcLhc;r ur nc�L Lhiti '�c:�uriLy EntiLrumcnL
<br /> is specifically refereilced. Ifmore tl�an one pei-sot�sig�s this Security Iizstnul�e�it, each Ta-usior
<br /> a�-ees that this Security 7nstrumenE will sccurc a[1 future advances and future obligations thai are
<br /> giv�n tu ur incurrecl by dny one Qr rnore Trustor, or any one ar mare Trustor and athess. All future
<br /> advances and other future obEag�iions are secured by this Securi�y Instrumeni even Lhou,�uh all or part
<br /> niay nut yet be acEvasx;c�i. All future ac3vances and o�ller tuture obligatio�is ar�secured as if il�ade an
<br /> the date of this Securiry I�strurnent. T�iot�ing in this Security Instrument shall consiitsate a
<br /> coin�nitmcnE co make additional or future loans or advanczs in any amount. Any such commitment
<br /> must be agre.ed Lo in a separate`i�riting.
<br /> (". :111 ot�Ji�atrons Trus[nr o���es Yn Beneficiary, cvhich may latcr arisc, to thc cxtcnt not prc�hibitUd by
<br /> law, incluclsng, hu�.nnl. limited t�; liahilities for overdr�tfts relflting fo any depasit �ecount
<br /> a�,rccznent bet[�°eetl'1'rustur ar�zl�3cnctic;i�ry.
<br /> D. �.]] additional sein�s advanced and expenses ineurred Uy Se»eticiary for insu�ii��, paese�'vir�� oc'
<br /> o[hertt-ise protecting the Property and its valuc and an��other sums ad�anczd and ekpenses incurred
<br /> Uy F3cnetiiiary uni3�r Lhe Lcrms€�i�Lhis Security Instrument.
<br /> This Security Instrunlent will not secure a�1y o#her deUt if$e�ieficiary fails tu aive a€iy reyuired rtoti.�e cff
<br /> the ri�ht of rescission.
<br /> 5. PAY1�IF.N`f'fi. Trcas�nr agrees r.hat alI ��y-ments under the Secured Debt will bc.paid whcn duc and in
<br /> accordance with the ternas uf tkle Secixrcd Dcbi a��cl LI�iS �ecuriLy InsLrumenL.
<br /> 6. VV ARR_ANTY OF TTTLE. Trustar warrants�har Trustor €s or w�il] he]a�vfully seized of the estate
<br /> convcycd by this Security lnstrument and has the r3ght to irrevocably�rant, convey, arid se11 the Property
<br /> tn`t'rustee, in trust, �tzth po�-cr of sale. "I`rLcsior also v��arrants that the Pro�erty is caner€cumbered, eYce�t
<br /> far cn�uir��ranc:es c>I�record.
<br /> 7_ PRIOR SECUR7TY I?V�ERESTS. ��'itii regard io any other moz[gage, deed of trust, aecurity
<br /> a,greenlent or otlzer lie.n dociuncnt tI�at ercatcd a pr�or security interest or encun�brance an the Properiy,
<br /> Trustoa' agrees:
<br /> A. To make all payn�ents when due and ta perforiii o�' cuax3ply witl�all e:vvciiarit5.
<br /> $_ To pro�nptly dcliver to Benct�ciary any notices that Trustor reeeives fi-oro the holclec-.
<br /> C. 7�`oL Lo allow•any madiftcatian or exEer�sio�of, nQr to reqtiest any future advaneas under any nc�te�r
<br /> agree�nent secured by tktc licn €Sucu�xi�nl wi�hout Benel�ciary`s prior written cansent.
<br /> $. CL.�IMS AGAINST T1TLE. Trustor w€[l pay al# taxes, asscsscr�cut�, ]iens, enc;urr€br:tnt;e5, ]e:tse
<br /> pa}�ncnis, �ro�ind rents, utiiities, and other charges re(ating to tlte Property�rUe�i due. Bei�eficia�y i��ay
<br /> reyuire Trustor to provide in Beneliciary copfes of all notices that such amounts are due and the receipts
<br /> evidencin<? Tr€istor's payment. Trustor will defenc€title tn the I'r�perty agarnst any claamc rhat.vvr»ild
<br /> in�pair the lien of this Security Instrument. Trustor agrees to assis�n to Beneficiary, as requested by
<br /> Reneficiary, any ritrhts, c.lairres or ciefe.nses 'l rustnr may have a�ains#parties��ho supply labor or
<br /> �naterials to maintain or improvz the Prnperty.
<br /> .`.."i44.14
<br /> Securi�y InsErunent-Censumer-NE RE.6T..NE '.'��2a'l'E
<br /> V��Af'� Oahkera 3ysLemsrM FrP.;�CF&5{NEJ{�[07j
<br /> �oltPrtH€iiwPrF'..,�anr.iai.^,P.rvi�.a� �p- tg94,?Oii ��Pa�
<br /> ➢
<br />