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<br /> ` _ DE�OF TRUST � .
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<br />� _ � �::<�� .� � Q�T�i13 O6�l�G��NSL�.4 lASQB OA CSPTSM$SC�'-�-2� 199T ,among tha Grantar. Wft.t.iAM L.MOilR6Pi AND_ _.e;_�`.
<br /> F'. BmrerzR r.rnr rrmtRew, aacaatae stm� /�6GitotNer'!. .
<br /> . i� ' •
<br />- . . - _ ERRT1If R i�IAACR� AT7YfRNRV y "
<br /> � vuhose tfl8tdonCe 8dmresti is on ao��p. r,n.,�a r.,ta.,a, s.at. CAtrtttyl.NeLreB(cn E'Ttustee'L 8nd Bte 88neNeiaty, G -
<br /> , � �,....e en�.�r* e*�sr�r�e n rnat� �aQnnrnicsrnN .8 WJpOf8tI0110T88111i@d � .
<br /> �•�;` _ end esisUng�mder tha taws ot_ nmaAna whase ad�ess is ��trrH r.rsrtrsT gma�r, � ;
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<br /> . � �`f �nww�n �r�T.rw+rfn wroenravvw �AAf1�-�000 �`LBtlQBP). , .
<br /> . CONVEYAHL:E For v8hce ret:etved.Barmwer 6revar�l'9.���d comrells to Tw^tee.in tmst,witA powtrv of saie,the real property,af whtch �
<br /> ;:r< � �� •'� Bartower is tawtury seizeB.described tretaw am�s�rirm�se. fixduea,end existFa9 and fimue improvements tf�ereon and a!1 ri8htga!-wal/. "",�"
<br /> . .,, . easemertts. �ts, issues. ProfRS. incGr•�4snemer.s.Tmred'itamanis. PrivIIeSQS and acry eppurtenances tharewnu betongin9(aA caUad tha
<br /> ;`: �'� 'D��►'1• �
<br /> }`�� �•���`=; PRO��iTYA�DAF&8:� 209!� tJ r.panvrrrrtx , �san*m Tcr.nur► ,Ne6raska 69A03 ��
<br /> ,` tEQAlCESCiiiPT(CH: � (uM �0�1 �:
<br /> � � �f� N89RASRA. ���
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<br /> _ r.: �.; . , � _-
<br /> � <. .i --
<br /> taoated in xn►r c. " Ca�zmj.Nebraska. �� �
<br /> Mt�Borto�ver eovenarns and warrarns ti�e tn the ro e .sxoe fr�r �'"'
<br /> :�;�r'�i;�' 0 0 n1/ Pa �_�,....
<br /> R..;•�
<br /> .l:S'p"��%r � •. . � . ' _____
<br /> '<;�i�k����.. .`��.:• SECt.'�ED DF�T:This deed of trust se�r.es tu le�d¢r repaymom o4 ihe sepued Qebt and the pertamience of the cavenartts�l�agteemerta "_-,_
<br /> eo�tained In tNs Qeed oi buat and in any ather doc�.�t tneorpo�atea heretn.Secured deLt,as used tn this deed a!tiusL indudes sny amaws -_—
<br /> • , ':.. Borrov�er owes to Lender under thTs dead of trust or u;:dar ar►y instrt�moM sewred by this desd of trusG and atl modiftcaciona,e�cter�to�an� —
<br /> ,. . , ranewate thereuf. ._.._
<br /> , Tha secured dabt fa eviQenced by(List oTJ instrumeMS an0 agreemare��ecueed by this deed of trust�nd tha dates�tharaot): . —_
<br /> , . �
<br /> . ,;'.
<br /> ... � �,AROM7�enev .,r�e anm �C�TTSL�Il3�..r��*�'+' na�rae �ei?nmmRn_ro ��� ,aa� =.-,
<br /> �fumue AQvencas:The atrava amowrt ts secured sven thougA a0 or pan of it may aot yet 6e advanced. Future advanees era �`��
<br /> ,. .;�� Cpntempigtod end wiil bs seatred to the same extent es if made on�ss dete this dead•o!trust is execumA.
<br /> � ❑ aevolving Itns ot�aredit agreement QateO ,witA U4tle1 annual Uqerast rete of 93:- � �
<br /> ,;t •�� r. • All amouctts owad under t4ais agreement are sea�sed evsrs thougfi ai!emounta may net yet ba advartce0.fuMe ac6vs3nces unQer
<br /> •• ;•??+."°�. " � � the egreemertt ere oo rt�te a an d w 3 U b o 88cwe d tm�same euts.�t as I f m a ds aca�n Q a t a N i a d e e d o f V u s t L s�[e d. -
<br /> ���s1s,•: . �•... 7: _"
<br /> � � '�:�` Tho eDove oDitgeBOn is due end payabte on A[!TAAP.R � �enn ff nni pffid eaiiter. . �
<br /> ' . .. �� Tha totsl unpald batance seeure4 by this saed of tr�st at arry one time ahell not exceed a maxlmum piincipal amotmt of ___
<br /> . muova Twneanxn snr:am smrmq+xn�rrv Qee�a�e man estr�nn Ool(e/818 a�9�A_Ao I.p(u9 hKOtEF�st, •—,:
<br /> ._ �:•:t;
<br /> ���, plus arry amounts disbursed un�e�a terms of thts deed cf�t to protoct the seeurity o!this deed ot trust or to pa�arty of the � .
<br /> ,,. •;� . cavsnante eatneinoa In this Qeed c�r trus4 with iMerest on sa�o CGSbursemants. �.._:
<br /> .p;���;� .._
<br /> � ��• � ❑VeriaEto Rate:ThB interest�ate on the obligaUon seeured by thfa deed et°�rst may vary Aeeording to tho tartna of that otsCgratlon.
<br /> , ' • '� ❑ A copy of the toan agreemeM contalNng the terms under whicA ths ir,tsrest rate may vary is attached w thts Qeed of trust ar[�
<br />- . ..1. maQe a part hsreof. �
<br /> , ��s:O commeretat 6� n�Gar�,rnm�sr ers rzm,rra _ p -- -
<br /> '''-' � i:' OESIGHATION OF HOMf.9'iFAD , -"
<br /> _1,t``_t --.
<br /> � � • •�' Fursuant tn the Farm Momestaad Protection Act,designeRton of homestead ❑ is attached to tAis Qeed of Vuat end maQa e part hecaot
<br /> . � ' '�
<br /> ' ❑has baen dlactaimed;C1e disclaimer is aKecAeA to this deed of Vust end maCa a ymt hereof.
<br /> � .�:� ':�
<br /> SIGMANREB:fiy alg�ng betow.Barrawm agrao to 8►a terms nrt+!eawnatrto eac�ah:ed in tlila dend of wat,tnduding Ma:sr on pago 2,attd In i'j;
<br /> : . . c7don deaeHbsd above stgx0 by Barrower. • •.`•,
<br />. �`.� � _ :., � ��/� �1r�f�.J ��� �-����,�
<br />_ ,,''. '.
<br />- �I'..i�5�. � .. � �
<br />- •� ' ACi�OWLEOGMENT:STATE OF NEBRASttA, smt t. Coutoty ss:
<br /> ' �' • 7h0 foragotng instrumeM was ecknowfedged b9fare me on ttii9 �2ue Aay of Q�t�ptt, 1 oa�
<br />° . , . bS/ Wtf.t.TnM.T. M Af1 nf1H A t2 f�1tt M A�4]� t7iTf7AAt�f Atfl'f WfPR -
<br />� mulro��
<br />_ •. CoroQ+tsa � amneMCarOaatlama�tHmst+t0)
<br /> . �
<br /> - " . a`d1OY'1°°�`"0"� e on 6ahatf of the wrparaUon or partnereh(p.
<br />�, .•
<br /> • My eomm ort oxp aa: �I _ ' ___' � n }
<br /> _ � : . . .. tsaao `" "� °�• �`�1�'�..� olatmv viASef .
<br /> _. .. . . ..; .
<br /> -_.._ . . �9(tISUi77RB111 W88�t@�ffi@d� CFZRTA].ilbSK7R ..,
<br /> � o�ses�nco�s svsteras,we.,s�.e�ow.Me se3o�nsoos�asan ra�n ocv-Nrto-r�ensr�� ppBLtt 00038061 �POeO�°1� N���StSA �
<br /> �'. '
<br /> CCD#t 0100470329
<br />