, . . _ v
<br /> �..: � . . . _ .._ + _ �_ ;< :ti
<br /> -., _ - — —� -- .,.,
<br /> , Y �,�.. • . \ � . . ..� �t ` . . t _ . .
<br /> �._ h >r - lt �!, . i �. �,1 . _ �� �' `•_
<br /> r� ���"x c s �' r r :�'.' ? � �* :� �� ;d�t z C•'`.,d. '��4+. ' s.,
<br /> ..; _...� °,, w.,'--`-
<br /> ���. �h`� g�� /d�'�3
<br /> . , covauaens . .
<br /> , `a 1. Payrtc�tm. 8osrowa► e8raes to cnake atlpayme�on tha seauad debt when Que. Untes9 BaROwer emd Lender e�ee oth�mv�e. am► � ��,'
<br /> �, ,... .. : � . .
<br /> . ° ; payt�ta�l,erider�G�ftom 8alrawer as ia Boaowar's benefit wf0 bo apPtiad ttiat to enY amaimm Borrower owes an tha secured debt
<br /> t� , ezettuhts of lr�0eres�ot priitei�a6 68eostd to(rRerosL and then to Prtncipal•if vaitlal oreOaSrtne�of tAe secured debt oeeius tar acry reasot�tt witf
<br /> • � nut re�e�exeuse enY achad�daA PaYment eu�tti the seeaqed debt ts pald in tull. �
<br /> . �,��A�SIs�t t�a�u��v�1_Pa�f alf.�.aSGessmertm,as�d other d+arBee attrFbutaLta to tfieptopeny wAen du�msd wif!detend tiUa :,� � -
<br /> �' ,` ` ` to tho OroperN enY wnfch wo ait the Gen of this deed of Ws�I.ender may requ6s Bmrower to assign enll d8!►ts.etatms or
<br /> � ., s : detem3ea v�h rro► n[II1F�' .. ' .�4vrib BupPM teDor or rt�erFats to imProva ar mairtain tha provertil• . �
<br /> ``,� . 3,psstumree.Batrowe►wEl keop ttfe proparN tasured unde►mm�s aeeeptaEto to Lender at Barrowei's expensa end tar Lendsrs Cenefit.AIt ,
<br /> h�enoe pcfudes st�aD indudo a standatdmortg ags efause 1n fas+mr o!L�nder.Lender wili ds name8 as tosa payee or as the inEiued on a�ry sueh
<br /> ,.� hssurence polts,y.A�ry tn�renr�ptaeeeda may 6sa fi�ed.vuithin Lendefs discretlon.to ert�er the restoration ar repadr of the dama8ed P�RertY
<br /> yD d,
<br /> " or to thg seeivad debt it lendes req�res moRgago Ins�artce.Borrower a�ees to mair�taL�sud+insurenee tor as tong as lende►reqe�i�-
<br /> �....--,� 0.P4roII�N.Bcrtowar wi0 keeP the O�Pert1►tn good ecnd'Rian and ma'.�o sU�epahS�easona6N necessarY• ��
<br /> �'�g' 6.�9s.8otrowat tapay af!las�e's e�ensss.indu�!reasanable attomeys'fees.i/8orrower dreal�s any covanattts in this deed `
<br /> t •.";,�r .: af trust m in eny aE on secund by Ws deed W Atust Bcrrower wll paY these amow►ts to Lendsr as provided in Covensrtt 9 of tAis dead of
<br /> � • . trttst •
<br /> � ' 6.O4tor SeauEty tntaraats.Untess Borrower first ahtsins Lendera written consenL Borrower wiU not make or permit mil►d�art9as��Y P�o� '
<br /> . .,�; �,- seanfty inmrests.Bartnwer wiU perfarm eD of Barmwar's otUgatiarts under anY P���Se,deed of vust ar other seaffitlr e�eemert. �., :
<br /> , .. indu�ing Barrovuefs cavenartts t�mai�Daymer�ts when due.
<br /> ` � � . �04 RatAa aod Prafits.Boaower asslgns to i.ender U�e�and praftta of the property.Untess Borrower and Lender fieve a�eed , 3�. ;.
<br /> e in miting.Bcrrower a►aY coitect and retain tne rente as tong as Bnrrower is not in defauiL It Barrower defaults.Eende►.Lende�s
<br /> • ageM,os a oaurt ap0oirted�ewtvermay take posssssion and manage the praperty end eoDect the rants•Amr rems Lender mitec�s sfiatl6B ,
<br /> eppUed first to th9�osTS ot rnanaglry�th9 D�P�lI.induding caur[casts and ettamays' fees,eomnlissions to remal age� and erry oth�
<br /> . . � necessacY related expenses-TRe rema�tung amawrt of rems wil9 then apply to payme�as�tAe seaued debt as provided in Covenartt 1.
<br /> - 8,��id�C�yms•p�umMi urdt pevalopme�.Borrower es to ecmp}y with the prohsions of amr tease it this deed of trust is on - _
<br /> under BUu�stou�i e an�eb�y-l�aw�regittatlons nt�ie�Qominium a►�C��eaiit Qeve�pme�i�terrt. Borrower wUl Pertorm el)af 8arrow8Ps dutles �
<br /> ' '� 9 qythmlty a}�der Lo parfarm tas Boira�rc+It Borrower,faRs mperform mry of Bmrowefs dWes under this deed of Vust, lenCer may �:.^:
<br /> . per[arm Ma duttes or cause them m 6e perfartned.Lendsr may sig»6artowera name ar Dsy a�ry amount if neesssary for perfora�anea.lf artY
<br /> � � ,,, ear�sttucdcn on tRe propeRN fa discoMinued or not cartiad an in a reasonabte manrter,Lender maY do whatever is rree�ssaN to protect Lendefs .
<br /> ,�� ` . secruity itKarast tn t�e praperty.This may indude compteting tfis eanstrucSon. ' ���
<br /> .,= `.-.,'.• . Lender's faTeue ta Perfonn wal rtot NeduCe Lender tmm e�rdsinp env o!its atner rigftts under the!aw or tNs deed ot VusL .
<br /> , pny�naurtta paid by LenEer to ptoteet Lendds semuity irnerest w�l be secuired by tAfs deed of trust.Such amau�wA!be dus on demand ���-
<br /> artd wdl bear Interest trom the date of tha paymem until patd in fW at the interest rate in effeet an tha 6eauad Qoflt. °:•�����..
<br /> 10.OspeWt m�d Aee�ara6on.1i Borroarar feils to make anyl payment when due or 6raaka arry coveoaMS under Ws deed ot�mist ota� � �:%:
<br /> • � �• •.� obligatton seciued Dy this deed of trust or arry prtoT moRgago ar deetl of Uust,Lender may aaelerets the maUaity of tAe secured detrt a�8
<br /> . AemanA imrne�aLa paytnertt eu�d may imroke the powe►ot sate snd arry other rem�es pertnitted by appGcaLte Iaw. .
<br /> .�__.-�:''r-.:..'r . . ..
<br /> '` � 11.Regirost for ltotles af Offa�t it is hereW requested that copies oi the notioes of defauft and eata be seM to each Person whn ia a party •••'.r
<br /> �,s;;��,� .� , .�: t�e�eto,at tfie addreas of eaeh sueb peraon,es set fcrd�hereirt. __
<br />` :�;�`�;;r. .. .,.�;: �-.
<br /> ..,�7.,:,, . ty poyQOt of Sa�.M ths LertQer invokea the power ot sale,t!►B Tnistee shaA firet ceraud in the offics ot the regicter of Qeeds c5 each cflimiy --
<br /> '"' whecein tha trust properiy or somo part o►parcef thereof is et�ated�nottce of detautt contaWng the iMom�ation required by taw.'the Trusize •
<br /> �-s" �'�i;�'`j. �� sha11 atso maif coAtea of the noUee ot delautt to the Barrower,to eaeh person wtio is a party hereto,and tu othar perso�as presrai68d� • �. ,�,
<br /> � . ' ,. �;v� apyUcable taw. Not iase than ons mor�tl�aRer the Truatoe recorc�the matiee of detauYt,or two momhs it tlre vust property is not in atry _`l`
<br /> ��Y ' ��� InearQarated ctty or villaSe and ts useQ in forming operatinna cartied on by ths trustor,the Tnistea aha0 give pubitc naUee of saia to the persons
<br /> ���: . �.�• mui in ttie manner prea�ihed Dy_epPPlieeble taw.Tnlstee,wfthaat damand on Borrower.shatl ssU the propartll at pub6a auation to Utis highest h��.
<br /> bTd��,tf tequired by the Ferm F�omestead Protectton Aet,Trustsa sfiall ofter the propg�ty in riva separate safes fls required by a�lGcabte Iaw.
<br /> �'���•1.r •� �� Tnist�may postpone sata af a11 ar any parcel of the properry 61r�ublio ennauneemer�t et th9 time and pieCe of eny pt0vtausiy S�tteduTBA s810. __-
<br /> °'`•�:^' • ' lendar or its dsstgne9 may purchase tha pmpeRy at any sale. � --
<br /> ��
<br /> Upon teceipt of paymerrt of lt�e prirs Oid,Trusteo sha0 deliver to tha purchaser Tr�.ee's deed comreying the pmpertY•The recitials contained in �?"�=
<br /> '.� �• �.:,: Tnistee's daed s4�1168 prima tacie evtdienee ot the truth of the stetemer�wcna3rad therein.YrusteB shaU apply the proeeeds ot Me set9 in the _
<br /> following order: (�to alt expenses of the selu, induQing, 6ut not limited to, reasonahte TruateA's tees, teasonabfe attomayo 4ees and �
<br /> '{r?�,,' ��' reinsta0ement fees;(D)to ell sum9 secured Oy this deed of trust,an0(e)the batance,it any,w the persons(epaUy ertiiiled to receivo k.
<br /> �'�"'' "�' 13,ic,.�xslosure.At LanQere opUon,th(9 deed of trust may CB torectosed In ths manner provtde by epplicab2e Iaw fot foreclosure of mortgages e� �
<br /> ,�������'�y,,-,` • on rea7 mraAerty. �y
<br /> � ��j�,l���',��' •'`''�`•'' 't4�edan.Lertder znay enmr tfie property to inspeot it it tsnder gives Bortower nottce beforehand.The nottce must stato tha reasortatrta
<br /> �':y'In�
<br /> . . . : �:•,'+T-:� cAUSe Caz lendclr's i�ctton.
<br /> ��iis�.. . '�` 16.45�rmafion.Borrower assians to Lender the procoeQs of eny award or cteim tar damages connected wftb a candemnatbn ar other taking _
<br /> ;f,;' � `5` of eftarr 3ny part otthe property.5�c�a praceeda w111 ba epplied as provfded in CovenaM 1.fiia asstgnment is subjeat to the terms of erry prio� =.�
<br /> .�.�:7,`,A � ` .�.�•:
<br /> _�,,ti.�' securiqi�greemertt. .
<br /> ,,y q,,y,,.:• ..,,•,
<br /> ,^__
<br /> � ��'' �: 16.Watvu.8y exeresing amr r me�y avaitabla to LsnQer,lender does aot give up�anv�ights to tater use e�r othet remeQy►.By rrot exeretsing
<br /> ' '` any remaQy upan 6ccrrnvefa d�R.Lender does not waive any�ight to later consider the evertt a detauk H it hsppana again.
<br /> �� ' 17.Jatnt and SevaaO�abSIItSr,t�aliNers: Sueceaaurv end Aeatpns BauM.All QuUos unQer thia Qeed of trust ere jotrrc and severet. My e_
<br /> ;;,�,i� ; „, � Bortowe�who co-af�s ttds dees!af frust Out Qoes not eo-sign tt►9 undetiving debt irasCument(s) does so onty to gram and convey tt�-a _
<br /> .y�.Y;� . BarroweYa iMerest in ma properrytn the T�uatee emder the term{ys of this Qeed of trust In aEdition suefi e Bortower agrees that tt�e lertder er�d
<br /> r':�3j8•;,` debt w�tcr ut tha��wer's�conse�i�t mnd wkha�ut reteaoli�g th�at Bonoweei nom th9gtemts oteNts deed of trugt.�dee0 0!Wst or tha sectued
<br /> :;< r,
<br /> � � ':;Y=� ' The duUes an0 6ar�Fis of thia deed of lrust aha0 D�and benofd the successors end assTgn+ot Lender and Barrawer.
<br /> ....,r %
<br /> ' 18.Natteo.Untesa otherwise re�ired Ey few,ar►y�cHce to Bartowa�shall 6e Biven by deRv9ring it or by maiti�i:Dy cOrtiNed mait aQdressed to ;;
<br /> Borrower at the proPerty addtess or anY�other adrbess that Banawar has gtven to Lender.Borcower wi0 giva x.r.y notice to lendar by certifled
<br /> ' � mait ta f.endePs adCresa on page 1 0!tNS deed af vust,or to a�o�ther addres9 whicA tsndar hae designated.A�y other nc�ce to lendet edall. •,
<br /> � 6e e�t to tendera aQdresa as stetad on page 1 of thia deed of truss.
<br /> � • . � ' � My notice ehall 0e doemeA to have been given to Bonower or Lender whan given in the mannei stated above. .
<br /> � 19.Tranetei of 4te Praperty ar a Bene9d�6�Lnest ta ffis Bonower.If atl or�y part of the proparty or ai+y tnterest in h is sotd or tranaferted ••
<br /> � without lcnder's pf�r +nrtttten consenL LenQet may demand immediate paymo:�!ai tha secured debL Len�s may elso Qemand immedlate
<br /> • 1 pde r�mrd pay�ment in tl�e above s�3wai on�s H k is proh3b�ited ay federol Iaw ea oi the date ot�ls dssd�of truste.nsf�re9 Howeval� LenQor may not
<br /> , •'`� • "' Zq�.R.aenvayanee.When tAe a5:,�tion seeured by tNs Qoad of trust has been patd and Lar�a has no further obtlgaUor+to make sdvancea ;�:�,,;;>,:
<br /> `..';;;�,`;'.' ` � �.,; ; un0ar the instrurtrent9 or agreemer.7s secure0 by thls deed of trust,the Trustee sfia1�,�on wriiten�epuest bY the LenQer,recomey tfio vust r,;,,;�-
<br /> � '��'`��� '. obliga�on so satist��'�s8onower shaU pe ya�rwee�orda on coQrgo�wer's auccesaor in irtteres,the trust deed end ttre note or other evidencs of tna �•:•�,�P�
<br /> ' `' �� 21.Suteesaor Trustee.LenQer, et Lendera ap�.i, may remova Trusteo an0 appoit►t e sueceasor uusiea by tirat, maiting a eopy o!the '��1;
<br /> � � suhr':utlon ot vuatoo ae requUed by appiica6te lauv,and tnen,bY fil)n$the substituUon of Vustee far record in tfia office ot tha register o!QoeEo �.`4.�:
<br /> � ot each courrcy in whieh the trust property,or some part thereof,is artuated.The suecessor truatee,without eamreyanee o!the property,shafl
<br /> aucceed w ell the power,dudas,au�arity and tiUe of the T�ustee named In the daed of truat end o!erty suceessar trustee. _
<br />._: .. . _.1 �
<br />-- - � . W�BZQIy .
<br /> ea�as svs�s.wc..sr.aaw.�u+ssao�n�eoo�s�•rseti�wad+otwHra-c�ena��
<br /> 4
<br /> , ;
<br />