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<br />THIS DEED OF TRUST, is made as of lst day of November
<br />and among SHANF M �MTTH and WANDA -L SMITH Husband and Wife ("Truetor"), whose 1
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<br />("'l�ustee"?, whose mailing address
<br />and PLATE ENTERPRISES LLC ("Beneficisry")
<br />whoae mailing addresa is_ 79(19 F._ Stnl l P� Park Road. Grand T, 1 and, NE. 68801
<br />FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, Trustor irrevocably transfers, conveys aad assigna to 'h�ustee, IN TRUST, WITH
<br />POWER OF SALE, for the benefit and security of Beneficiary, under and subject to the terms and condiUona of thia Deed oflYust,
<br />the real property located in the City of Grand Island , County of
<br />ua 11 , State of Nebraska, and legally described as followe (the °Properiy"):
<br />Lot Twenty Four (24), Saddle Club Subdivision, Hall County, Nebraska
<br />TOGETHER WITH. all rents, easements, appurtenances, hereditamenta, interesta in ad,joining roads, atreets and alleys,
<br />improvements and buildings of any kiad aituated thereon and all personal pmperty that may be or hereat�er become an integral
<br />part of such buildings and improvemeats, all crops raised thereon, and all water ri�hts.
<br />The Property and the entire eatate and interest conveyed to the 'l�uatee are referred to eollectively as the "Truet Eatate".
<br />a. Payment of indebtneas in the total principal amount of $ 122 , 500 . 00 ,�� ��� }�ereon, as evidenced by that
<br />certain prnmissory note of even date (the"Note") with a maturity date of November 1. 2027 ,
<br />executed by Trustor, which has been delivered and ia payable to the order of Beaeficiary, and which by thia reference is hereby
<br />niade a part hereo� and any and all modifications, extensions and renewals thereo� aad
<br />b. Payment of all sums advanced by Benefieiary to pmtect the Trust Estate, with intereat thereon at the rate of
<br />Four & one halfpercent ( 4� %? per annum, and
<br />c. The gsrformance of �Yustor's covenants and a�reementa.
<br />This Deed of Trust, the Note, and any other instrument given to evidence or further secure the payment and
<br />performance of any obligation secured hereby are referted to callectively as the"Loan Inatrumente".
<br />1. PAYMENT OF IIVDEBTEDNESS.1�vstor ahall pay when due the principal o� and the interest on, the indebtednesa
<br />evidenced by the Note, charges, fees aad all other sums as provided ia the Laan Instruments.
<br />2. TAXES AND ASSESSMENTS. Truator ahall pay all taxes and apacial aaseasments of every kind, now or hereafter levied
<br />against the trust estate or any part ttiereof as followe:
<br />(initial one?
<br />X Trustor shall directly pay such L8gE9� without notice or demand as each installment comes due and shall
<br />provide the beneficiary with evidence of the payment of the same.
<br />_ Trustor ahall pay to beneficiary one-twelfth of the real estate taxes each month and euch other assessments
<br />as they become due. The one-twelfth payment shall be adjusted annually ae the taxes change and trustor agreea that
<br />aiter payment of the taxes each year that any deficiency will be promptly paid to Beneficiary. Beneficiary agrees
<br />to provide tr�stor with receipts ehowing that the real estate taxes have been paid in full and when due.
<br />3. 1NSURANCE MTD REPAIRS. Trustor shall maintain fire and extended coverage insurance insuring the ungrnvements
<br />rand buildinga constituting part of the Trust Eatate for an amouat no less than the amount of the uapaid principal balaace of the
<br />Note (co-inaurance aot exceeding 809'a permitted). Such insurance policy shall contain a standard mortgage clause in favor of
<br />I3eneficiary and shall not be eancellable, terminable or modifiable without ten (10) days prior written notice to Beneficiary.
<br />1��ustor shall promptly repair, maintain and replace the 1'rust Estate or any part thereof so that, except for ordinary wear and
<br />tdar, the'lYuet Estate ahall not deteriorate. In no event shall the Trustor commit weste on or to the T�ust Estate.
<br />4. ACTIONS AFFECTING TRUST ESTATE. Trustor ahall appear in and contest any action or proceeding purporting to
<br />afl'ect the security hereof or the rights or powers of Beneficiary or Truetee, and shall pay all costs and expensea, includiag cost of
<br />evidence of title and attorney's feea, in any auch action or praceeding in whicb Beneficiaty or 15rustee may appear. Should Trustor
<br />fnil to make any payment or to do any act as and in the manaer provided in aay of the Loan Instruments, Beneficiary snd/or
<br />Trustee, each in its own discretion, without obligation ao to do and without notice to or demand upon 1�ustor and without
<br />releasing Trustor from any obligation� may make or do the same in auch manner and to such extent as either may deem
<br />necessary to pmtect the security hereot Trustor ahall, immediately upon demand therefor by BeaeSciary, pay all costs and
<br />eapensea incurred by Beneficiary in connection with the exercise by Beneficiary of the foregoing righte, includiag without
<br />limitation caste of evidence of title, court casts, appraisals, surveys and attorney�s fees. Any such coats and expenses not paid
<br />within ten t 10) days of written demand ehall draw interest at the default rate provided in the Note.
<br />b. EMINENT DOMAIN. Should the'I�ust Eatate, or any part thereof or interest therein, be taken or damag�d by reason of
<br />any public impmvement or condemnation proceeding, or in any other manner includin� deed in lieu of Condemaation
<br />("Condemnation" ), or ahould Truawr receive any notice or other information regardin� auch praceeding, Truator shall give prompt
<br />wcitten notice thereof to Benefieiary. Beaeficiary ahall be entitled to all compeneation, awards and other payments or relief
<br />therefur, and shall be entitled at its option to commence, appear in and prosecute in its own name any action or proceedings.
<br />Seneficiary shall also be entitled to make any compramise or aettlemeat in connectioa with such taking or damage. All euch
<br />compensation, awards, damages, rights of action and proceeds awarded to Trustor (the "Proceeds") are hereby aeaigned to
<br />13eneficiary and Truator agrees to eaecute such further aseignmente of the Proceeds as Beneficiary or Trustee may require.
<br />6. FU'1'IJRE ADVANCES. Upon requeat of Trustor, Beneficiar}; at Beneficiary's option, prior to reconveyaace of the Property
<br />to Truetor may makR future advaaces to'1`tustor. Such future advances, with intereet thereon, shall be secured by thie Deed of
<br />Truat when evidenced by promissory notes stating that said notes are secured hereby.
<br />Jacob North Printin� Co., Lincoln. NE 68524
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