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�a��092�� <br />(C) "Lender"is Unian Bank and Trust Company <br />Lender is a Commerci al Bank <br />arganized and existing under the laws of Nebras kd <br />Lender'saddressis 4243 Pioneer Woods Drive Lincoln �lE 68506- <br />(D) "7'ruste+e"is Union Bank & Trust Company <br />(E} "MERS" is Martgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. MERS is a separaCe corgoration that is <br />acting soleiy as a ntiminee for Lendcr and Lender's succes_�rs ar�d assigns. MERS is the bene�iciary <br />under this SecurIty Instrument. MERS is organized and existing under the laws of Delaware, and has an <br />acldress and relephone number of P.O. Box 2026, Flint, MI 48501-2026, tei. (888} 679-MERS. <br />{F) "Note" means the promissory note signed by Barrower and dated October 25, 2fl12 . <br />The Nate states that Borrower oEVes Lender TW� �fUNDRED FORTY NINE THOUSAND SIX <br />HUNQRED AND OOJ100 Dollars <br />(U.5. $ 24�9 . 600 . 00 ) pIus intarest. Borrower has pzomised to pay this debt in rcgular Periadic <br />Payments and to pay the debt in full nat later than November 1, 2042 . <br />(G) "Property" means the properry tbat is described below under the heading "Transfer of Rights in the <br />Property. " <br />{H) "I.oan" means the debt evidenced by the Note, plus interest, any prepayment charges a�d late charges <br />due under thc Note, and a11 sums due under this Seceirily Instrument, plus intarest. <br />(I) "Riders" means all Riders to this Secvrity Instrument that are execvted by Borrower. The following <br />Riders are lo be executed by Bc3rrower [check box as agglicable�: <br />� Adiustable Rale Rider � Condominium Rider ❑ Second Home Rider <br />�$allaon Rider 0 Pianned Unit Development Kider ❑ 1-4 �'amily Rider <br />❑ VA Rider 0 Biweekly Payment Rider � Other(s) [specify] <br />(,n "Applicabde" means all contrnlling apglicable federal, state and lacal statutes, regulations, <br />ordinances and administrative cules and orders (ehat have the effect of !aw) as well as all applicable tinal, <br />non-appealable judicial oginions. <br />(I� "Community Association Dues, Fees, and Assessments" means a11 dues, fees, assessments and other <br />charges thaf are imposed on Borrower or the Property by a cvndominium association, homeowners <br />association or similar organization. <br />(L) "Electronic Funds Tra�nsfer" means any transfer of #unds, other than a transaction originated by <br />check, draft, or similar paper instrument, which is initiated thraugh an electronic terminal, telephonic <br />instrument, computer, or magnetic tag� so as to order, instruct, or authorize a financial institution to debit <br />or credit an account. Such term includes, but is not limited to, poini-of-sale transfers, automated teller <br />machine transactions, transfers initiated by telephone, wire transfers, and automated ciearinghouse <br />transfers. <br />(M} "Escrow Items" means those items that are described in 5ection 3. <br />{N) "Misceflaneous Proceeds" means any compensation, settlement, award of damages, or proc:ceds paid <br />by any lhird party (ocher than insurance proceeds �aid under the coverages described in S�ctioa 5) for: (i} <br />d�unage to, or destruction of, the Property; {ii} condemnafion or other takino of all or any part nf the <br />Prvperty; (iii) u�nveyance in lieu of condemnacion; ar (iv} misrepresentations of, ar omissions as to, the <br />valuc andlor condiEion of the Property. <br />(0) °Mortgage Tnsarance" means insuranca protecting Lender against the nonpayment of, or default an, <br />the Loan. <br />12-06-000124 <br />NE9RASKA - Single Famiiy - Fannie Mae/Freddie Nlac UNIFORM INSTRUMENT WITH MERS <br />�-6A{NE} �pa�o} Page Z of t5 Form 3028 1101 <br />� <br />..) <br />