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<br /> ��` ta taad paiA.do tier�Y Braat.Da�B�.sall aad mmey�m�o�e Home Federal Savinga&Loan Associadnn of Graud Island.Groad Lsland. ,
<br />_ 'V S , . .
<br /> .. ;..,` �E Nebras�.aud'ds suxesso�s and assjgns.�e foltovdng teal�.simated in �' ,�.
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<br /> . , �`�: ` � � �edtIetIleteto rFeusad
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<br /> ' s: ' II�,�mg�e t�e�s awrtgage ts in force�e mortgagots agee: �-.
<br /> � ° �. TopayaUmxesandspe�etals��e-^-'°kvledagatastsa�dpRm3ses.�atlmaesaadassessmentsi�evlzAu�oa�is�¢n�ga8e• �__':
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<br /> , , .�;' :, a?u�der3s�eied�S►ffiismur�a�e- �`
<br />". ^ s ;r•-��-��;.'�'";; Se�d. To ke�aii bu��mga�ereon��30�by fire.lig6mia8 and toraado in same comyas39.m be sppma�by Qte�ai0 ��
<br /> .'� '" � 46.000.dC . far the Eeaefrt o!Oie ssut �Rs,_
<br /> � . �< ;F�� `'
<br /> ' �,:�:��,,�� .„_• �OIDE FCGE�8I 53YL1g.4�IA3D ASSOC13L�OD Of G38�L5)SIIO��I1 flI8 SIffi O�5.�..��
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<br /> � 'i'hird. To pay or caase to bs paId m�e Aome F�Saviags t�Laaa A,s�i�tOn of Graad lslaua.its seo�sor asstgns.the sam
<br /> _ ,�A;r,s<�_ sm»af S �FOATY SZR TSOIISAND AND NO/100 D'OIl,AItS. ' ---
<br />- � ar.,;- ._ -
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<br /> •� AIIE: 0l�8R�1, ZC330 ----
<br /> : .• � -, wHb iatte��a DayaDle.��S to 6ie teaor an0 effect of the one certaln fust mortgage note of saiA mor�agors,bearing even dao�wkb _..._....
<br /> �. •�:,� ; .� �
<br /> !..,;, . fl�ese p�i�: After matusiry said hanA dta�ss�ntecest at�e rate of ntne pes ceat per eaa�. "�"�.:
<br />- . ' .. � � ' If sai�mxes and assessatents are.aflt patd w�Que.or if�e bu�ings on said premises are not in.4aaea as abave provideQ,or it aayr ' . -_-_i
<br /> - '. uf sai0 i�eresr is not paid wLen due.then said vfinte d�a sftc�becume dae iatmsdiatrly.at Qte opdoa of�e said Association.and saa11�eieafter ,`•< <_--�
<br /> . dTBW�ItCICSt 8t tb8 tat8 Of DIA9 QC[CCAt QCf BAINa1. � ' , � -
<br />- ; . 7L'�mortgagor(s)tccnDY asslgefsD co saiA mortgagee all reass aad�n�ome arl�ng at any aad c:i rhnes Emm said pmpertY an8 Dereby
<br /> ,.. •;.,',�..:;' '.. audtariz�sai�mortga8ee or its agent,at��pdoa.aDon defanli.w take charge af said pmpert!►a�oa"le�i aU rents aad mcome metefmai at� . ,
<br /> � �'`�:;'Sr:'�:. gppTy ffie s2IIte to QiB p3ymeut Of�nieiest,•Pr�Ctpal+�ns�P[em�•l�xes.e9seesmenls.[eP3its'�i�ptoYe�sE��Y W�D 83iA �_.--:
<br /> , � � � pmperty in tenamab2�cou:m":�a.or tv o�er charSes or PaY�Omv��t for Eereia or�o Qie aoae bereby secnne0. �tent sssigomeal sha11 �...
<br /> . � : '"'� coathcae fin force u�0e a�id balance of sald aote,is�t�.�aYi�g ot posses�ion hereanQer sbaU tn tw�pr+�vtat or retard sa3Q �.
<br /> - �. � ,. � mortgagee i��e eoUeaion of eaid sums Dy torecWsaie ar c"�Wcewlse. . • . . .'�' ' _
<br />- a316at�et saiA debt 6ecomes dae 6q lapse of dme.or by�san off tl�6itare af t»*e Party ai'Eh�fust Qart W�oompty�sIth a�condIti�n '-'.
<br /> - .�t'i`, �. J�:
<br /> ' �tirt �:;;., nerein.�e�id Aoaze Pedecal savings��.oan AssuciaHoaof(i�an�Ist�.�e cuccessors a�3 assigs�atiaA'i Aave die r1�ht to�egia�6nectosuro .�,,,
<br />- � of mis mort�age ae once e��Ote cvhole Qebt hereDy s�a�A w in�tude�ereio atl tax�s.essc�sst�:m�.casutance ra++�mms ead c�,P21d bY ...
<br /> ax�
<br /> ' .' .. $ar�em;or s�t0 Assas�s�its successors or ass�m;,a�aY forectnse onYy As t��e st�past d.�.�hhhant iq�'�v oo�is mortgage.or�e " ___
<br /> ,;1 ti '�.�,; dlsplaceme4sor imga�eai cY 4�e l�en&ereof. • � . . -__
<br /> e
<br /> �i;t,�, .. . ��e said first party aad me s.aloers of said aote.esperiaUY ag��at�declare�at�e se�estate of eas�end ev�{an�af.them, rq__•,
<br /> . inctaQing t�►¢�at iww a�sd an0�at C�r aequired.ia ptedgeA aad bmmd for dho payment oY Hte d�'bl tteiehy secac�ee0. �-_:
<br /> _- • . • ' � At�er d�e w�af any►sait in foreelo�xe the plaiatifY,Oerefn sha116e entiQeA tn tAe�iau poss�f�n of sa�d Fr,e'mises and ' —R,'-
<br /> ' �'.. � the appointment of a recelvei�erefor.not wtthsffiad�►8 Q�l+may be the homestead of the occupaat aaA aot wi�in�.�e D�tiabie fot�.e •�. �_,__
<br />-- .`',,��,�;;: � debt may 6a solveat.ead the first part!►QaebY coasents to the appoiamaeat of a lieceiver ttpon 4ie Qrodnedon of Qiis�indeaaue.+�out osher:�� —�.,:�
<br /> �:�'�" evidencs.
<br /> � . � ' T6e foregotng con�lons an0 ag�mems.aU aa0 singutar.eeing t�Uy Perfosmed.this shaU voi�.a�erw'.'se¢0 6e an0 .
<br /> � • • remaln in ftill forc�ane effeee. '
<br />-t. ' .`° . 1ST day of HSR, 19 � •`A.D. - .
<br /> � • . . . � st�ee°'� � . . ..
<br /> -.•. , RONALD L
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<br /> . , .- �,. _ ���� 8 L
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<br /> • ' • 1fl44 ��� •
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