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201209152 <br /> All inawance policiea required Uy Lender and renewals oP such policies shall be suUjcrot to I,ender's right So <br /> disapprove euch policies, shall includc a staudard mortgage clausc, auil shall name Lender as mort'gagee <br /> an4/or ae an addi6onal lose payee. Lender sha111�ave Ihe right to hold tl�c policies azid renewal ecrfificates. If <br /> Lender requires, Borre3wcr shall promptly give to Lcnder all receipts of�haid prc�niLuns and ranewal noticcs. <br /> lf Bonnwer obtttins any form c�F inSurAnce coverage, uot otherwise recptired by Lender, for damage Yo, or <br /> desfruction of, tl�e Property, auch policy sl'ia71 includa a standaxd inorfgage clause flnd ahall namo Le�lder as <br /> mortgagee andYor as an additional loss payee. <br /> In the event of loss, Barrower shall give prompt nc�fice to tlie insurance cacricr and Iendar. Lender may <br /> inake proof of losa if not made piotnptly by Borxower. Unlcss Leuder and Barrower ofhcrwise agree in <br /> wr'rfing, auy insurance proceeds, whether or uoC the underlying inaurance was required by Lender, shall be <br /> flpplieci Co rr;�toration or re�air of the Property, if N�c restoratton or repair is economically�feasible nnd <br /> Lender's security is not lassened, During anch repair and restoration period, Lendor sl�all have Che right to <br /> hold such ineurance pxoceede until l,eiidar has had An opporluvity to inspect such Property to cnsure the <br /> wor•lc hay been completed to Lender'a safisfaclion, provided that euch inepcction shall be undertnken <br /> promptly. Lender may disburse proceeda for 4ho iropairs aud restoratiou iu�singlc payinent br iii e series o£ <br /> progrese peytnenta as tl�c work is compleCed. Unless aii agrceuie�rt ie made in writing ax ApplicaUle Law <br /> reqaires inCerest to be p�id ou such rnyLirance prooaeds, Lender shall not Ue required io pAy Borrowor any <br /> inferest or earnirigs on such�roceeds. F�ees for pul�lic adjusters, or other third parties, rehained by Borrawcr <br /> ahall not be paid out of flie insurance prooeeds and�h�ll bc the sole obliga6on of Borrower, [f fhe reetoreHori <br /> or repeir is not economically feasiUle or Lendex's securiCy would Ue lessened, the insnrance proceeds sl�all be <br /> applied to the suma seeured by this Security Ivsttument, whefher or r7ot then dua, with the excess, if any, <br /> paid to Iiarrower. Such insnr�noe procecds �ha11 be applied in khe order provided for in Section 2, <br /> lf Borrower abandone the Property, i,ender may file, negotiate�nd sctEle Euiy available insurance claim ancl <br /> relatcd i�iatters. If Borrower cCoes not respond within 30 days to a notice frorn Lc�ider that 11ie insurance <br /> carrier hns offered to setEle a elaim, then Lender may negc�tiata and settle the claim. 'Phc 30-de�y period will <br /> begiu when the notioe is given, hi eitlier event, oc if Lender acquiec.c the Property under Seotion 22 or <br /> otihcrwise, Rorrowei'hereby assigvs fo Lcndar (a) f�on�ower's righta to any iusurance proceeds in�n amomiu <br /> not fo exceed flic amotimts'wipaid uuder the Note or Chie Socuritq Instiunlent, and(b) any other of <br /> Borrower's ri�his (o[her than thc right to any refuud of nnean�ed prcmimns paid by Z3orrower) undcr �ll <br /> insivavco policiey covering Uie Property, insofar as such righCs aze appliceble to N�c coverage of the <br /> Proper[y. Lender may uso f1�e insurauce proceeds either to rc,pair or restore the Properky or to pay aannunts <br /> unpaid under the NoCe or chi� Scc�u ity Instiument, whether or not thcn due. <br /> 6. OcCupanCy. Borro�ver ahall occapy, establish, and uae the Propenty as I3orrower's princip�l rasidonce <br /> within 60 days a'fter the execution of Il�ie Security Hist�ument and sh211 conlimie to occupy the Proper6y as <br /> Bonnw�r'E principal resideuca foi�at le�at one year aftcr the date of occupanoy, unlosE Lc��<ie� otherwiae <br /> agrees ui writing, whick coixscnt shal]not be umeasonaUly withhcld, or unless extenuating circumstances <br /> exist wliich are beyond Borsower's conh'ol. <br /> 7. Preservation, MainYenance and Protectiori of the Property; Inspections. I3orrower slinll riol destroy, <br /> damage or impair the Property, allow the Propci ty tc� detariorate or comuut wa�tc on the ProperCy. Whether <br /> or noC Borrower is residing in Yhe Properdy, Bor�nwer sha11 maintain the Properly in order to prevent the <br /> Property froi�deterioratiing or decraasing in vnlue due to ils cor�dition. Unless it is detetnvned��trsu�tnt Co <br /> ,9ection 5 tl�at repeir or restorati�n is r�ot econonucally feasible, Bon�owe� 9hall proinptly repair fhe Propert�y <br /> if damaged Go nvoid fm�Pher deterioration crr damage. If`ivamance or eondemn�tion proceeds are pnid in <br /> comieolion with damage to, or Che tiaking of, the Propc�r�y, Borrower sha11 be reaponeiblc fur repAiring or <br /> resCoring ttte Property only if Lc�ider has released proceeds for euch pnrposes. Lender may diaburso proceeds <br /> zaaozssa <br /> NEBRASKA-Sin�le Famlly-Fannle M aelPre.d�ie M ac UNIFORivI INSTRUId ENT Form 3028 1101 <br /> V h7 P� V h7 f'6(NE)f7 1051 <br /> Wollers I(luwcr Flnanoial5arvlces Page Y of 1 Y <br />