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<br /> " �,7� s�e.+�+r�tr_iAnr�s pe�ters. Vlittsout affecting the lfabilfty of
<br /> .�` ' `� y� any other pexson liable �o� �he paymen� of any obliqation herein
<br />- .c-� raen�io�ed, an� vithou� affectfnq the lfen or charge of thia De� of
<br /> Trust upon a�y portion oft the p�operty no� �hhsn o� theretafore
<br /> . ,_L.`� rs�e�sed as secu�ri�y for tde full payment of all u�paid -
<br /> _ oblig�tions, Hsneffciary may, from 4.iias to 4.�m�s and withon� no�ice.
<br /> (a) release any psrsons so liable;
<br /> .. , _ •�.4:� �. �
<br /> . � - (b) extend the maturity or alter any of the terms .:
<br /> . ` Qf any such obligation. i
<br /> . � (c) gran� ottter indulgences;
<br /> ,. , . - �:.
<br /> � (d) reiease or re-convey or cause to be released or .�-
<br /> _ • � - re-conveyed at any tfine a� Beneficiaary•s option, any "=
<br /> _ � � '. Y�� parcel, portion or all of the ro e ,���
<br /> P P �Ye f. �.
<br /> . . _ - . -�� (ej take or release any other or addi�f��al `,
<br /> � � . '. �t�9��. security for any olbliga�fo� �eretn mea'�ioned; or ,�,,.
<br /> .. . ��t,. �':::
<br /> � ,:�' .� (f) make compositions or other arranq�nents with
<br /> �
<br /> _.._ ,,,� dobtoxs in relatfoa th�reto. . �`;�
<br /> .. :� �`' •au�. This Oeed af Trust shali ba qovorned by ��-r`
<br /> 18. ['.n��arrinet
<br /> ` ..�,,��� .. . , the lar,�s of tbe State of Nebraska and, in the event aay one or more ;°-.;
<br /> of the provisions contained fn this Oeed of Trust, or the note or �;�.�;
<br /> any ather security instr�ent given in connection with tbfs -
<br /> .��, tsansaction shall be for any reasen be held to be invalid, ilieqal . -
<br /> � . 5j.; .� csg un�ngorceable in any respec�, suah inwalidity, illega].ity �r
<br /> `=._'��.:� �' ' = aaaenforceability sha21 no� affec� anY other provfsions oP t2�fs De� _
<br /> ���: �: ; �f Trust, but the Deed of Trust shall be c�nstrueol as if such �':``.
<br /> �� � � �..; . � inval�id, illegal or unenforceable provisio� had naver been _
<br /> • . -,� con�ained herefn or therein. , �F; -.
<br />, , . . , ,r Y9. RPfe�e� Q Forbearance. Any Porbea�ance by Beneficiary OY f �-
<br />- : ,� T r u s t ee i w easerc i s i n q a n y ri ght or reme d y hereunder, or oth�rw3se r-•'_
<br /> rw
<br /> . • .; aP�orded by applfcable las�, sha�Zl not be a waiver af or preclud� ��: -�-
<br /> � . : the exer��se oP any such right or semedy hareunder. Li�cet,rise, the �� _
<br /> ' . waives isy Beneffaiary or Trustee oY any deYault of the T�ustors �=_.
<br /> . . :�+ �` �der this Deed oP Trus� shall no� be d�e.�aec3 to be a wa iver a Q any �.._ :
<br /> • .'��r�,.. .:` - , �ther or aimflas e�efault aubsequtently occurring. ��':`
<br /> `;��;r
<br /> �:
<br />_ ;'�� � ? 20. Re-canvegaa� Trustee. Up�n written request oP the
<br /> `'�,'�;'�.. �< ��, ` Henefieiary stating tha'G all sums seaured hereby have b�een' pa3d,
<br />- ,���;.��.;��.: ' � -
<br /> -:;�,;,�'�,�;�. ' { and upon surrender of tQia Deed of Trust and the note to the
<br /> .`��n�;`•., . .
<br /> '��"�`"` �� �� � �ustee for canc�llatf on and re�entiion aad upon ��*ment by Trus�ors �
<br /> ::_�,_l�;;�{�:.�.,.. .�. ....
<br /> '; :'.: . .�•;, � of Trustee�s P�e�, Trustee shail xe-convey ta Truc�tor, or the .:
<br /> � �� person oa persoa�s legai�.y entitled therafio, without wa�cranty, any. - ,
<br /> - .. �� portfen oP the psoperty then held hereu�d�P. Recitals in auch re- . `r'
<br /> �. � �c�onveyance oP ar� mat�era or facta ahall �e conclusive praof o� th� _
<br /> ,,�'ti'���5 �rutbfulness tTt�areof. �rantees in the re-�onveyanca may 1�e -
<br /> �;,;... . .
<br /> �;�'�;'���;;;.� .' described as "the person or persons legallly entitle� thereto." ..
<br /> ;�;
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