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�.� <br />� , . : <br />�01209�.24 <br />EXHIBIT A <br />The folfowing described property: <br />A tract of land comprising a part of the M1torth lialf ot the Northwest Quarter (N 1/Z NW 1/4) of 3ection <br />'fhirty Five (35), 7ownship Eleven (11) Narth. Range Ten (10) West of the 6th P, M., Hall Gounty, <br />Nebraska, and more particularly described as follows: <br />Begfnntng at the Soutt�east corner af sald North Halt of the Northwest Quarter (N 1!2 NW 1!4); <br />ihence Westerly, along and upon the South line of said North Half af the Northwest Gluarter (fV 1i2 <br />NW 1/4), a disiance of N1ne Hunclred Forty Four and Two Hundredths (944.02) feet; thence <br />detlecting right 89 degrees 36` 50"and running Northerly parallel with ihe East line of said North Half <br />of the fVorthwesi Qe�arter (N 1/2 IVW 1/4), a distance of Four Hundred Sixty Une and Ninety Thres <br />Hundredths (461.93) feet; thence deflecting right 90 degrees 26' 25; and running Easterly, a distance <br />oi Nine fiundred Forty Four and Three Hundredths {944.03) feet to a polnt on the Esst line of safd <br />Nort� Half af the Northwest Quarter (N 1i2 NW 1/4); thertce Southe�y along and upon the East line ot <br />sald North HHIf of the Northwest Quarter ({V 7J2 NW 1/4), a distance of Four Hundred Sixty One and <br />Four Hundredths 461.04 feet to the point of beginning. <br />Assessor's Parcel Number. 400371154 <br />*17797689 016* <br />