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<br /> af the same dare and wvermg the P�pacy des�'6e�t;n rhe S 4�� :
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<br /> . �-4 F�Y cov�vA�'�. 1a addi�On co ms c,ove�an�am�. U,.:
<br /> ... ��e in the SecatitY Instrmm�i,
<br /> . Baaowea audE�ader fiatheiwveu�t and a�ree as foli�w�
<br /> . ,, ': A.�4DDITYOAlA1.P80F�TY SUBJEC3'TO TNE�F.CUItITY 1N� r�. Ia addirion oo ihe �
<br /> � � :.r`'"�; P�opaty dessnbed In the Sec�uity lns�ent,-the foIIowBtg items are added to tlr�E�apeity .
<br /> . :�'•: alsu coas��the Pmpeity covaed by th�Secauity InstmmeuC b ��OII•�d sha�
<br /> u�d�mat�iaLs.aFpl#aases�naods of every
<br /> . '-��_�;.• ; aaiune w�ver uaw or he�eaf�ea Iocated in.on.or used,oz inteade�it�ise used in co�cr�ihe An�aty,
<br /> • ,` .. mctuding,bnt aot lhnited oo,those far the p�uposes af s¢pplyiag or distin'bnting 6eata►g, , ' ���
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<br /> . ? bazh tabs.warer heaters,watcr clnsetar sintcs,maBes.sta�es.re&�S�s.disha+asRe�.dispusais.�hets,d�Yers.
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<br /> . . ceplac�e�s a�c3 a '' ilcer�to.shaII be de�ed to be and remain a g�t of t�e Pmperty coveaed by the Saaaary
<br /> .._ '. .� �� ,. Iustmment A�e�f dt�fo�ag togethea with the Plopeity desadbed ia the Secarny Insu�t(ai the.I�ol� . -
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<br /> ,.. '.�:,.s ''�;. 8.tTSE 6E3�R�tOP�iTY;C011�LIANCE WITH LAW. Boaawer ahaU aot seek, . .`
<br /> ,���; � ;"�j� change ia the rss�e of the Fe�r az its zoning classiSs�on.�m2esa Leudea ba9 a�eti in writing m the ch�mg� `�
<br />-. '"�,,;�;�;-_� '`..r . H�eaowes shali ca�yly avi� all taws, ord�naaces, regulations and req�ement9 of anyr govaame�tai Taudy
<br /> %,�};�,,. ,�.._l� ��able w We Pmpea[y. =
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<br />- � �;r:. �P P�d bY fedaal 1aw.Bonower sball nut aIIow any licat mferiar
<br /> . •': m the Sec�itg�f��uume�t w be Ferfected against dc$Pmpacy ce+ithom Leadds prlor ariuen permis,sinn. .
<br /> .` D.R�h'�'A10SS II�15IJRANCE. Bo�:awer sbaU maiuteia iusmaace
<br /> '�,:�• ' ' � . a$a�nst rc�t ioss in sddi�on oo tbe a� -
<br /> .�- .,";<. , h�r¢q forw�A�a�ceq�dceAby U�fomi Coveff.�rt S.
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<br /> �,:�>,:h=r: : ' • . �."��B�$OWER'S Yitl�liT TO R�iSTATE"il�I'ED. Unifoim C.ac�t 18 Is dCtBted, .
<br />— � � �F.�����R'S OCC�TPANCY. Unless Lender aad Basra�r� othenvise � ia �g, t�e fust
<br /> •. , seat�ce in L.*�asw Cove,naat 6 coacemmg Bormw�'s occupacc,�+�tAe�ropeny is delet�,G+111 remmimmg
<br /> T:,... ;;� coveamatsa�d .
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<br />_ - . � � !d1)LTt9TATE 1•4 FAE9ILY RtOER•Rannte d1ee/Fr�Qdlellao Untfo�m tnain.::,�r�o Form 817081e8 ' �
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