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<br /> - . . . �� . .. � . , -- ;\ -t
<br /> :.d, 4 . ' . .-�- . � -_.- ..: ' . . _ .-_ . . . .. . . .
<br /> ,
<br /> . . . � .
<br /> ,. •...j{:--t ... _ . ,._. .... . .. . .. c ° - . - . . �. _. • - -'- -. . . - .. . . . . . - ,--.�n�, -
<br /> , ` i.- . � . ` . �... . ' . . - :}.. � t�'+' ' .
<br />. , . ' .. , :�a� � , ._ . . . . . ., I . . .• - . - , _ . . `S . <'
<br /> � `_ .. � ' o . . ..- ' -� �� - �. `.' . � . . � - • .... .. . •. , JtiF � � . .
<br /> .. -, 4� - , , t , `.i.L� �c',• ...`..�..._ ` `,� � ' .. `. . �...._.x., ..._ �_.'--__. —__ . . � ' . . c � 4( !� �c '
<br />.. ' '}: ( ^� �._ . , ' . f
<br />. . .� �\� � � <�.. .
<br /> � 97� /Od�Za � , . .
<br /> � ` . f 16.BaBrower's Coyy. Bmrower shaII� oae oonfmmod�py ai the Note and of this Seauity Ins�meut. • .
<br /> ' ; 17.7tiunsier ot the Fmp o�r a Be��Y�interes!In Bormwer. If aIl ar any gazt of the Propeny or any Iataest in it is � .,ti . .
<br /> :° , sold or o�ed(ar if a�mte�in BoAawcr is soW or oransfeaed and Bo:mwer is aot a na�ualpe�son)wi@tmrt • .
<br /> • `' Leader's ga�r c�iueti wnseat�Le�ader ma y.at its o��a n,�i a u e imm e d i�p a y m e o i i a f W l o f a!1 s�ns s e c�u e d b y t h i g Senuit�r . ' . .`
<br /> . • Iostcume�t Hawever.this optinn sLall not be exrmsed by Leuder if eaescise�s protu'�ited by fedeial laa►ag oi the da�of tius .
<br /> ' - S L�dea exet�cists thisopton.Latder s9aD .` �
<br /> y. - _ ec c give Haaower notise of acoeleraunn.'Ihe notioe st�p provid,e apucod of aot t� --
<br /> coe era' �
<br /> .._ than 30 d a q s fmm the date t�e a o t i c e i s d e l i v e i e d a r m a�e d w i t h i n w 6 i c L B o r m w e r m a s t p a y a ll s u m s s e w n e d b y W i s S e c a n r i t y — �,.=.=.
<br /> e
<br /> . - . inmm�n��If BQmDwel f81�3 tD paJt dliSL s�.9 pYiOi OD tII�C�cpi�at[oO of d1i3 pCriOd.I.etadCr may iIIVOke eDy[CmediES p�Ull rtied .�``�:;:a•�, -„�
<br /> I.
<br /> . by this Seauiry tft�er nnLfce O�¢e�1nd on Barrower. ..>,°.', .
<br /> . �
<br /> . l&Bo:rower's to Yteti3s� �:,�npwe� eet� ce�in ooadi�ons. Boaowet st�all 6ave the rigLt to dave
<br /> � enfo�ocmc�t af this � ���ny t�e pr�r r�tAe nrtier o� (a)5 days <or sach oiher peiiod as , .. _
<br /> " � lisable 1aw ma • ..,. '. af PmpeRy p�t m�Y power of saIe canmined m t6is Sec�ty
<br /> Iastrumenfi or(b)eauY aJ��a�ing this Sec�ty tastnune�i 1Uose t�ndiilons are that Bouower.(o�r)payN)a��y � .:< _
<br /> � ` avms wbic6 theA wauld be dQe�der dus Seauity Ins�mmea�t and the Note as if uo acce�eradon fmd ed: ' �
<br /> , defaait of aay atLez cavmants ar ag�t�(�)PaYs ail��ccimed'm eafo�ing this Seauiry InsWmem,mclud'mg btu =_
<br /> ' � � aot Lmited to,reasonabte amomc.ys'fee�anil(d}takes sQCh action a4 Lenda m�r�easonabiy reqnue w assuce tAaz th�liea of t6is ` •.� -
<br /> _ �, • .. 5eaaityr Instrameat, L�endrr's ag4is � the P�a�erty and Bmmwer's obHg,a�on on pay the stpms ser�red by t6�s Sec�iry - ��-
<br /> . � Ins�eatt s6aD oamm�ne anchaugetl.Upon�1ry Baaower,this S Instn�mc�nt aad the ob��d L
<br /> haebY s6aU nmam faIIy e�ecxive as iE no accele:aDwn ba�oa�ed.Hawevea,this ri t to teinssate sdaII not app m the case of (�, ' _
<br />- • a�an�dap�sph 17. , �
<br />_ � 19 Sateo�N�te;ChsngeotLaanServlaer. 7�e Nane ar a paztiai intraest m ,the Nate (wget6er wityb tLis Sec�ity ;: : :.
<br /> . In�t)maY be so2d one ar maie t�es wuhom priar anike m Boimwer.A sais may resata in a chaage m the entity(�awn
<br /> � as the%o�Seivic�tbat ooIIe�s monfhty dne andet the Naoe�d this Se�aaity IasFnm�eut ZL�e aLsu may be ane or --
<br /> -`� moie d�amgas of tha 14an S� m a saie of thE Nota If the.re is a ctrange of the Losn Seivio�r,Bmroar�w�l 6e ,�'`. ,�-.,-,�.
<br /> , • gioen wriit�a natice of t�e ct� e in a000rdanoe wiW h 14 above and law.'I]ie IIouce w�71 smte tbe aame and
<br /> i
<br /> �of the new Loan Sedvi�cer aud dt,add�s to w�yaymeats sLanld�1he notice w�also contain any oth�r " � ---
<br /> vc
<br /> s�d'�a s�ed bY applicable 1aw. f ..�=
<br /> • 1A.�ous Sud�s�nre9. Bomowea sbaII aot c�se ar gamit the pres�c� us� disposal,somaS� or:etease of any • �
<br />, - . .. . . �doas�an or su die Pcoyarty.Bosrawer sLaII�t do,aor aiinw�e elsc to do.aaYrvmg a�in8l�e p�o a- -
<br /> ,.-- . -,�� �Sat�S in vi�rion of any Environme�tal Law.lhe p�,�g two s�t�ces sbaD notapp2y to the��,q Qr sdor�ge on� ' '� —_
<br /> Pbgeny of�all qnaatines of Harmdoas Sabstaaoac ck'uat ffie g�Y recog�dud tn be .;.." -
<br /> t de approgriate to ao�l re.�dea6aI uses
<br /> aaacom�ceaitberrvper�y. - .: : = _
<br /> " Boaowear s4a11 pmmDtlY give Leudes wrf�eA notitae of aay �8auon.claim,de�and,taws�tit or othea actioo by any ` .
<br /> � gova[ame�tal or iegutat�r or Drivaie Pa�tj►mvoZving the 1f��ty mid aay H�rdama&absiaace or Bnvhaameutal law . ` f t --
<br /> � oi whi�Bmrmwer E a s�I e dga 1 f B o r m w e r t e a m s.o r i s a o ffi e d b Y�Y,B o v e a n m e�n t a�o r r e g u l a m r y a n t h a r l t y,t b a tmry • -
<br />. ..-• � . se�aval ur oih��edia6on of any t L�d ous Sa i�a n ce a ff e c a n g t h e P r o p e r t y�s n e c e s s�y,B o a n w e r s b a ll p m m p d y t a t c e a 1 1 ' "::� '' .'
<br /> ll �,-�.
<br /> . m e c e s s a r y:e m e d i a l s ar�m a o c o r d a n c e w i t h F a v i r o�a z a t a l L a w. '�,
<br /> _ - Ag ased 4n tLis p�b?A,'�dons Subst�anzs°ace tflase su6stanc�s de�'med as wxic or taaza��mus snbsfaacQS by ':,�... , .�, : �
<br /> �nv�r�Law �i the foIIowing saT�nce� �sn�� kcrosene� othes flama�able or tmdc pe�o��ucts. wx�c :`:� ., . -
<br /> . pestiddes�H�t�rblddes�volat�e sotveaus,mataiats aaa�aia as�or f �.�,' ,... . _
<br /> . - �P �11.'Z�av�nme�tel I8w"m e�s f e d e�a!1 l¢w s mm d l a w s o f t he���•�td t8dtoactive As osed in �, r ° _
<br /> �i'san whese the Pmg�ty
<br /> _ �;1 tu health��ery or ee�vimumterttal proiecdon. �� is located thai relate . •.:;�•:i :��--
<br /> ' � A NON UN�RM COViENANfS.Bonower and L�ffiea fiuthea oovenant and�ree as foIIow� . '. _ �. . '�`--
<br /> ` a�.AcaeierAtlan;�¢medtre.Leader sbail g�ve QoHce to Bormwer prIor to ao�Ieratlon Pa�i�wiag Bor�aower's breae6 0� ,..�;���; _
<br />- .. � •��; aDy oovenant ar agreemeat tn t�.e SeciaeIty Instn�ent (but nat prior W e� mnder ,� '`""
<br /> . � , s�Dlk�ble taw paraRreDh 17 �fess '��,_,
<br /> . Diavtd�ot6e�vise�Tae Qa�ice shaD sP�if9s(a)the dela�lt;@)!he actta�ss�tred to arre the detaWt;(c) • `��!�_
<br /> : a datG not Icss tba�30 cfiays flrom the dat�the aa�r iv glven to Bor�+awer,bq�vl�icL the��Pault mnst Eae a�eA;aud(� -
<br /> , �t ts�are to cur�e the de�aah on ar 6efare the date�CEYicd in the ao8oe "�. , • •''r,� -
<br /> � mny a�snit in aoaE2eratia�a�t QIDe sams secared
<br /> � . - ,@y tbtv Sec�tty�sdumeat and saie of the Froperty.'i'he nat�ce s�haU Pnsther mform Bosc�ver a!We rtght to reinismte � , ,-:s -
<br />_ •. . ' . atter aooeterattan and We Hght to 6aing a camt a�iaa 4o as�srt t�ae noa-adgtenoe o!s 8�anit o�any other defeuse o! � � -- ----
<br /> .. . Botrawes to aQCelerat�n and sale.If We defantt 1s nat cared on¢�before��e dat�specified in the noti�I.ender,at i3s -
<br />_ ���. �� optba,may requi�imm�iate paym�t i�lirlD o1�aT,t sams sec� 6y thfs�a�itY Instrament wft��4 Pmrther demaad , ` . _ �4'�y
<br /> :�:,,„,�,.;.'
<br />_ . . � ; aaA may tr�vo%t6e power o8 sate and any ather r�m�sdi�permJtted by app152�1e law I.eader ehaD 6e enHtta!to coIlect � . .
<br /> e �
<br /> ; . � ;. �7i payeases imcan¢d in pursuing the remedtes mvrQ¢d iu thi� :�;;:;. ; ` `.. -- . .
<br /> , D P�S�PL ti,inciad�up,�at noi f3miLed to,reasnmable �ti.,,`�:.•
<br />_' � .. a4fomeys fee��d eu�ts o!tttte evldeace. ' . ,. , ,:.;{.�. . . .
<br /> �; , . . It ttte powar of es�ie is ImPOS�¢d,Trastee sLaII e�ootd a notlre of dstamlt�in each county in�1c6 any part oY the .
<br /> �Dei�9��c�ted an�sbaD�ail ooyies af sacb�vtine ia�e manner pressrjbed bp appltca6le taw to Bormwer anp to the -- -----
<br /> ' �R��P���by applicabie iacv.Alt�r t�P ttme reqatrea by aDPllcable taw.Trastee shaD gWe puDltc�ottce o!
<br /> . � , . sale to t6e pe�sons eu�S tn t�ee maaner Prescribed EY aDDllcaDte taw Trastee.wItt�nnt de�sad on Borro�ver,st�aD seD the "
<br />-_ . . . : Plroperty at pnDltc aact�nn to tIIs hig�es!bidder at the ttme aad p1�c�ead r�mder t6e eer�s alestgnated in t�t nottiae of sate • ' .
<br />- �a. �� • '
<br /> Form 8048 9l80
<br /> .. (�-8R(H�(a2t2?.ot Pago9o�6 inmata:__. . • " � ' ;
<br /> �' : .. ''� -�—r---�-�-�.,- .r....._ _ � � ' . • _
<br /> � . - ' .. �� .. . . .. �� .. .
<br /> n . _. ' . . • . - . ' � . . � � " � . � - .� • . . .. _ . _ . . ' _. , . .
<br />_ ' . . . � ' . ' ' ' . ' . ' - . - . . � •� � , � -
<br /> . . . . .
<br /> .. . .
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