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<br /> • � � `�<;` r. ��' . cf1 � y ° � � t `' . `°'` � . �. . �
<br /> T� ` �, �` � A • 'Y` ` 'C ` •` � , < . . C �4` � �-'' t1. 4, -`. .. . «. ,' 4 . � � -
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<br /> . . l�QOSl�R�YtTH all tAe imptovcanents now as hereait�erect�on�!e properiy,and s11 easemenb.aypartenances.asd '
<br /> , � � ` 6Amnes a�w ar he�ter a pari oi the�o�!.Ail replaccments aad additions shatl tftso tie cav�ed by t?d�Secariry Imsaatnen� �
<br /> . ° ' � All of ttie foregoiag is ref�ed a�in this Sea�tjr Iasaumeat as tDe"P�opercy.° .
<br /> .. . SORROWER QOYFdVANTS tbat Baimwer�S tucvfulty seis�d of IAe esPare Aereby oonveyed and 6as tde right to graat and
<br /> . , canvey tae Pmp�sty aad that t�e Fiapeny is anencumbeced.ex�ept for encumbiaases of reoord.Bormwea�varrants and w�71
<br /> � f.�;� detend geae�alty the tItle m the Pmperry agafast a!i ctaimv snd demands,subject w any eacumbraaces of reoord. .
<br /> . � _- TfIIS SECiJR17'Y IIVSIRUNlEN7'oombaies unifosm caveaants for narional nse and non-uaiform ooveavaats with limited
<br /> -� _ . : �+ariauons bY I�uesdiaron to t�oastioite�tmifatm security�nsuumeat wveriug c�al prnperty.
<br /> ., ;,� ; '' • 1JN�ORM COVE[YANTS.Boaower and Lecder ooveeaat and a�ee as foltow� �
<br /> 1.�aymen!af�sl aad Int�h Prepaymeai ead Late C�ar�es. 8o�rowei sAall FmmFUY Paty q+hea dus the "�
<br /> ' . ' principal of aad ia�oa the debi evidenoed by the Nate and any prepayauat and Tate charg�s dae ander We Note.
<br /> �. - t Faadstar Tmre�and Insoranc� SuDja;t to appticable law ar m a�viim� araiver by Lend�.Baaower shaD pay tn .
<br /> ` Lendrr on the day monthiy payments an due uu8er the Not�ant�7 the No�is�id'm fnQ a swa(°Funds'�far.(a)Y�Y� �.;`�:
<br /> ' . , and a�nmts whid�may aaain pliaQity over thia Secmity Iasuwnemt as a fien on the Propeity:(6)YeazIY l�tehold paYmea� .
<br />` or grouied reat�an the Rapeaty.if aaY.(�)Y�Y�d�PmP�Y msuraace Fremam�(d)Ye�IY flnod im�oe piemiums,if
<br /> � �►Y:(6)Y�Y��ce Pt�.�aay;and(�anY smms PaYable by Bormwea to I,�ader,ia accardaa¢e wish the
<br /> '='`�`-�'`� piovisiau9 of par�aph 8.m lien of the
<br /> ti gayment of ma�tgage ms�aauoe premiams.��e items are c�IIed�scamv,Itr�ns.° t'.
<br /> I�der may,at any ti�callect aad bo2d Fands��amomu aot to ea�oeed tbe max�mam amo�mt a lender fas a federaIIy rclated
<br /> , maiigage toan rnay requhe far Barmmes's e�xow accomu�the fecieral Real Fstat�Sente�eat Proc�d�es Ast oi 19y4 a4 �
<br /> . ' ,.i amenQed fm�n time to wnc.12 U.S.C.Searnn 2601 et seg. (°RFSPA'�,aales anntl�Iaw tAat
<br /> applirs to the Fnuda sets a lesser
<br /> --__ ,,�� ame�nt:If�.Leadrr may,ai aay dme,ooIIect mmd hoId Faada in an ataa�mt nni t�eROeed the Iesser amaan�Letider may
<br /> ' �'.:9` e�mare the amo�t of F�ds dne on the basis of c�mr�t data and reasonab2e�oi expeadinu�es af fimu�Fscrow Items os
<br /> , .:`�; oth�in emordaace witb applic�ble taw.
<br /> � � ".,'"_���. 7t�e Fimds shall be hedd'm aa�don whose de�osns are instmed hy a fedeial ageacy.insorameutality,or ea6ty(�duQing
<br /> __, _ Lender,if I�uder is sucb an�on)or in any Fedual Home I�Baak.Le�dcs sbaU apply tLe Fimd4 tu pay the Escaow
<br /> . iteats.I.�da may not cbarge BaBOwer for t�oldmg and applymg the Fimds.annnaliy anaiy�g the esaiow accotmt,or ve�ifymg �`"
<br /> the Bscmw Tr��mles4 LerWes p�aps Botmwer interest on We F�ds and agplirable 1aw peamits Leader to make sucL a ch�ge.
<br /> . . , Howevea,Irader may requi�Bmmwer m gag a on�time cbarge far an i�depeadem�eal e,stare tax re�omng senrice nsed by , '
<br /> ' 7,'.. ' ' �+. Leadar m oomrearu�wtlh this Iuan.m�t�a�c�b281aw ymvid�s oih�wi�e.Untess aa agr�emeat is wade or Iu�UIs 1aw � "r�.�•
<br /> �. � . nyuhe.c in�erest m be pald�L�ndet sbaU not be aPP U
<br /> . � , . s�qaaed to gay Barrow��►y iaterest or rdmings on the FnnQs.Boapwed aud� ,
<br /> ; Lend�may�ec in a�iing,however,tt�ac inteaest sball be paid on the F1mds.Lender slmll gtve tn Hoaower.with����an _
<br /> � , annnai ar,caimring of the F�mds�skowing aedic4 aad debits w the F�mds mid the p�pose for ahisb eacb debit co ttie Tr.�ds was
<br />_ � . .� ` '•s� made.The�mtds are D2eQged as ad�t secu�ity for aIl sams secm�d by tbis Seauity Insuumc,ni : •
<br /> ".., '�;��� If tt�e Funds hetd bY Leader exc�t t�Caaman�praa�iucd w 6e heW by applicable Iaw.Lende,�sGaD account to BoaawNer for
<br /> aa
<br /> .. ..';: the excess Fimds m erc�danra wid�ttt�t�nents of applirabte law.If the amoimt of the Fimds bedd by Lendra at any dme is
<br /> -�:� - aot su�cieat w pay dte Esczow Itcros wh�dne,Lender may so notify Boirawer m writmg,�d,Ir�sucdi case Bmmwei shall pay `.°`'';
<br /> ,.'„:•,� : to Le�de�r t$e amaaat
<br /> � ,�,d.� r
<br />-:. _�yS:j;h, .; - ... , II� LQ A18T[C D(I�1C d�CI?ACSI. $01lOWEf 5�12�Jn8�C6 tlj)i�16�Cy 1A AO IIIOI� �1 nN?�VC .
<br />; „4sb''' s5, ' tIIOAtblyp3y7IIBIIt5.8tl.t'�1dQ�$SOIBd�SCtCtIOn.
<br /> - : .. ' �.�.�':'�. �PaYm�t m fall of aD sma4 se�ated�+�s Sec�siry Jaswmea�l.c�da shall promptly�fun8 ra�arrawer any Funds
<br /> ��.� �; s� held by Ir,nde�I�eader paca�apb 21,L�d�a s6ai!acq�e ar seU t6e Prnperty,Leuder tn the�c�siqion �
<br /> ..;,
<br /> :.::.:. �: ;:;,: �� .D� o=sa�e of the
<br /> � �. ' P:�'�,shaD ep�Iy az�y FimAs hedd by Leader at the tima of acq�isirion or s�1e as a credit ag�iost the s�,c ser.�by tb9s
<br /> r:r;:., _ - � , ,
<br /> 9 ;:;�/���,,.�.;..' �..` ,` S�instram t r
<br />__ ��,}:,�.�° ' . ; �� 3�Appllmtlna of Pbym�i� Untess applicab2e 1aw provides otherwise.all .
<br /> 1 aad 2 shall 6e P�ea�ts received by L�aeder tutde��hs
<br /> �. '� � `, ,.`� aPD1�d:�t►to any p�epayment ct�gsa due undea We Not�secanQ to amoim�pay�under parag�apb Z; :
<br /> _ . ' . thfrd.W ini�t dn�fomtb.to prlrcclpa]dn�and la�t.tu any late ch�es dae uadea the Note. � ;
<br />__ ' 4.Ct�ar�es;.Ltens. Bormvr�s shall pay 8ll�es,assessme,nts,c�ges.fines aad�osi�ons am�rumble to L'be R�npeaty .�.
<br />_ ;.�',; �: w1�maY a�in grimity over tkas ffieauiry��t,and IeasehoId paym�ts or ground re,vs,if aay.Bmmwer sl�i pe�y Wese -
<br /> � � .S.�.,; o b 1�g�t o n s i n t h e m a r u t�r p r o v i Q e d in paragrap b 2,or i f not paid in Was maimer,Bm:ow�s1iaD pay t�zm an ame dsactTy to the
<br /> � : ��,:r�.�.. , .
<br /> . •,��',';: Dason awed paym�t. Bmmwea s6aD pmmp8y fiunisU to L�der all aa�s of amo�mnts w be paid a�uier ttos pa�aph.If ��
<br /> _ . . Bouowes maues d��aym�ta dim,aiy.Borma+ea shall pmmptly f�raish am II�ender receipts evlHencv�g t�a yaqrucnts.
<br /> . Hmmwed sEaD gmrapUy discharge any lie�which has pria�iry over t�is Seauiry Inswment untess Bmrowcs:�i�9�e�s in --
<br /> " . . i wri6ng tfl the paymwt of the ob1�$ation seaued by the 1i��a aiantces acceptable to Leadar,(bj conteste i�gcod f�the Ite� `:"�°�
<br />_ . .�. by. m defeuQs aa,ainst enfamement of the lie� in.le8a►DroceedmSs whicb in the LenQer's .':�::�
<br />__ � ; eaf�t oi the 1�:oT(e)secutes fmm the holder oi the l�en an �on agetate r� preveat fhe
<br /> � agreement eadsfactory te l�aaea submdtnadng the li�to . �.';
<br />_ . , . Wis Sec�aitry Inswm�t it Leatder d�es that any past of tha Aopelty is subject to a lic�wLich may aua9u priariry over tLis �,�,::°:;•.;
<br /> att
<br />-_ ' x S�t}►IaQtramen�Lea�der may g:ve Bolmwed a notiee Ideatifying the lien.Hmrower shall satisfy the lien m taTce ona or more :�.,.
<br />__ , oltheacoionssetfmdrabovewithin IOdaysotmegiving ofno�ce. .
<br /> � Pott�8048 918�
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