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201209036 <br /> All insurancc policics rcyuireci by Lcndcr and rencwals of such policios sl�all bo nubjcct to L ender's ribht to <br /> die�pprove such policies, ahflll include a st�ndard tnartgage clauee, and ehall nnme Lencier As uiortgagee <br /> aud/ar as an additional losa payee. Lender shall have the right to hold the policies and renewal certificates. If' <br /> I.,e�iderrequire,y, 13orrower sha11 proirryfly�Kve to Lende�-all receipts ofpaid pron�itiwns and rencwal i�otices. <br /> If Borrowcr ohLains any form of insiu�auoe coverage, not oLherwiae required by Lender, for dtunage Lo, ur <br /> destruction of, the Property, suoh policy shall iuclude n stnnd�rd mortgage olause auci shall unme Lender es <br /> mortgagee�nd/os es �n additional loss payee. <br /> In Che evont of loss, Boxrower shall give prornpt notiee to the insurence cnrrier aud L,ender. Lender may <br /> meke proof of loss i£not made prompYly by Borrower. Unless Lender a�id Borrower otherwise agree in <br /> writiug, auy insm�auce procceds, whether or not tite uncierlying insurancc was rcquired by Lcnder, shall be <br /> npplied to reatorfltion ar rep�ir oP the Property, if Yhe resYoration or repair is econoinicAlly Feasible auci <br /> L,ender's seeuriCy is uot lessened. Dw�ing encl�repair and restoration l�orioci, Lcnder shall have the rigtit to <br /> 1�oid such insurat�ce procccds imEil Lender h�e hnd tui opporhmity to inspecC sueh Property to eneure the <br /> work hns been completecl to Lender'e aatisfnction, provided fhat such inspection shall be undertaken <br /> promptly. Lender may disburse proeeeds fbc the repaire and restorettion in a single payment or in a scries oF <br /> progress payinents as fhe work is completecl. Unless an a�-ccment is madc in wriCing or Applicable Law <br /> requires interest to be paid on suoh insurance proceeds, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any <br /> intcrest or carnings on Fucl�proceeds. I+ees for public adjusters, or other third paz•ties, retaincd by Borrower <br /> shall not b�paid out of the ineuranee�iroceeds end shall be tha sole oUligation of Borrower. lf the resf�ration <br /> or repair is not eoonomioally feasible or Lencler's sectiuity would bc lcsscncd, tho inFw�ance proceads shall 6e <br /> applied to the snms sex urcd by this Sccurity Insl�lunent, whelher or tiot Lhen clue, with Uie excese, i£any, <br /> paid w Borxower. Such insurance proceeda sha11 be applied in the order provided For iu Section 2. <br /> If Borrowez abandona the Properly, Lender may Pile, negotiate and settle any available inAurance olaim aud <br /> rel�ted matters. If Borrowar doas noti respond within 30 days to a notice from I,ender thsAt tl�c insurancc <br /> caz'rier has of'Pered to settle a claim, then Lendcr may ncgoiratc and aeElle the cl�im, The 30-clay period will <br /> begin w11en the notico is �ivcn. vi cither event, or iP Lander aoquires the ProperLy imder Sectiari 2.2 or� <br /> otherwiae, Borrower hereby asaigns to Lende�• (a)Borrower'e rights to any insuiAnce proeeecis in an a�nouut <br /> not to exeeed the�motmts unpaid under fhe NoCe or this Security InsUwnent, and(U) auy oU1er of <br /> Ba'rower's rights (other t1�an Che right to auy refm�d of�mean�cd prc���iums paid by Borrowe�)imder all <br /> inauruice policies covering the Property, insofar 1s such riglits u•e applieable to the coverage of the <br /> Property. Lender inEty use Uie insurance proeeeds either ta repzir ar restore thc Property or to pay 2moimte <br /> tmpaid under the Note or thie Scciu�i�y InsLrmnent, wheCher or not then d�ie. <br /> 6. Occup2ney. Boirower si��ll occupy, estahlish, anc{use Che Pxoperty as Borrower's�rineipal resideuce <br /> wiClvn 60 d�ys afeer the execntion of thie Security Instrwnent and shall oontinue to occupy the Property as <br /> Borrowet's principal residence for at least one year a$er the date oP occupancy, ur�1ess Lendcr otl�crwisc <br /> agrees in writing, wlrich consent shall not be unrc�isonably wilhheld, or uitless exfenuating circulnekanoas <br /> oxist whicl� arc bcyovd Borrower's oonh�ol. <br /> 7. PreservaYion, Maihtenance and Protection of the Property; InspecYions. IIorrower shall not clesh•oy, <br /> d�mage or impaix the Property, allow ihe Property Eo cleteriorate ar conunit waste on the Property. ��hetlier <br /> or not Sorrower is residing in tihe Pinperty, Botrower sliall maii�Yain Nte Property iu order to prcvc�iY thc <br /> Property from cleteriorating or dccrcaeing in value due to ils conciiCion, Unless iC is detexmined pursuurt fo <br /> Seclion 5 Chat rep�ir or reatornCion is not economically feasible, Borrower ehall pron�pely repair t1�e ProperCy <br /> if dam�ged to avoid fiarther daterioratiion or dainage. If ixasurance or condeii�nation proceecls are paid in <br /> coimection witli deunage to, or the talring of, tho Yroperty, Borrow�'shall Ue responsiblo for rep�iring ar <br /> resCorii�g tl�e i'roperty oisly if Lender has relaaaed prooeeds for suoh purposes. Lender may disburse proceeds <br /> e�oossoo <br /> NEBRABKA-91n91e Fem ily-Fennie M eolFreddlc M nc UMFORM INSTROM eNT Parm 3020 U01 <br /> VM P(y� � VM PB(NE)(1106) <br /> WoHers ICluw er Finenolal Services Pege]of 1'I <br />