<br /> Any application of payments, insw�uice proceeds, or Miscellaneoua ProoeecLs Co principal duc under the Note
<br /> sl�nll noC extcn�d or postpone the due date, ar cl�ange the amount, of the Periodio PaytYients.
<br /> 3. Ftmda Por Eacrow i[ems. f�orrower shall pey to Lender on the da�y Periodic Pa}nnents ai�e due imder the
<br /> Note, until the Note is paid 'v�full, a sunt(tho "Funde") to provide for payme�it of amoimts due£or: (a) L�axcs
<br /> uid easessments and other items which can attain priori6y over this Sccti�rity [nshwnent as a lien or
<br /> enctunbruice on the Property; (b) leasehold peyments or ground renCs on the Properry, if any; (c)prenuwns
<br /> for any and �11 insm�ance required by Lender under Section 5; and (d)Mortgage In�urance premiums, if any,
<br /> � or ai�y sur»s payablo by Borrower to 7'.euder in lieu of the pagment of'Mortgage Insurnnce premiums in
<br /> � ¢ocordanee wiCh Che provisions of Sec6ion 10. 'fhosc itcros arc ca7led"Fscrow Ttems." At origuiakion or at
<br /> pny time durin�;tlie term of Y1ie Loan, Lender mny require Chnt Comu�unily Aesociation Duos, Fees, aaid
<br /> Assesev�enfs, if any, bc escrowcd by Borrowc�r, and yizch dues, fees and assessmenfs ghall be an Eecrow
<br /> Iten�. Borrower ehall prorrtptly fiirni�h to Lender all norices of�inounts to be paid uuder tliis Section.
<br /> Borrower shall pay Lendar the Ftuids for Eserow Items unlees Lender waives Borrower's oblig�lion to pay
<br /> thc b'unds farr any or a11 h;scrow]tems. I,ender may waive 13orrower's oUligakion to pay to Lender Punds for
<br /> any oT all�sorow Ihems aC any linie. Pmy such waivcr n�ay�ouly bc in wririn6. ln the eveiit of such waiver,
<br /> Borr•ower sh�R pay direetly, when azid where p�yahle, the amoLmts due for any N;scrow Itc�ns for which
<br /> payment of Funds has been wnived by Lender nnd, if Lender requires, ehall furnish to Lender Teceipt's
<br /> evidenaing such payment within such taina period as Lander inay require. Borrower's obligation to m�ke
<br /> �iwh payments and tc�provide reccipts shall for all pnrposes be deeu'ied Eo lie a covenant aud agreeuient
<br /> oontained in[his Seonrify Instxumenl, as the phtase "wventuit and agreemenP' is useci in S�wtion 9. If
<br /> Borrower is oUligaYed to pay Escrow Items directly, pursuanE to a waivex, aud Borirower£ails to pay Che
<br /> amount dLie for an Fscrow ltem, l.euder may exercise its rights under 5ection 9 uid pay such aanount and
<br /> Borrower sh211 lhetx be oblig�ted under SecCion 9 to rcpay to Lcnidrn'any sucl� ainount. I,ender may xevoke
<br /> the weiver as to any or all Escrow✓Ttems at eny time by a notioe gi�en in awordamce wip� Seofion 15 m�ci,
<br /> upon such revocation, Borrower ahall pay Co Lender all Fmids, and in sueh amoimts, that�u e then reqirired
<br /> undor this Scetion 3.
<br /> l,ender�nay,a�t azry tLne, collect and hold Punds in aai aznouut(a) su�FticienY Yo permit Lender to npply the
<br /> FUnds at the limc spccifiod w�dcr RLSPA, ai�d(b) nat to excccd tl�e inaximum amount a lender cau require
<br /> under RESPA. Leuder shall estimate the nuzount of Funda due on Lhe 6asis oP current data and rwsonable
<br /> ostimatcs e�f expcnditurc,s of firtme Nscrow ite�ns or oYherwi�e in accordance wiili Applicabla Law.
<br /> 7'hc Fuuds s1�a11 bc hcld in an instihifion�vhose deposits axe insuced by a federal agenoy, insCrwnentality, or
<br /> entity(inclucling Lender, if Lender is nn instilu[ion whose deposils are ao insureci) ar in any Ncdcr�al Hoine
<br /> Loan Banlc Lender sha11 apply the Funds to pay tha Escrow Ttems no later than the time apeoifled imc{er
<br /> RLSPA. Lemdcr shat71 not cl�arge Borr�wer for holding and applying Uie Funds, aamually uialyzuig�Yhe
<br /> escrow acoonnt, or ve�ifying ihe L+scrow Items, unlesa I�end��paye Borrowcr interest on t7�e Fwtds and
<br /> Applical�le Law permite Lender to meke sueh Fi charge. Un(ess an agreenient ia made in wri�ing or
<br /> ApplicaUle L�w requires inCerest to Ue ptid on the Ftuids, Lender shnll not be required to pny Borrower nuy
<br /> inter c,�t or earnings on tUe Punds. Rorrower and I.ender caai agree in wriCing, however, that interest sh�ll be
<br /> paid nn Che Pm2ds. Lender shaill give ho Borrower, wiChout cT�nrgc, tm anmwl xccomrtin� of tlie Funds Ts
<br /> required Uy ILESPA.
<br /> TP there is a surplL�s of T�'unds held in escrow, as derned under RESPA, Lender shall accomit to Borrower for
<br /> the excess hmds in accordance with RF.SPA. If thexe is a shorCage of Fuuds held in esarow, as defined uuder
<br /> RESP'A, Lendcr ehall notify 13orrower aa rcquirai by R�;SPA, �.nd h3on�ower sha11 pay Co Lender flie amount
<br /> necesanry to mnlce iip the shorCage in Accardnnce wiCh RESPA, but in no inoro than 12�nontl�ly pa}nnents. If
<br /> Yliere is a deticienoy of Funcls keld in escrow, as defined under ILESPA, Lender shall notify Borinwer a�s
<br /> zaaoz000
<br /> N E6RASI(A-Single Family-fannie M ae7fretldie 1r1 ac 11NIfORM IN9TRl1M ENT Form 3028 17�1
<br /> V M P(n� VM PB(NE)f11651
<br /> Woltere Kluwer Plnanclel 3ervlces P�qe 6 af 11
<br />