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201209036 <br /> semCenoes ahall sioC apply to Che preaence, nse, or storage on the Property of smell qunn[ities of IIAzazdous <br /> Substauces that ara generally recognized to be appropriate to nonnal residential uses aaid to inaintenance of <br /> the Property (inchiding, but not 1imited tn, 1�azardous substanccs in oinlsuuicr producfs). <br /> Rorrower shall promptly giva f,ender written notice of(a) ariy investibafion, claim, dcm�nd, 7awstii'tt or other <br /> action by xny governmcntal nr regulaCory agenoy ar privaCe pnrLy involving[he Property nnd any IIaznrdous <br /> SLiUstaucc ur L�irvim�un�ntal Law of�vhioti Borrower hns actual Iniowledge, (b) any Envirosmiental <br /> CondiLion, inoluding but not limited to, any spilling, lealting, diachacga, releasa or CUreat of xelease of a�iy <br /> lIazardous Substance, and (e) any condition caused by the preee��ce, Lise or release of a 7iazardous Substance <br /> which adversely affecte the value of tho Yr�perty. If Bprrower learne, or is nofiCed by any govermnentnl or <br /> regulato�y authority, or any privaCe party, lhat any removal or other re�necliaGon of any IinzArdous Sabstauce <br /> affecting�the Propecty is necessairy, Borrower s11a11 Urornptly talcc all ncccseary r�incdial actioi3s iu <br /> accorda�ice with Fnvironmenttd Law. Notivng herein ahall cxeale any obligation on Lender for nn <br /> NnvironmcnCal Gleanup. <br /> Non-Uniform Covenants. Barrower and Lencler covenant ancl agree as foAows: <br /> 22. Aoceleration; Remedies, l.ender shall give nolice to Borrower prior to acccleratiw�following <br /> Rurruwer's breac}i of any covenlnt or agreement in tLie Secnrity Iust��amcnt(bnt uot prinr ta <br /> acceleraCimi neider Sectiou l8 �mless Applicablc Law provided otherwise). The nokice sh:ill specify: (a) <br /> Cl�e defnnit; (b) tlic action oroqaired fo cnre the defxult; (c) a daCe, noC less Ct�an 30 clays from Llie dnte <br /> tl�c notice�is given to'Rorrower, by which tLe deFaidCmnst be cui^ed; and (d) tliat fnihtre to mtrc 1'l�0 <br /> defanlC m�or before the dnte specified iu the notice may roanit in ncceleration of the sams secnred by <br /> Cl�is Secnrity Instrmnont fuid sale of tl�e Property.�Tlie notice shnU further iafm•m Bnrrower�rf Cl�e � <br /> right to reinst.�te xftex• xaeleration nnd Che i�ght to Lring a conrt action to assert the nmrexistencc of a� <br /> defaiilt or auy oCher dePense of Borrower to acceloration nnd snlc. If tlic dcfnalt is not carecl mi or <br /> before flie date spocified ia� Chc nodcc, Lender xt its option m;�y reqnire immedixte pa,ymenC in fidl of <br /> all sums secin�ed by tl�is Secm•ity lnstrumenl wiEhoiil fiu•Cher deman�l and may�invoke tlie power of sale <br /> :uid xily oY�ier remedies pern�iCted by Applicable Law. Lender shall be entltled to collest all oxponeos <br /> incurred in pursuing the remedies provided in this Scction 22, inclnding, but nat Iimitcd to, rcneont�ble <br /> attorneys' fces and costs of Sitic evidenec. <br /> IF Ylte powcr of ealc is v�voked, Trn�t�e sh;dl record x imtice of defanlC in each cnm�ty in wLicl� any <br /> p��rC of the Property is Incafed and sli�ll mail col�ies of sach notice in the inamier prescribed by <br /> Applicable Law [o Borrower nnd to tlic oCl�cr persous prescribcd by Applicnble La�v. Af'ter tl�e ti�ne <br /> iroqnirod by Applicnblc Lnw, 1S��stee 8h;dl give publia notice of sxle to the persons aud ln the�na��ner <br /> prescribed by Applic:�ble l.�nw. 'Crtial�ee, wiClm�rt deuiand on Borrower, sliall sell Elte Property at pttblic <br /> aucUon Uo Cl�e I�igtiest biclder nt the time and place and mider tlic tcrma dcsignaCccl i�i tlic nodoo of sa�le <br /> in one or more parcels nnd iu nny order Trnstce cleterinines. Trnstee m�y postpone sale of xll ur nny <br /> parcel of the Property by pnblic nnno�mceinent .�t the time and place of any previonsly schednled sale. <br /> Lendcr m•its desiguee m:sy pnrchase the Property af auq sale. <br /> Upon�roccipt of pnymcnt of Wxe price bid, TrusYee shTll deliver fo Che pm•chaser ltnstee's deed <br /> conveying the Property. 'Pho recitals in Clie Trnstee's deed shnll be pri�ua facie evidm�ce of the trnth of <br /> the sCatements macle therein. Ttnstec ahnll npply the proceeda of tlie sxle in tlie 1'o11owL�g m�der: (a) bi <br /> all coets and ex�enses of exercising t6e power of sale, and Cl�e sale, inclnding the paymeuC n'F Cire <br /> Trnstee's fees :�etnally incaireil a�xd reasonnble nttornegs' fees ae permitted by Applicable Lnw; (b) to <br /> all anms seom•ed by tliis Sacnrlty InstrumenC; and (c) an,y excess to tlie pereon or persm�s legsdly <br /> entiHetl to it. <br /> zaoozsoo <br /> NEBRQSKA-Single Famlly�FenMe Mee7FretlAle M�c UNIFORM IN9TRUMENT Form 3o28 1107 <br /> VM P OO VM P6(NC)(1105) <br /> Wolt»rx I(luw�ir Financiel Servlces Pege 14 01 1% <br />