<br />SECTION I. The Cemetery situated in the Southeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter of the Southwest Quarter of
<br />Section Six (8), Town Nine (9), Range Twelve (12) North, County of Hall, State of Nebraska, shaii be dominated as the
<br />Shelton Townahip Cemetery and ehall be the property of Shelton Township, Buffalo County, Nebraska, on the conditlone
<br />set forth in the Deed conveying sald Cemetery to Sheiton Township, Buffala County, Nebraska, from the Sheiton
<br />Cemetery Associatlon.
<br />SECTION I I. The Shelton Townshfp Cemetery shall be under the management and control of a Board of Truetees,
<br />consisting of three qualified electors of the Township of Shelton, who shall holdthetr office for a term of three years, and
<br />until their succeasors are elected and qualified.
<br />SECTION III. At the annual town meeting of Shelton Township held on the fifth day of March, 1918, the electora
<br />present ahall elect one Trustee for a term of three (3) yeara, and one to hold his office for a term of two (2) years, and one
<br />who shall hold his office for a term of one (1) year, and there shall be elected annually thereafter one Trustee who ehall
<br />hold hia affice for three (3) y.eare. Said election ta be by ballot, requiring a majority of all votes cast to conatitute an
<br />election.
<br />SECTION IV. Before entering upon the duties of their office, each trustee shall take and subscribe to the foilowing
<br />oath before the Town Clerk:
<br />1 ................ do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States, and the
<br />constltution of the State of Nebraska and that 1 will fa(thfully perform all the duties fmposed upon me by the state laws,
<br />and the by-laws of Shelton township, and especially those laws and by-laws governing Shelton township Cemetery.
<br />SECTION Y. The board of trustees shall meet not later than ten (10) days after the annual Township meeting and
<br />shall organize by electing one of their number Chalrman, and another of thelr number Secretary. It shall be the duty of
<br />the Chafrman to preside at alI meetings of the board, to sign all deeda and all warranta. It shall be the duty of the
<br />aecretary to keep a record of all meetings; he shall also have authority to sell Iats, ieaue and sign deeda for same, to sign
<br />all warrants on the township treasurer, and to collect ali moneys arising from the sale of lots or from any ather aource for
<br />the benefit of the Cemetery, and to pay the same over to the Township Treasurer, taking his receipt therefor.
<br />SECTION VI. The Secretary shall before entering upon the dutiea of hls office and not later than ten (10) days after
<br />his appointment or election, give bonds for twice the amount of money that is Iiable to come into hls hands in any one
<br />year, conditioned upon the faithful performance of his duty as Secretary. The amount of the bonds shall be fixed by the
<br />Township Board, who shall approve the said bonds; sald bond shall be filed with the Township Clerk and shall run to
<br />Shelton Township.
<br />SECTION VII. All monies ariafng from the sale of lots and from all other sources for the benefit of the Cemetery
<br />shall conatitute a Cemetery fund and shall be kept separate from the other funda of the Township by the Townahip
<br />Treasurer; and it fs hereby made the duty af the Township Treasurer to keep an itemized account of the receipts and
<br />expenditures of the Cemetery fund.
<br />SECTION VIII. The Township Treasurer Is hereby authorized to pay all warrants on the Cemetery fund that are
<br />signed by the Chairman and Secretary of the Board of Trustees, to a Iimit of the funds on hand in said Cemetery fund.
<br />SECTION IX. It is hereby made the duty of the electors present at the annual Township meeting to make a levy
<br />which In their judgment wlll raiae sufficent funds to meet the requirements of the cemetery for the ensuing year.
<br />SECTION X. The Trusteea shall have power on behalf of the Township to make all contracts and superintend ell
<br />labor done; to direct the expenditure of all money and superintend all improvementa and embellishments of the
<br />Cemetery subject only to the will of a majority of the eiectors present at any annual Township meeting, and to have
<br />general supervision of the Cemetery and the property thereto belonging and to keep the same In as good repair as the
<br />funda wlil permit.
<br />SECTION XI. The trustees shall contract no greater expenditurea than has been provided for in the Cemetery fund,
<br />but the Township Board may, in case af sudden or unexpected emergency, eppropriate froal the general fund of the
<br />Township, such sum of money, as In their discret(on shall be necessary to meet such emergency, provfded the amount on
<br />hand in the general fund will permit without aerious detriment to the other interests of the Townahip.
<br />SECTION XII. The Trustees ahall receive the foflowing compensetion for the time In the interests of
<br />Shelton Township Cemetery: the Secretary ahell receive the sum of one hundred dollare per annum; the Chairman ehall
<br />r�:eive the sum of one hundred dollars per annum; the third member of the board shall recelve tha aum of one hundred
<br />dollars per annum plus two dollars per trip for cemetery business.
<br />SECTION XI I I. The Secretary shail not allow any interments in any unsold tots in the Cemetery, except fn that part
<br />known as the "Potter's Field", and no lot shall be sold until it has been,pald for in cash, or otherwise to the satiafaction
<br />of the Secretary, who shall be responsible for the amount of all sales.
<br />SECTION XIV. Tfie Trusteea may secure the servicea of a suitable person to dig and flll alt gravea. The
<br />compensation to be paid for this work ahall be determined by the Trusteea, but said compensatlon shall be collected by
<br />the grave-dlgger from the party or parties having the interment made and ahall be retalned by him as his total
<br />compensatlon for digging and filling seid grave.
<br />SECTION XV. No interment shall be made In Shelton Townahip Cemetery nor ahall any grave be dlgged therein,
<br />untll a Burlal Permit shall have been obtalned from the Secretary of the Board of Trustees. Said permit shall give the
<br />name of the peraon to be buried, the number of the lot, and the name of the owner of sald lot as ahown by the books of the
<br />Secretary.
<br />SECTIOPI XVi. Any pereon may purchase one or more lots in Shelton Township Cemetery for the �purpose of
<br />Interments, by paying the appraised value of the same as establiahed by the Board of Trusteea and complying with atl
<br />requirementa of these by-lawa that may relate to or govern the sale of lots.
<br />SECTION XViI. All vacancies In the office of Trustees ahall,be filled by appointment by the Township Board, end
<br />the appointee shall hold office until the next annual townahip meeting, when the vacancy ahall be filled by election.
<br />SECTION XVI II. At least one half of all lot sales and at least flfteen dollera fram each opening of grave by put in
<br />The Perpetual Care Fund.
<br />5ECT10N XIX. These by-lawa may be changed or amended at any annuat meeting by a maJoNty vote o# all electora
<br />present and votMg.
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