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� <br />�0�20895�4 <br />Exhibit "A" <br />A tract of land comprising the South �`ive (5.0) Acres of tha Nor�east Quarter of the Southeast Quarter <br />(1V'E�/4SE1/4) and the No�rth Five (5.0) A,ct�es o! the Soatheast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter <br />{S�i/4SE114), all being in See#ou For�r (4), Tovv�ship �leven (11) l�orfh, I2ange Njne (9� 'GV'est of the 6tb <br />p.A�., �all County, Ne6raska, and more particularly described as follows:' <br />Begiaait�g at a poiat on the east line of said Northeast Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NE1/4SE1/a), safid <br />potnt 6aing One Thousand One �undred FPfteen and Tr+venty Eight �undiredths �1 ,1Z5Z8) feet south of <br />the northesst corher of said Northe�st Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (NEI/4SE1/�, sa�d point also <br />beiag Ehe soufheast corner of Potlock Subdlvisloa; theuce runnfng southerly, slong and upon th� east line <br />of said N'ortheast Quarter ai the SouEhe3st Qurs�rEer (1VE1l4SE114), abd aIong and upon the east line of <br />safd SflutLeast Quarter of the �outheast Qnarter (SEL4SE1/�, � dtstance�of Thre� Hundred Z�venty <br />Nine and Eighty Nine Hundredths (3Z9.89) feet; thancc doftccting Nght 9L° 2'1' 37" �nd rnnniing westerly, <br />a distance of One Thoasand rLree �andred Thlrty Sbc and Sl�en �undrec�t�s {1,33f�1� feet to a point <br />on the vvest ifne oi saGi Southeast Qaarter of the Soathast Quarter (SE1/4SE1/�; thence deflecting t�ight <br />88° 44' 43" and runn[ng eot�herl�. along sud �tpon tha west 19na of safd SoutheasE Quarter o# fbe <br />, Southeast Quarter (SE1/aSEL4), and along �nd upon tho west line or said North�st Quat�t�:r oi tho <br />Southeast Qaarter (bTL1/4SEi/�, a dist�nce oY Three Haudred Tweu.t�' Nine anS Niue I3aadredt4s <br />(329.a9) feet to tE�e soudhwesE corner of said Pollock 3ubd[vtsion; tt►ence daflecttng rtght 91° 13' 19" �nd: <br />running easterly, slong �� upoh the south Ifne of said Pollock Subdivision, a distaace of One Thousand <br />T�Sree Hnndred Tbirfy l�our and Ninety Six Hubdredths (1,334.96� feet to ;Ehe pa9nt of beginnlmg <br />}. <br />� <br />. d . <br />