:t;;:�'=:�::=K`�,r� . :r�� .��. . . . .. :
<br /> _
<br /> _s-.. .,�;.'�- ..:_c.:x.:
<br /> .,... :.K - --
<br /> :,,j-�---:-g ..c_.:_t- -.:--.---• .:... - --.— � __- —�- -- -- - -� -
<br /> .. ti.�tW�. `- _. ' � , . :. '_ v.:=
<br /> ..�.. -. , . . . --� �/�. . , . �,r.Y .
<br /> ;: ._ _ \' - -� V i :_ -. :.�1 .-_�.��.'�.:::..._....LL.` .Y S
<br /> . ' . - ! - ,{ . .�1. i ^ � �...,��...�� ���.+�..i.�.._�-���..�--•t-.'- "'�
<br />.. .. .."� ,l, }.�� � �..� i.�i.�a , "
<br /> ; � . ,.��:,_;. � . . 9��1���7� .� �-.-.
<br /> � is. TpKEg/�Nii qSSES$MENT$, Qrantnt shall payt eil taxes and assosvnenb relating to ihe P[operry when du immed�atery provlde LeMer �
<br /> � • `_ `,:; • � evi�enee ot payment ot Game. Upon Iha raquest of Lartder.Qrentor ffi�all deposit wittl Lender eacA month one-twetfth(t/12)ai the estimated annual -. �."�.,.' �
<br /> . `� Insuranee pmmtum�tmces and assassments pertainfng m the Propatty. Ss tong as tnate Ia no deteut4 tIIesa amnunts sAau�a app4ed to tAe paymeM .
<br /> e ol taaeg.gs,gggmentg an0 irlg�ranCe gq�equtted on the PropBrty. 0�tA9 even!ot det&uil.Lendet shaf!hava ths tlght,8t its saie opttan•m apPly tAe . `'
<br /> ,�',``. .�� tunda So h0t4 to Qay 8ny t9:e9 QI 8ge:ns4 thB ObligatloRS. MY�+�g$PP��Y.el Letldar's Option.be appliBd in tevetse OrQef 01 th0 dLLe dste `'E '.�' 'r
<br /> ' - Iheteo9. `
<br /> - ., 5 16. IHSPECTtON aF PRGPEHiY,BOQKS.R�OflDS AHD REPaAiS Grar�tn�shaU s11ow tsnQer or its a�qents w esamina end Inspect ue ..< i, •`
<br /> � Property anp eYamine.inspsp snd maks coptes W Qranwfa hooks end cecotds pertaining to tne Prcperty tcom tima w ttme. Cirenmr sna�!provtde � ����.,.�. _
<br /> • i any ass Q•an�•tepuiced dy tendar tar thssa purposes. All of th9 stgnetiues end lntortnaIIon onntalned in Qranto�s trooks and tecotds sfia11 Ge ,
<br /> genuine.true.acixnate end camptete in aD respects. Gtantor shall note tt�e enistenea at Lender s Oenefidel interest In ib boafcs and reeards _
<br /> . � peRaWng w tRe_Rayctty AdditionaUy►.Qranmt shaU�epaA.tn a tonm satlstactory to Lender,such intormatlon as 4ender may[squest tegarding .
<br /> .: �� tiraruof's GnartNe!con�ttor+ar the Roperty. fia irfi�rmat[on shaD ba tar sucA padads.shaU redact(iranmr's remrds at sueh Uma.atW sliatl ne :
<br /> � �enReted wiUi such Kequency as Lendar may designaze. All Intormatton tumtshed 6y tirantor w LenRer shat!Ee«ue.escurate ene wmptete in al1
<br /> � �j tespec�.and aigned by Grantor it lender tequasb. . � ::,.
<br /> �!�; t7. ESTOPAE�.CENTIFlCATES. Wifhln ten(10)day19 efter any requsst by Lender.Qrentor stiafl d�tiver w Lender.or any intended sranstecea nt �'.Y �::
<br /> - I.enes�'s�ights with cespea w tna obugaUons.a signeo and acknocAsdged statement speritying(a)the ouutanding dalanae or�tne oetigations:ana
<br /> .:•�`-`--�� ro3���R���lf�s.detenses,seloNs a oounterdaims with respect t�the ObGgatiorts and,if so,the aahire o!such daims. - f—. _.
<br /> .,., .�. Qetenses,sat-0its or counterdaims. Qrantor wiU be condushrery bnund Gy any represontation that Lender may rt►ake to 1he(ntended transteree vritA �
<br /> �. . . `, i respeci to these matte�s in ths ev+ent that tirantor faits to pmvfde tAe tequested atafement in a flmely manner. ,
<br /> ';�4 18. EifE4tiS aF OSFAULT.M Event of Osfautt shaU oaut under Ws�eed at Tnist and Na Trusiea's pmaer shaU Eseome ope►ative in the event that .? :-
<br /> . � ,,.� (itat�tat,8orcaaret ar eny guatanmr af tt�OhIIgatianx � . �
<br /> ra
<br /> .i I `:� �a)t�to paysRy Qbitgatian to laftdet when due; ` ; . .
<br /> (b)faits to pedorm any OLL'gatIoa nr breaehes ony wartanry ar e�+enant to Lender contained in ttils Oaed of Trust or amr otner present ar future
<br /> agresmenx
<br /> �- , (c)destcoys,foses or damages tt�a Property in arry matertaf respeq or suDjecLS the Pcapeity m seauce,confiscatiun.ar oondemnattan: .,; -
<br /> (tl�seeksto teva&a.temninate or athecwise tlmit it9 tiabIGry under anyguatat�ty to tender.
<br /> (e) dies,peoomes legaliy incampetrant,ts dissotved or tem�inatetl,Cemmes insfltvenb makes an assig�ment br tAe beneTit ol aedttars,fai7s to , ��_
<br /> pay debts as tAey bewme duo,filas a petitlon under tha tedetat baniauptcy taws,has an imrotuntary paGtion In ban1wptey tited in whtcd►Qranwr. _
<br /> U
<br /> . Borcowet o►any guarantnr is t►amed.or has propartytalcen undst atry writ ar pracess ot eauA; ;
<br /> {ij aUows go�ds to he�ed,uansported or stored on the Propectyl.the possessian.transportatton,at use af whteh.(s iltegai; .�_ �
<br /> ' - (g)ataws any party othar thar►Qrantor cr Bonower to assuma or wdertaice any ahiigarion withoue the written conseni ot Lender.or . -.-
<br /> � � � Q�) causes lender to deam itseit insecuce due to a signdicarrt dedins N the vaNe ot the Praperty;or it Lender.in good/aith,tor eny reasan, ...t�. •_:
<br /> � heGevas that the prospea ot payment ar peRaimanee is impaIre4.
<br /> •`�s, �"` 19� FltGNiS Of tEMDEA OH EtfENT 0�OEFAULT. lJpon the oocutrenca ot an Event of Detault undet 1hi9 Qee4 af TnRat.Lender shail ba ertitled to
<br /> exerci�one m more of the(ailcwing�emedies wnMut notice or demand(w�cept as requUed by taw�: :
<br /> ` - --�`� (a)m dedare the Qti�igauons trtunedtateN due and Paxabie in tut1.sud�acmteratiar►shau ba aummatic end immediat�ii ttio Event at Ceim+ii is �_��,.:•;� �_
<br /> - - --_�-..�. "° a 6Bn9 undar the BankruPtcy Cada: ;, . ;.
<br />� ' • ;� (b)tocoltecttheoutsmrWingOhligattonswltAarwitltoulresoNrtgialucfidalpcocess: ' ,,:-t�° -.
<br /> �, : . � (c)W recluire(irar►wr to detIver and make availahte to Lendar any parcona!pmperry w Chattets constituttng tha Proparty at a pSaee ueasonaC.`y. .4,°,u��;-
<br /> . 7''1• , oomrenient to Granmt and Lettdar, ��•.�
<br /> • (d)to entet upon and take passesstan 4t the Proparty wiNaat aPPtying tor or obtaining the appotntrnent o!a recetver and.at LendePa ap�on,�o �����` !�".,,:
<br /> -. . _.... .�::�;r. 8D�a�eeeEver vlitRoul bcnd,wGlwut 8cst brtng(�suit an the Obti�lona an0 without athecv,ise meeUng any stanilary condItI+ons cega[ding ��`�::: �,.'?`-
<br /> . � Bceivers,tt befng intended that Lender shall Aava thta conUactuat rtght w appatnt a recaiver. �
<br /> (e) m employ a man�qing agent of tAe PropeRy and let tha same,eltAer in Trustee's own nama.tp tha name ot LenQer ct in the name ot, -
<br /> ,. Qranmr.an4 receive the ratns.inooma9.issues and profib ot tAe Pcoperty and appry the sama,afte�paymem ot all tisca�ary charges and : '�. ;=
<br /> , . �npseas,�ny�u�no���qor m�annar deemed expedtent by Lender w�Orotect thasecudry of ttda Qeed of Yrust or w a,re any QefauN ather ��.���y�,;._
<br /> i":;v.ts r.: �- � tt�n PaYment of interest ai principal on tha ObiigaUons: •,�; .
<br /> :c;,s•±�. ; �. �" f3} to faredasa this Rae4 ot 7rust judic(alty ot«on;udictaUy and to direet the sata of the p[opeAy thraugh exerctse of tno powet of sate as •
<br /> °.; � : • '.;, .S, raferenced in pafagraph 20.herein.in aec�danca with appficabie Ww; �
<br /> � ,�� Q�}to set�f!&antaPs Obqgatians agalnst eny amounts owed Qranmr by L�n;er inuudtng.but not Iimftad to,moNes,insuuments,end dr�osit w e
<br /> .� � eocaunts maintsined witA Lender ar any cumentty e�isting or future affitiate c�len�ar,and ` •-•
<br /> �'�•?�f:�,;;•, - n w exercfsa all otAer rtghts availaht�w tendar under enyr otheo writtan agcee:aHnt or applicahte law. :�Y'�. ,�
<br /> ;:.s,'l;; _
<br /> -,;,;,�•.. LendePs dghts are cumidativa and may�s exercised together,separatery.and(n amr order. tn H�e svent that Lender institutes an actlan seeWng - �� .',
<br /> tl� ..
<br /> ". �`,•>>:.;, tha tecovery of any of tne Pcoperry by way of a prejudgment remady tn en ac6on against ti�sntnr.(irenwr watvea tha posting o!any 6ond which ;;1"•. ,'
<br /> . � migt►t othenrofse ba cequired. Londer or lender's dasignea may purchase the Property ai ar[yl sale. Piroceada of any T�ustee's sata he�eundar �
<br /> .� shall be applled thst,to the costs and expensas ot exercising tha pawer a!sale and ot the�te.induding the payment ot the Trustea's tees ����
<br /> ;.. � :..�;� ecwally incurred amd no1 to excee0 tha amount wtdcA may be pmvided tor in Wa Qeed of T�ust.second.to payraeM oi ttte ObRgatlons seauad .:;;,;;; ..:
<br /> . .;`� hereby,thir�,w the payment ot junlcr trust deeds,mortgages,or other Uanholders,and tha da(ance.it any.to 1he person or persons legalry
<br /> entiUed therem�. ihe Pcoperty cr any pari thereol may be sotd io ane parcal.ar in sucA parcals.manner or arder as LsnRe�in ita eote discreUon ::_:�'"
<br /> . may etect,and ana or mora ea�.c�ises of the power hecetn granted Shail nm exUngutsh ar e�aust t�e power uniess the entire Proparty is sold ot -'�-=°-
<br /> ufa obllgattans ere paid in fi,it. [
<br /> ' 2p,7�tUSTEE�S�RCISE OF POWER Of SALE OH DEFAULT. Upon defaNf by Borrower inpayment ot any Qbttgatlons seare0 heretsy lender �� '
<br /> + L,..��-�.�..
<br /> rnay Qedare all waas.•secuted hereby,Fmmediafe[y due and payabte and shatl causa to be file�d�ecacd a vrtltten naUce of defauli and eieetian w T „�a�`;���
<br /> .. sell the Pro pe rt y. Affer ttle tapse of sucA time as�n may be required Dy Iari toIIovring cecordatlon of such nottce o1 detautl,and notice of eata E " '�
<br /> havtng peen givan as then requlsa d by law,Tmstee,w iL tio u f deman d on(i ran t or,s h a i l s e p cu c h P r o p e rt y,e t t h e r a s a w A o 1 e o r i n s e p a r a x a p a rc e t s.a n a �:__..
<br /> ' • i n s u c h o r d e r a s I t o r L s n d a r m a g a e t e r m i n e,a f p u b 8 o a u c U o n w t h e N g h e s t b t Q Q e t. T r us t e o ma y pos t p o p e Na seto of ett or en y portton of the �•�+-=_
<br />- � Properiy by pnb1W announcemer�.�the Ume and ptace of sale,and iram tlme to Ume thereafter may postpone iha sala by put�lb anrrouncemem et '_'`;.r,:i
<br /> . tha time and ptace fixed by tAe�sa�ding postponamen� 7ntstae sAall detiver w such purchaser its deed conveying tAe properiy,ot poAion thereol, . �;_'=
<br /> ' � so sofd.but wlthout any covenar.i w wananty,eY�ress or implled. The recifats in suct�Qeed of any matters ot faet or otherwlse,shafl be condushre :�.;:�,.:_,;.
<br />= •;,,;; ptoaf of tha truthtutness tha�eof. Ar.y person,inatuding Qrantor,Trustae or lender�may purchase at suct►eata. � .•I._=T'.�
<br /> . � � :'.` 21. REQUEST f0A NOTtCES. Cu�tor reque�s:.'.at a copy ot any notloe o!Qetault and a copy of arry notfce of eafe hereunde�be mai(ed to each �:`•".�=
<br /> . . . person who Is a parry hereto,at c-.�address of suda person set toAA Aerein at the same Ume and in the same manner�aqutred as 1RougA a�e � ,'
<br /> � ca�nest tfiereot had been filed Dy raeh such person. _ .
<br /> 22 SECURI7V INTEAEST UNOEH TMP UNIFOAM CaMMERCdAI.COD& Thls Oeed ot Tacst sha11 be consldere0 a finac� " statemem en d e _
<br /> � � � �' fixture fliing pursuant w the provislons of the Unitarrrt Commerr3ai Gcde(a�adapted in the a�ta whete the Properly ia lo�eavering flxturea, _ �.
<br /> - . � chatte►�.and artictes of personal praperty naw owned ar hereatter anached to a to ba used In connection witA the Proparty tog�r with any and afl
<br /> replacaments thsreot and additWns thereto(the'Chattelsh,and Qranto►hereby granis Lender a securlty interesl In such Chatte;a The deC:cr ds tha _
<br /> • � Gtantw described etrove. 7he secured party Is tha Lendar described ahove. ltponQema�d,(itantor si�all make,execu4e artb deliver suah�rlry -
<br /> ' agreements(as such term Is dettned In sald UNtarm Commerclat Cade�as tancter at arsy tlme may deem necessary or proper or required ta grEnt w - ���_
<br /> _ Lender a peQected securlry Interest in tAe Chaneta,entl upan QranwPs alture w do so,Lendes ds eathorhed to slgn atry such a�eement as tAe agem . .
<br /> • pf Granta. tirantor hereby authorhes lsndet to fita tlr►aacing statements(as such tarm is defrnad in sald UMtorm Commeraiat Cade)wlth respect to .
<br /> � the Chattets,at eny tlme,wllhout the slgnature of(irantar. Qtantor will,howavet,at eny tlme uyan�equest ot lender.sign sue,."�tiranNng atetement�.
<br /> • . '�•• Granwr witl pa�y all Uling tees tor the fiting o1 sueA Mancing statements and tar the refittng therea!at the Umes requlreA,in tri�op:�ian o1 Lender,hy
<br /> - . `�-�`t eaid Unitorm Commsrclal Cado. 8 tha lien at tA19 Oeed ot T�ust I�s�jact to sny secutity agreement oovering tho Ch�liel�.flun tn t!►a event o!eny
<br />- �+,'��� datauti under thts Qaed of Trust.el!the tigrit,t:9te�nd Intatesf of(irant�r In and to any and atl ot tris Chatteis is hsreby asslgned W lender.togsiher ,
<br />- . � '����;� vilt�tha benefit ot any deposlta or payments nrr.a or hereafter made thereof by Orantor or tha yredecasso�ot successors io G9a of Grarctmr dn tAa
<br /> - . Ptaperty. �
<br /> � 23.REIMBUflSEMHNT OP AEd01lNTS EXPENDE�8Y LENCER. Len4ar,ef LendePe aptlon,may expand f+,nds Qnctuding�2tomeys'teea and legal
<br /> • � expenses)to peAorm any ad requlred W be taken by Orantor or to exetdse any�ight a�emedyr of tender under thls Deed o?Tnrsf. Upor�demand, •
<br /> - . - Orantor ahafl immediately relmburse Lender for aU such amour.as oapended by i.ender tageti�e�with interest thereon et tt�e t�er ot tho highcst ratu •
<br /> - • � dascrihed.M any Obligation or the htghest rete allawed by taw iram tha date of payment until the date of ralmtursemen� These eums shatl ba
<br /> - • tnc�uded In the deltnitlon of ObllgaUnns herein and sAaO bo secured by the beneHclal intetest grantod hereln. H the Obligatlons are paid etter the
<br /> '= � � beginning o1 pubtloaUon of noUce ot sate,ae herein pravlded,or in tho avent LoAQer sha11,af its sote opUon,parmit tiranmr to pay any p�rt of tha . ,
<br />-�,�. � ObTigations after the beglnning ot publlraUon of nodce of sata,a9 haceln prov�ded,then,t3ratnt�r ahall pay an demand all ezpensee lncur�ed by tRe •
<br /> K_: . • Trustee and LenQer ln connection wlth said puClication,Inctuding reasonabte attameys'teas to tna attorneys tor the Trustee ar:�tor the f.sndei,end e
<br /> - • - reasarrabla tee to the 7rustee,and this Oeed ot Trust shatl Ce sc�uiry 1ar aU such expenses and tees. �:.
<br /> rra
<br /> i ' 24. A�PUCATION OF PAYMENiS. Atl payment�made by or on behatf ol(irantar may be epptied�qa1nst the amaunts paid b1I LenQer Qncluding ... .
<br /> attomeye'tees and tegal expenses)in connecUon with the eYarctse of ita Aghb or cemedies described Tn thls Oeed ot Trust and tfien to the paymeat
<br /> r � • • o!the temaining ObtigaUons ln whatevar order I.sndcr choases. � __
<br /> ►;, ' Zg, ppyyEq p�p7TOpNEY. (i�anior hereby appolnts lender as its attomeydrrtact to endorse t3rantar's name an all insUuments and other
<br /> doeuments pertaU�lng to the Obtigatlons or Ooed of Trusf. N addiUon,lender sha0 bo entitted,but nof required,to peAorm eny ection or execute any .
<br /> document requlred to bo mken or executad by Grantor under thla Qeed ot Trust Lender's petfatmance of surfi action or exeeuUon of sue►i
<br /> c►
<br /> ' ' � documants s�a11 nof reUeve Qrentor trom any 0�11gatian oi cure any detault under ihls Oeed af T�ust. AII povrers of attarney descrlbed in this Oeed o!
<br /> _______-_ Trust are mupTed with en iMeres!ac�d ate Insvoca6le. __
<br /> � . � di�sctiarged�f�w�iNds�ad an��d�by lendet r gardless o!wh�e�these Ilanst,ts$ecuij�Inie��est9 or otnef ena�mbreanr►w�ha�8 b n eteased��o�f r�e�d �
<br /> ' ` � � "'
<br /> . . �Px�snc p eormnuon tcuu,o�e,,au.�+�/aleel(eaol ecnarag vaao a dd.(.�_ ' .
<br />