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<br /> �� `� � � 2103 WEST FIRST� STREST 3002 SOIITH BLAINE STRBET � _ _
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<br /> • tn consfderaGon o}the Ioan ar ather rredit accummodatian heretnatter s�s�tted and atty futura aavances or tuhae Qbligadat�,as deftned herain.
<br /> � • - wt�fcA may Uereafter he advanced or incurted an�1he uust dsrelnaRer menSaned an�othar good and valua0te conslderauan.the recetyt and _
<br /> . -�•'• , . sutf[cten�y at whbrJ►are Aaceby acRncwladgad,C�r hereby ircevo�aa�ry bac8si�selts,transters.Srants.comreys aM assiQ�s to Trustea.R[� __
<br /> � .. . � S1tC�8SSOB 8(1d 8SSt8n9.It!tfusi.fOt � .
<br /> . �, . Ptenae�:� .
<br /> beneficiaiy under this Oeed ol TrusL wHh power ot sata and dght ot entry end possassIon e11 of Qrantor's present aad future estata,4�gt�f,titta'a.-►0 --—
<br /> • � � latetest tn and 4o tIIo(eat pfoperiy da5cr(bsd In Sdtedute Awtllcti is atta�fted to this Oee4 ot Ttusl and incorporated herein bKthis refa�s►�.tpgethet --- --
<br /> , . with afl preser►t and tutuse ImpmvBmer+ts and fixtures;a11 tangibte pe�sanal properiy.tnctuding.witAout qm3tatlon,aU macriinery.e�ajp-�aif,�uildfng �-- --
<br /> .. matedats.and Aoods o!every natura(excJ�ding RonEehotd goada)now or Aareafler tocated on or used In acnnecton v,itA tha real pra�serty.whmiher
<br /> � � or rtot ailhce0 to tha(and;eD pr[vite8e9.heBaitame��ts.end appurtenanoes.b�ctuding all develosment dgt�ts a�ated wItl►Uta rea!property,
<br /> � wt�ethor provtousiy ar sutssequentty transfetred to tlta rea!p�operty trcm other raal property or rww or hereattar susc�eptidte M uanater ham this teal _.____ _
<br />- � propeAy W other r�el propercy:a11 teases.lis�nsa�and othar agreements;e1!rents,isaues anA pro8ts;aU watar,v�stl,ditch,cesenrctr snd mineral. _ _
<br /> :::;.. •, 8ghts and atocha pedafnTng to the reaf praperty(cumutattvety•Pcaperty');to hava and to Rotd the Praperty and tha dghts hereby granted tut tha usa
<br /> ',_. � , � and benefil df Tmsteo,his succassors a�d essigns,until pa em in h,fl at all ObpgaUor�s secure4�ereGy. _
<br /> , .f; t�� ': Mareaver.fn Iurther consideration.Qrantar Qoes,tor�rantor and Qranto�'s hoics,reprasentauva�,sua�ssers,and assigns,hece0y expressty � --
<br /> warranf.covanam.and agrea wtth Lender and Tnis�e and thefr suocessora end essigns asfoltows: --
<br /> ' 1. OBUfiNT[ON5►Ir4s Daed o!Trust shatl secuso U'aa payment and perbrmance of atl pressnt an4 tuwra i Me b a�►��IlablU i t a s,obli g a i t ons and _
<br /> , oovenants of BortpKmcu(iraritot(cumulativety'ab"ugslion�W Lender pursuant to: �
<br /> , , ;. • t�ls Oeed ot Ttuat and the ta0nwinggromisso notes anr!othar a eame • •
<br /> „E '> -- vAQi4�I�i.�10�ltiT :#lIN47M A;�, ,. ,.. � R � �QCi►- tRtAl1 ---
<br /> '',?fJf�j�s . . . . ' �fA.QI�fB E r,f�
<br />_ � �� --
<br /> . 50.OQ� 9-4-97 r�, --
<br />_ �, �;:..
<br /> • � , � � -- --- - ----- - —- � � -
<br /> � �'(b)a11 ofher preseni ot futica��n agreements wlit��LeaQei t�hat re��spe'c(tioally to th s Oeafl o1 Trust(�»Ree ezaeu�ffsr o oame or �f..;,,
<br /> ' • � Ctfterenipurpoaxa�antt►atoca$oin937 . �`---f
<br />- • ; (cj any guaranfyw dSLgaUOns ot other partie9 given to tender now or hereaftea eascuted that retere to t�is��ct Ttush, . �_�-�-
<br /> . . ;,� � {� tuture advar.,�,whether obligatory or opt�aial.w tRe same exteM as B mata contemporaneously wtth slya�xOCution o1 Q�is Oeed ot T�, �� 1.
<br /> - made or extende�J to ar an hehalt of(irantor or 8onower. titantor agreea ihat Q one o1 the�bUgatlons is a lirte of eredit,the�01 fhls beeQ ot �
<br /> - � � ••+ Tcus1 shall conGnua unUl paym_�in tuU of a1!Qabi duo under ttra Une notwithstanding tha fact that t�om Ume to Ume(but lu�taa terminaUon of
<br /> „,�..
<br /> � . the Ilne)nu bataac�may Ce o��nding. Ilt ao Ume ahaU tha[cn of t�is Oasdof Trust,not in�tuding sums advanaed to pra:eat the secutiry o1 _'�;E,�?�
<br /> ''• 1Ns Osed oi Tn:sL exceed S��-���oP— -- :and ;''3;':.
<br /> . . � � (e)ell amanQm��,extenslons,renowals,madi�oatinne.replacamenta or substinNans to any of tha toregaing "���
<br /> ,..:.
<br /> Aa used in tAls Patagrapn 1.tha terma Qrantor eM Borrowar sha111nctuQo end also mean eny(irantor or BoRawer i1 mare than ona.
<br />- 2.REPRESENiATIONS„WAARANTIfSAt�fDC011ENANT9. (i►anmrrapressnte.waaar►tsendoovenantstoLertd�rtflat:
<br /> '"� . ��� (a) iirenror has tee simpio maAcefabte tltta to fhe P9roperty and ehaU malntaln tha Proparty tree ot aD liens,secvrity lnterests.oncum6rances and
<br /> � cfaTms eYCept tor this�aod of Trust artd those describe0 in SchedWa 8,which is attached ro thi9 Oeed of Trust ana inoorporated hereln hy
<br /> � � reteremce,vfitcA Qrantor agrees to pay and padarm tn a dmely manner;
<br /> ' (b) Qraritar I91n oampilsaca in all respects wlth ell eppficabta federal.sfate arM laoal laws and�egulatWns.inctuding,withoul itmltation,thaso
<br /> _° ' refatlng W�F18i8fd0U9 M8t8t1819;as detined hereln,an�other onvlronmontnt matters (the 'Environrtientel Laws7,and nalther Ihe teQerat
<br /> � ' government nor the state where the Property is Iocate0 nat arry ott�er govemmental or quasi goveramental enUty has liled a Ilen on tha Propett�l
<br /> :;.� . � nol ere there eny gavernmental,judlcial ar adminisuattva actions with respect to emUonmental mattere pending,ar to Iha Oesl ot t�a(itanur s
<br /> ' httnv�tedgo,tht8ater�ed,M�hlct�inanNe tBO Praperty. Nellhar(irantat aar,to the best of(irantoi a knavdeQge.eny other perty has usod,genoreted,
<br /> � � reteased,discharged.stored,or disposed of any Hazardous Matedals as deflned herein,in cannecllon wiU�tha Rcoperty or transpoRed any �
<br /> _ � '�{ Ffasardous MateBets to at trom fhe Ptapecty. Granfor sha11 noi commH or parmil such acUona W be taken in the tuturo. The totm'H9iardaua '.
<br /> _ � Materlat9 shatl mean any substanoa.mate8al,or wasto whicb Ia or 6ecnmes regutated tsy any govammentat authoriry Inctudipg,bN not Umitad
<br /> _ � � ' '.`•:; ro: p)peuoleum;pl)irlebte or nonldeble esbesros;Gil)potyehforinated blphenvis;Qv)thosa substances,materlats or wtutea designated a9 a . .
<br /> 'he7stdot�9 Bubst3nC0 putsuetll t0 SeCUon 311 of ih0 GOStI WBte�ACI Of Ifsted putsuenl to SBCNoD 307 of the Clean Wdtet Aet 0�eny
<br />- � amsndments or reptaoements co thase statuma;(v)t�oso substances,meterlals or wasies doHaod as a'Aas�dcu9 vraste'pursuani to Soctlon �
<br /> _ • � 1�04 of 1he Resource CanservaUan and Recovery Act or any amendment9at�eptacoments to fhat stetute;and(vQ those aubstanoea,mato8ais or
<br /> 04
<br /> . � wasies detined as a'ha:ardaus substanca pws�anf to SecUon 101 of fho Comprehenslve Envlrunmentel Responso.Campensation end Uabillty .
<br /> _ . �• �.,• qc1,or any amendments or teplacements to thal atatute or any otl�et similat state ar tederal statute,ruta,rogylatton ot ocdinanco now ot hereaNer
<br /> -- in eNec1. Qrantor shail not tease or permit the s�mieaze of tha Fcopeny w a tenanf o�subtEnant whose operations may resuft in contemina@on of
<br /> . the Ptoperty v�ith Haaardous Matetial9 at mxio subsmnces: .
<br /> � , j (c) All applicable tav�s and regutatlons,inctuding,wlthout IimitaUon.th�Americans with OisablliUes Act,42 U.S.C.SacUon 92tOt e1 seq.(and etl
<br /> J reg�daflons promutgated lhereunQei)end atl zoning and hultdln9 Iarrs end regutaUons retaUng to the PropeAy by vlrtue of any teGaral.state ur
<br /> �}q��y vrHh jeuistllctlon ove�the PropeAy,presantty ate and shsil be obsonrad and Complied witt�in efl mate�itU tespoct9.Gnd aIl
<br /> � Fghts��l�¢nseo,permlts,and cettiflcate9 of occupartcy pnct�ding buf not tlmited w soning variances,speclal excepuons tor nancanfarming uso9.
<br /> � � and tinal inspoqlon appravals),whether tompotary ar permanent,which are materiaf w the use end acxupanay ot the PropaAy,prosontly eta end
<br /> shatl be obtalned,preserved and.where necessary,rene�ved; �
<br /> • ' �NfO�omuluonTew,otoglc�,6,e.U�l0fe61 t�l�� P�g�1ds�_
<br />