<br /> All insm'anea policies required lry I�ender and renewals of euch policicF sl�all bc subjeot co Lender'a rigJil to
<br /> disapprove sacl�policios, sh�ll include a slandnrd inotlg�ge clause, end shall nazue Lender as mortgagee
<br /> and/or as an additional loss pnyee. Lender shall have tha riglrt to hold tha policies and renewal certificates. lf
<br /> Lender requiros, Boirower shall promptly give to l.ender all roccipts of paid pren�iums and renew2l notiees.
<br /> I£Borrower oUtains any fonn of insuru�ce coverage, noC olheiwise required by Lender, fox damage to, or
<br /> Elestruction of thc Yroper�y, such polioy shall includ€a standTrd mortgaga clause and shall name Lender as
<br /> �nortgagee azicilor as �n ndditionnl loss payee.
<br /> ln tl�e event of]oss, Borrower shn11 give prompt notice to tha insw�ance carrier aud Lender. l,endet may
<br /> �ned<o prooP of loss if not made promptly by Borrower. Unless ],ender and Rortower othcrwisc ngrco in
<br /> v,��iGng, any insur�nce proceeds, whether or not the undcrlying insurzuico w�s required by Lender, shall be
<br /> applied ta restorat�ion o� rep�ir of the Property, if the restoratiion oi repair is economioally feasible and
<br /> Lcnder'a seourity is not lesaened. During such repair aud restoratinn period, Lendcr ehall liave the righC ha
<br /> hold such insurauce proceeds until I,euder httn hacl ai� opporlutiily Co inspeoC such Property to ettsure the
<br /> work has Ueen completed to Lender's satisfacfiion, provided that such inspection shall be midertalcen
<br /> prnmpfly. Lencier m1y diaburse proeeeds for tlie repairs and restoration in a s{ngle yttymcnt or in a series of
<br /> progreaa pa3nnents as the work is completed. Unless �u� agrccmei�C is il�ade in writiiig or Applicnble Law
<br /> requires interest to be paid on such insuranec procccds, Lender shnll not be required to pay]3orrower�uiy
<br /> interest or earnnigs on sucl�procceds. Fees for public adjusfers, or ather tlurd parties, reEained Uy I3on owcr
<br /> shall voY be paid out of the insurence proceeda and shall be tha eole obliga�tion crf Aorrower. ]f the r�etoraEion
<br /> or rep�ir is not eoonomicnlly FeAsible or Lendei's security woLild bo lcsscncd, tl�c insurance proceecis ahnll be
<br /> applieci Yo Yhe stuns secm'ed by tl�is Security Ineu�ument, whether or not then due, with the�cess, if any,
<br /> paid to Borrowee. Such insurance proceecls shall he applied in the ordar provided f''or in Section 2.
<br /> If Borrower aUandons thc Property, Lender mAy file, uegotiete and settle aziy available insurance clai�n and
<br /> relzi6ecl inaCfers. I£Iiorrower does not res�ond witihin 30 days to a notice fi•om Lenr�cr tl2at thc n�sm�ance
<br /> carrier has ofEared to settle a claiin, then I,cndor n�ay nogoCi2fe and settle the olaim. The 30-day period will
<br /> begin when the notice is givcn. In eitiher evenf, or if Leixder acquires the Property wider SeoCion 22 or
<br /> otherwise, Sorrowor hereby¢esigns to Lender(a)Borrower's rlghts to any in9urance proceeds in an amount
<br /> not to oxceed Che nmounts impaid under tlie Note or tlus Secmity Ineh��rnent, and(b) any other of
<br /> Borrower'a rights (other thau Uie right to any reftind of uncarned preixiiuina paid by Borrower)under e!1
<br /> insurancc polioics wvering the Property, iuso£ar as euch rights are applicaUle to the coverage of tl�c
<br /> Proper[y. Lender mny use the instu'auca proceeds either to ropair or rostoro 11�e ProporLy or fo pay amounYs
<br /> unpaid uuder the Note or this Security InsLriunenC, wliether or not then due.
<br /> 6. OCCUpanCy. Borrower shall occupy, ustahlish, and use die Property ns Borrower's princi�nl residence
<br /> witl�in 60 days aftcr tl�o cxecution oP clus Securiry Insu•tunent and a1�a11 continue to occupy tbe Property as
<br /> Borrower's prineipal residenee for�ti least one yeac after the date of occupancy, unlcss Lcndct otherwise
<br /> �grees in writing�, which consenti shall not bo m�rcaxonahly wihhheld, or unless exteminling circumstances
<br /> exist wliich Aa�e beyond Rorrower's control,
<br /> 7. Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the PropeKy; Inspections. Borrower shall not destroy,
<br /> danuti�e or impair the Property, allow fhe Property to deterioraCe or commit wasCe on Yhe Property. Whethe��
<br /> or noti Borrower is residing in the ProperYy, Bon�ower shall inaintain tl�e Property in order to prcvent the
<br /> Property fi om deteriora�ting or decreasing in valua duc t�� ite condition. Ui7less it is dekel'mined pursunnt to
<br /> SecCion 5 fhat ie,pair or resEoration is nof e¢onomioally feasible, Borrower sha11 pron�ptly repair tlie Properfy
<br /> if d2maged Co avoid fiirther deterioration or daznage. I£insm'ance or condeinnation prococds arc paid in
<br /> cotmection wi�h dainage Go, or Uie taldng of, thc Property, Bon•ower sball be respoi7si61e for repairing ar
<br /> restoring flie Property only if Lcnder has released proceeds far such pLirpoees. Lender m�y disUm'se proceeds
<br /> 24002567
<br /> NFBRASKA-Slnple Fam Ily-Fannle M ae/Reddie M ac UNIFORId INSTRUM @M Farm 3018 1/01
<br /> VM P 0 Vh1 PB(NG)(7105)
<br /> WoNers Kluwer Financial Servlces Pe9e]nf 1"!
<br />