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201208913 <br /> sc��t��ocs shall uot apply to the presence, use, or storage on tlie Property of an�all quantitie.c of Hazardoets <br /> Substances khat arc generally reoogniud to bo ap��ropriaCc to normal residential usea and to maintiennnoe oP <br /> the Property(ineluding�, but not l�itxiited to, hazardona siibstances in consumor prodncts). <br /> Borrower shall promptly give Lender writien noUice oP(a) nny inventigarion, clauu, deman4, lawsuit or other <br /> action by auy govermnental or regulatiory agency or private party invoTving the Property and any HazardoLts <br /> Suhstai�oe or l nvironrnonte]Le�w of which Borrower has actual lmowledge, (b) any Environinential <br /> CondiCion, inohiding but not limifed to, any spilling, lcakii�g, disclurge, releasa or tln�ent of release of nny <br /> T3azardous Substance, and (c) nny oondition oauaed Uy the presence, uso car rclease of a Hazardous Substanca <br /> which adversely af'fects Yhe value of the Property. Tf Borrawer learns, or is noCified by any geovcrnmental or <br /> regula3oxy auUioridy, or ftny private party, that ury removal or other remedintion of any II�zarclous Substanoe <br /> affeeting the Propexty ie necesanry, Borrower ahall pxotnptly Calze all necessary rcmedial actio�zs in <br /> accordance with Enviromnental Law. NoUiing herein shall create tuiy obligation on Lender Por an <br /> }?nviromnental Cleanup. <br /> Non-Uniform Covenants. Borrower and Leuder covenaut and agree as Pollows: <br /> 22. AcceleraYion; Remedies. Lender slitill give noticc to Borro�ti�cr prior to ncccleraHon following <br /> Bonrower's brench of xny covenant or agreement in this Security lnstrameut�(but not pi�m•Yo <br /> accoleratim� imder Seclion 1R mde,vs Applicahle Law provides oClierwise). '1'he notice shell specify: (st) <br /> tlie defanlf; (b) the ac�imt requirecl to cnre the defnidt; (c) n dale, not less Chan 30 days�'Crorn tl�e�date <br /> tlie notice is given to Borrower, by wl�ieli Cl�o defa�dt nuist be cared; and (d) HinC failm�e to cnre the <br /> defaalt on m•beforc the df�te specif'ied in the notice mxy result in aocelernCion oP tlic enme secnrad Uy <br /> this Secority InStrument nnd enle"of the Property. '1'l�e noHce slrall 'Fm•ther�inf'orm liorrower o1'khe <br /> rigliC Co reinstate after nccelernlimi and the rigl�t to 6ri�tg a conrt acdmi Co asserC Che nmo-exisConne of n <br /> dofanit or any othcr defense of Borrowcr to accelerntio�� nud salc. If thc defa�dt is not cnred on or <br /> before tlie date speciYied in the noHce, Lender at its optimi �nay require im�a�edis�te payment in full of <br /> all snms secnred by Cliis Secnrtl,y Listrnment wiriiont farHier demand �ud may ir�voke C}ie puwer of s:de <br /> and nny other remedies permitted by Applicablc Lnw. Lender shall be cutitled to collect all expenses <br /> incm•rcd ln pnrsning tlie remedies provided in this Sectiou 22, inclnding, bat uot limitsd to,.rcasonnblc <br /> attm�neys' f'ees nnd costs of title evidence, <br /> ff the power of sale is invoked, Triistee slt�ll record a noGce of defanit in encL conuly in which any <br /> pnrt of the Proper�is locnted and el�nll mail copics of sncl�notiec in Yho mamier prescribed by <br /> Applienble Lnw to 13orrower and to tlie other persons preScribed by Applicable�Law. After the I�ime <br /> req�iired Gy rl�plicxble Law, '1'rnSCee shall give pnblic noLice oP eale to Ctie peram�a 7u�d in CLe�n��amior <br /> preycr3bed hy A��plicable Law. Trnetee, witl�out demnncT on Bor�rower, el�all sell the Property at pnblic <br /> auctimi to tl�e hi�heet bidder xt tlie time nnd plswe xnd mxder the terons designnCcd in tl�e nokico af snlc <br /> in onc or more parceln and in tmy m�der'f'rn5fee deterrnine,9. 'Crn3Cee may poatpone sale of all or atny <br /> p:u•eel of the Prope�•ly hy pnblic nnnom�cenient at tlte time and place of any previonsly sclieduled sale. <br /> Lender or ils designee mny pnrclinsc tlic Propa•t,y at nny snlc. <br /> ilpon roce9pt nf payment of klie price btd, Tri�stee shall deliver to Hie pnrshaser Trnstee's deed <br /> conveying tLe Pruperty. Tlie recitals in tlm Trnstce's deed shnll bc prima f'ncic ovidence of thc h•uCli of <br /> the stntemaite made therei�i. Tr��ntee sha11 ,�pply the proceeds aF the sale in the folluwing ordei: (n)to <br /> �dl costS and expenaes of exerciaing Cl�e power nf sale, a�td l�lte sale, enclnding Che pav�nenC o�f Che <br /> 1'rnstee's fees achi211y incm•red and rea�sonable attorncys' fcos ae permittccl by ApplicaUle Law, (b) ta <br /> all emne sectved by tlus Sceiu�ity Instrament; flnd (c) :�ny excesS t�o tlte person or per6ons Iegall,y <br /> entitled Co it, <br /> — — --"— ---- — 2A00?.567 <br /> NGORASIU-Single Family-Fannfx MeelFreQtlie M so UNIFOHM IN9l'RUM ENT Form 3028 1/01 <br /> vmP� vmi Po(N���i�os� <br /> Wolters Kluwer Plnanclal Servlcea Pepe 4 nf 1� <br />