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201208913 <br /> designated a substitute notice atldress by notice to Lender. Rorrower sl�all promptly notit'y I,endar of <br /> Borrower's change of address. IF Lendcr s��vifies a prooedtu�e for reporting Bpxrower's chaiige of address, <br /> then Borrower shall oi�ig repoxt a chai7ge of addrees t1u•ough that speoified procedure. <br /> 'I'hcro may be only one designated notice addresa under this Security Instrwnent at any oxie time. .Sny notice <br /> tio Lender ehall be given by delivering iC or by mailing it Uy 5rst class�nail to Lender's addrese stated herein <br /> unless Lender has desi�iated another addresh by noflce'Co Bon�o�ver. Any notico in oonncction with this <br /> Sectuity lilstnune�zt sl�ttll noC be deemeci w h2ve been given ta Lender until actually reoeived by Lender. If <br /> any notice requircd by this Secnrity Instrnmenf is nlsa requirecl under Applicable Law, the Applicable Law <br /> rec�uiremcnt will salisfy the corresponding requireinent iander thie Security Instrument. <br /> 16. Qoverning Law; SeverabilRy; Rules of Construetion. Tl�is Securiry instrwnent shull Ue govcrned by <br /> federal law nnd the law of the jiu�isdiction in which fl�c Properhy is loa�led. All right�s and o6ligefions <br /> contained in this Security Jnstrw��enc a�-e subject to nny requirements and limit�tiona oF Applicable Law. <br /> Applic2blc T aw ii�ighC explici[ly or iixtplicitly a11ow Yhe parSies fo a�gree by couiract or it nu�;ht be silcnt, but <br /> such�silenoe shs�ll not be construed as a��rohibition againbt agrcement by contract. In the even6 thaC ni�iy <br /> provision or clause oP this Security G1sUument or fhe Note aonflicts with Applicable Law, such eonflicti shall <br /> not affect other provisions of ihie SecuriCy Instrument or the Nate wluch can be given e�feat wiUiotrt the <br /> conflicting}�rovieion. <br /> As used 'ui this Securiry histrw�ent: (a) woada o'f the masculine g�eilfter shall mean and iuclude corresponding <br /> nettter words or words of the�feminine gender; (b}words in the snigul�r sha111nean�u�d inc(utle thc plrtral <br /> and vice versa; and(c) the word"may" gives sole discretion without any obligation Co fake auy acCion. <br /> 17. Borrow er'S Copy. Iionower ahnll ba given one copy of the Note and of thiN Sccurity Insh'umenh. <br /> 1 S. Transfer of the Property or a E3eneficial Interest in Borrower. As uscd in this Section 1S, "Ineereat in <br /> the Property" means �uiy legal or bencficial interest�in 6he Proyerty, incliiding, but not limited to, those <br /> beneficial inferests hansfcrrcd in a bond fox deed, contract for deed, installment aales eontraot a�escrow <br /> agrcomenl, Che in'fent of which is the ta'aiis9ier of title by Bc�rrower at a future date tio a pt�chaser. <br /> Lf a71 or any parh oP the Property or any Interest ni the Property is sold or G•ansfcrrcd(or if Borrower is not a <br /> natucal person and�beneficial interesti in Borrower is aold or h�a��sPen�ed)withouC Lender's prior wcitten <br /> consent, Lender may r•oquiic izmnediate�payment in fiill of all sums secured by tihis Security Listxument. <br /> Flo�vovcr, this o�Cion shnll not be exercised by Lender i�F ench exercis�is prohil�itcd by App1ioablo Law. <br /> ff L�nder cxcrcises fhis option, Lender shall giue Rorrower nofice oF aoceleration. The notice shall providc a <br /> period of not less thAn 30 days fi�om the date the notioe is givcn in�ccordance willi Seclion 15 wiChin which <br /> Borrower mLi�t pay a11 sume scc;ureci by 11iis Seourity Inah•unxent. lf Bonrower fails to pay Y1�esa swna prior to <br /> tha oxpiration of this�eriod, Lander may invoke any remedies permitted by this Secnrity lustrwnent withouf <br /> fiuthex notice or deniand on Borrower. <br /> 19. Borrower's Right to Reinstate After ACCeleratlon. Ifliorrotvc� i7iccts certain conditions, Borrower <br /> sl�iall have the riglit to ha�ue euforceinent of this Sccurity Insb'4imcnC disconlimied aC any Gme prior to the <br /> esuliest o£ (a) fxva days before sale of thc Properry pm�snauC ro any power of enle contained in this Security <br /> Iustrtunent; (b) sLich othcr period as Applicable Law might epecify for the Yerminatiion of Borrower's right to <br /> rainstate; or (c) en1��q of a judgtnent enforcing this Securitq Liatrumant. Tllose conditions t»'e that}3��rrower: <br /> {a)pays Lender all sums which 11ien wottld bo duc Lu�dcr thie Secnrily InsLrun�enC encl Lhe Note ns if no <br /> ncceleration had occLirreel; (b) cur�,� any dePnult of'any oHier covenanYs or ngreements; (c)pays all e�euees <br /> iiicurrcd in cnforcing this Secui7ty Instrumenti, inoluding, but not limited to, reasonabla attomeys' fecs, <br /> property inspection and vahtation fees, and othcr fecs incun'ed fox the puipose of proCecting Leuder's iuterest <br /> — — -- zaoozesr� <br /> NC[iRASKA-Single Famlly-Fannle PAee/Freddle Mac UNIPORId INSTR061F.NT Pom�3U28 7101 <br /> VMP @ VMPO(NE�(1106) <br /> Woltera Kluw ar Flnanelal Servlce Pape 19 of 19 <br />