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<br /> ,��:;: ..;�'" ' 'PQGEfHER'WFTEI af1 the impmvements now or hereafter erected on the pmpErty,and all easements.sipPurtenances. and
<br /> ' fixnues now or hereaRer a part of the property. AU replacements and additions shall also be covered by this Security
<br /> �" ..-: Inst�umient.All of tl�foregoing is refemed to in this Sec�ity rncm�ms.nt as the'Prope�ty." �
<br /> ';..� `� BQRROWER COVENANfS that Borrower is lawfully seised of the esate hereby oonveyed and has the right to grant and
<br /> � ���- R= , oomey the Property and that the Property is unencumhered,except for encumbrances of reoord. Borrower warran:s and will
<br /> defend generaliy tke dtle to the Pioperty against a11 ctaims and danands.subject to any enw�mbrances of cecord. .
<br /> , ``��•�,�'—� THIS SECURITY INSTRUMEI�iT oomToines mriform cavwants for nationat use aad noo-uniform covenants witS limited >--
<br /> variatians 6y jarisdlction to ounstitute a uniform sewriry instrumeat oavering resl property.
<br /> � ' - EJNIFORM COVFNANTS.Eorrower and Ixnder cwenant aad agr�as foltows: �
<br /> . . 1. Paytnent of Priadgal a�3 Ynterest; PcePa�mea3 aac��.ate CBarges.Eorrower shall I�mPtiY Pay wheu due the
<br /> ' `. r', Principal of and inte�est on the debt evidenced 6y the Note a�l s�p�a}-ffirnt and laie c�ges due nnder the Note. •
<br /> � ' � 2.Faads for Tageq and InsaraucR.�ubject to applic�b'e law or au a writr�n waiver by I,ende*.Borrower s6a11 pay to
<br /> � I�eader on the day montlily paym�nts are due under the Nbi�uttul the Nate is paid in fuU.a sum("Fnnds°)for.(a)YearlY�
<br /> � " •`� - �d ass��*�+_�vrhic6 may anain priority nver this Security IIISt�at as a lien on the Property;(b)YeariY leasehold paymenta ,
<br /> ' or�ound rents on t6e Pcopesty,if any;(c)YeaziY bazand ar�eperty insurance piemiums:(d)YeariY flaod insnrance premiams.
<br /> ., .. if any:(e)YearlY mortgage i���premiums,if a�ry:a�Ciry an3+�PaY�te by Barrower to Leaider. in ascordanoe with "j�,'��
<br /> `� ��^� �� . ° tiie provisions of pars�ph S>ig Tieu of t6e p�+meai of utur�gage insuraace premi�s.l4iese items are called"Escrow Items.'
<br /> . . l.ender may, at any v�.caSI�and hold Fimds in an ael.ount aot to eaceed tl�ee maximum amo�nt a lender for a federally
<br /> � tplasd.mortgage ia�may reqai=e for Borroaer's escmw�::oant vnder the fedecal Reat Fstate Setttement Frocednres Act af .� �
<br /> ��� ` ,�A : �14Td,`tu.�nended fivm ti�e ro[n�.12 U.S.C.Sedioa 2C�l,I,et seq.("RESFA").untess another law that applies to the Fnnds ; , -.
<br /> .��,n�- a ,>.�`!; ,� s�5i�lr�ser amoar�.�tf so,`�may.at anyr time,ool�;:,and hold �nads in aa amonat not to exceEd the lessnat'amo�nt. �s --°
<br /> �`.'�k,�;:, .��;.�i�y;•: Leader ma estimpt�t�a�o�af Funds due oa the basis e�carreut data and reasona6le�of e n�tm+es of future f,;
<br /> � � !)�- y .. "�C �r:-
<br /> .�..� f ''.�'::t`�: Escrow Items orat�r,a�ui�in�rd�wce vritti applicable t�w:
<br /> The �unds�tni.��be L=..,fd.ia an iasdwiion whose deppsiis are�4�3+a fedeial agency. insm,�•,P.�ty. or entlDy .
<br /> .`+',. �;, •� • (incic�g Len�der,if Lender is�h an iastiwtion)or ia aa�iFederal I���nn Bank.Leuder shall apply We Fy�n.ds t,o pay the
<br /> _•:-.,,r_..;.�:.,..
<br /> ..'s;... , :•�;'' Fsccm:�I�ems.l.eader may aat d�ge Bomawer for heldUa��i applyia�tke Funds.anmiaUy anaIy�ang tlte es�w�a,�oot�ac,ar..
<br /> ;�:��.., .',.,.
<br /> - .;;, veri�yiag the Ssctow Items.untess I�er pays�esav�"�c on ttte�i�s and ap'ptIcable taw permits Letutet to-make sac(i
<br /> ' - a cd�aige.However.I.ender may�equire Boma�er co pay a�e�for an independeat real es�te tas r�porting service
<br /> "�'� used by lender in sonneMioa�th this loan. unless appti4a'ble law grovsdes otherwise. Ualess an agrer�ent is made or
<br /> .' " '• .. � app�icable!aw ceqnires iaterest co be paid.L.ender sLall aot be e�quired to pay Borrower aY►y interest or�m3ngs on ti�e Fnnds.
<br /> .. ;� Bmmwer aud Lender may agree in writu�g. however.that interest shall 6e paid on the Faads.l.ender shall give to 8omnwer, -
<br /> � • without charge.an a�ual a000nnting of the Funds.shovring credits aad debiu to the Funds and the purpose for whfich eacb .
<br /> � �� . debit to the Fwids was made.79ie Funds aze ptedged as additionai sewrity for all s�ms secured by tlus Security Insuwment.
<br /> ' � IF the F�utds hetd by Lender eaceed th�amaunu permitted to be deld by applicabls law.I.ender shall accapat to Bor�awer
<br /> --=-�.=�= fas;ike cxces•Fe�ds ia se�ws�►aase vv�th th��irements of applicable laa.If the amnunt of the Funds heId by lcades at any F
<br /> ..—�--- dme is not sufficient to pay ehe Escrow ttems when dua.Lender may so natify Bono�ver in wricing.and.in such case Borro�ver � • -
<br /> ' shail pay to l�eicder the a�nunt necessary so make up the defscieacy.Barmwer shall madce up the de�ciency in ao mote than '
<br /> . tarehe mnnthlY PaYments.ai Lender's se2e discretion. �,r
<br /> - � Upon payment in fuU of al!sums secvrod by this Seariry Instnunent. LaWer shall pmmptly tefuM to Bornnwer any . '-
<br />= � , Fuads 8etd by l.ender.It.under paragraph 21.l.ender shall aoqulre ar�sell the Property.L�der.prior to the acquisitioa or sate i' -.
<br /> . •• o!tse Property.s�ail appty any Funds held by Lender at the time of aoqvlsition or saie as e rredit against the s�umq searrd by
<br />— � .� , • tlti�Security in�ttament. , . m �.
<br /> . . �. 3:Applicatton oY Poymea4s.l3Ness applicabte law pmvideg atherwisc.all paymeats receive0 by[xnder uader p�sag�aphs
<br /> �._- ,..�� - 1 and 2 shall be applied:fiist,to anY P�PaYment c6arges due under the Note:seoond.to amounts payabie under p�a,gra�h 2: �
<br /> . , ` .
<br />_ � � third.w interest due:fourtb.w priacipal due;and last.to arry late c6arges due ander the Note. �•=:
<br />_ 4.Ct�es;Idea9.Borrower sha11 pay all ta�ses.assessments,c6arges•fines aad imposItioas ataibutabSe to the Pmgerty
<br />�4 � ,' , _ ^ whIch may xttain priority aver this Se�vriry Iasm�meat.and leasehold pay�ts or gmvnd ceuts,if auy. Bormwer s6all pay �.`�
<br />__ these obfigations in t�e manaer prnvided in paragraph 2.or if aot paaa in that maaner.Borrower shall pay them on time directly
<br />_ , _ w tlte pttson oNed payment.Somo�ver s1,a1t promptly fvraisb co Lender all aarices o!amouacs to Qe pnid under ttis pa�a�rapb. �'.'.
<br />— ' � U Borrower ma�ces these paymems directiy.�wer shaall promptly furaisA to l.ende�receipts evidencing the paymentg.
<br /> _ . . • Burra�wer sball PmmptfY dissharse any lien wtu�has priority oYer Utis Secarity Iastrumt�nt unless Borrower.t�)agrees in
<br /> _ � �vridng to the payme�nt of the obligation aecured by tbe lien in a a�anner��oeptabte w Leader.(b)wmes�in good faith tfte liea •
<br />— .. by.or defeads against eaforoemeat of the lien in.tegal proceedings whIc6 in the I�ader's opinion opera4e to pr�evera the =
<br /> � • enforoement of t2se lien:or(c)secu:es fmm the hoider of the lien an a�reemezu satisfactnry to LeBder subardinating the tien w
<br /> ' t�is Secwity Insuument.If Leader daemna�s that any part of the Pmpetty is subjert to a lien which may attain psioriry av�
<br /> ', . ' this Sewrity 1n5trum_�nt.Lender may gir•e Bormwer a notic+e idc.atifying tlte lien.Borms�er sAalt satisfy the lien or take oae or �
<br /> � � ' more of tTte astioas set forth above�vithin 10 days of the giving of�flce. -
<br />- - Fatm 3028 9l90 .
<br /> - � vaT]a16
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