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<br /> ___ ' ' ...��`..� .-F
<br /> �y'�"`_'.,._,:� -_ . . _ . ^�_ - °�' ."_
<br /> .r� . +�.— �...��tF:�.—�..�. . .-� _ _
<br /> R� �r�� _ . '. . '�` . ..._. , _ .�_ i . . �� - _ ' -�'- 1- �'� � .
<br /> ' s � - ' . , � _ - . , � 'S. ,-�. ^.
<br /> .. . .__ ' f , � .'. - ° . • ,- � � - . . . . . Vty„r. �
<br /> ' � .� ' i s �. .v: ,� . . .E. . - - �� s . . , � , " . 'L� . . , - � . r . ,j��:.
<br /> . - `9.� � ' - � , r ' .c,t t• ' r , t�v 4� ° � �� ^ ,., .. . ` . • . � (-� .tP • -,. � . .. � ,d-
<br /> . E c. . .. � . . . .y ` ' ` , . � . � ' r, ' � � ' � � ` � . .
<br />_ _ • . . . ` . . 4- t�-. . . - " . ,� � ` �`� .� -.5.�' -Y � '
<br /> .. � , • _ b . . '4��� - '� s �_._ _._�_.__.__-�_1_._,_. ... � ._.
<br /> : ;� � . t �.:� -�� - .��_ g�- /0���9 � ; ��.
<br /> .� �� ,. p�y�n�ay no Ionger be req,�rea,ac the option of t�r.ilF�ostgage i�a��rm me amoant su8 for t�e p�aoa ., �-
<br /> , . tLai Leflde�tequi�es)p m v�d e d b y a n iasorer a p p Y O V e d b Y I.ende�a�n bec�tes ava�able and is obiaiued.Boa+n�var s�aIl paY ,. •_
<br /> � �P��1��maintain murt�e ias�nce ia eff�.ar mo Provide a los4�sen►e.uut�the roqaueme�t for mort�8e . .
<br /> -- �e�ds in accordanne with a�wriuen ag�ent betw�°Bormwer aad I�or applicable law. ����e _
<br /> e
<br />- 9.IaLSpestlon.Lende�or its agent may make�asoffabte��s u�un sud�°f��• _ ,
<br />_ �~�'"� Botroaver nodce at the�e af ar giior t�aa inspec�ion sP�fq�g��le caa�fua the iaspe�don- ; ��: :
<br /> � 10.Coud�ta�tan.'fhe P�000��of aay a�or daim for damaSes.di�t or ooa�eqnentisl.in connecdoa with anY ; .. :'. ..
<br /> . � oand�na3iaQ m ot�es�Cing of aa9����Y•or fot comre9suce ia li�of oondemnation,aze�Y�S�� .
<br /> sLa116e paid to It�d� ahaII be appli�eo die s�s sesviced by�i.s S�t9 Ins�+ � �F.
<br /> � Ia the�vent of a tatal taTdag of the Pmp�c9.t$e P� �{�pj,ape�ty in wbicm tLe fan'
<br /> ` • c�hetber ar aus then due.witL at►y eacess Pa�d to Batrower.In the event af a gutial taking �::_.t
<br /> . �h befoie�e ta�iag is oqaal�°°I g�er thaa tlte amaffit of Hie s�s se�bY� ;�_ � .
<br /> � � ma�t vatue of d�e ProgertY�9 0� �� �by _
<br /> Sewrity Ins�oomr�s i�Y���•°��'Bmmwes and I.ender ����o� die s�ms : .� ,'(
<br /> P the amouat of�e pmoee3s�B� fracxian:(a)die totat ::;i�z�.-
<br /> ` �S�iq In�at shall be t�bY ;''s='..,..r.
<br /> ,divIded bq(b?t1�fair marl�t vatne af tLe Pmpe�t9 iasmediatety ����'
<br /> .< � ama�t of 0e s�s se�aued�1Y befa��e taian8 ,.'.:
<br /> ia�dte faet �`t-'. ,':''
<br /> �� � • befuie tae�n8• A�9�sl�aII i�paid to Boaower. In @�e evea�af a p�a3tia�ta�iu8 of @�e Ptoperty 4rtF . -_.
<br /> 3L
<br /> `.` unme�elp before the tainng is tess tban t�e�''°'�a�tfxe soms sec�ed�Y�nie t� ,f., ,.... .
<br /> matt�t valae of�e Praperty� t�ofl�wis�p m v t d e s+�F�� `�`"�� ''
<br /> Ien�ec othec�vlse ag�ia writing ar unie�� `�;
<br /> . . � tati�qg,anitss Boaawer and � •� �<
<br /> , .. : be spgl'ied to t�e sams s��lhis Saa�ity I�rnu�ent wheBrer or a�a t�s�ms a�c�t due. �, .�..•..
<br /> �--• --�.: � ` If!hs PraPert9 is a�n�°�by B°a°wa,oT if,aBEr nodce by Le�r to Baaower Q�at flte oondemnar offe�s to ma�e an . ,' .
<br /> � V'' award or st�e a�laim far dams�t8es, Baaawer fails w nsponsl to Le��witbin 30 days aRea the date tbe aflfioe�S give�a. ,
<br /> da dtber m r�miatitton or�air of tLe I°mperty or ca�the svms
<br /> � - : L�d e r L s�w o o l t e c t a a s l a p p 1 Y t�e D m c�s+at its opdon, er a
<br /> t�� ' , .�_ ��t�S SE�At9�S�►wh281Ct OI IIOt thL'II�QP- _
<br /> � .. .,.. :�' V� I.C�PS�SOIIOWR�PGVjSC 8$[CC jII WII$D$• ��1�C2�WII Of�t0�S�3I�110L�� . ,
<br /> '� '� as tbe dne d2te of the montblY Fa5►��teferced tn in paragtapla.s L aad 2 or c]�apge ttte amaaat of snt�paymeni�.
<br /> - �'�' � �°�° I�udcr Nat a'6P�.Ba�on of 6ae thae fu:paymenc ar modifu�aa �:
<br /> �= . � Il.Bornnwec Na��eteasedi Forbesr�uae By .�'�':.
<br /> _ , :. uf ama�a�n of @�e sams secazed�Y this Se�ig►Ins�eut�nt�bY�t on aaY successor ia in�+est af Boaawec sba11 ,-,��°
<br /> y
<br /> ,: � . . •. au:op�a0e co re�ase me liab33ity of ine orlg'uoat Eonower ar Bonowes's�aoce�m�n�.txnder stoau�t ue requtced m Y.t�+�;;;:._
<br /> +.:, , or�fase to e�0ersl f�me fis paymeat or affiecwlse madif�►�nnrttZadon ,t ,;
<br /> - • • oo�cxpsaoeediags agai��►Y�°r in;ateresc ��" .
<br /> , � I�ua�nent bY season of aay�d�ade by tt�astgmal Boaowec or Boao w e x's ;�'�_':
<br /> �:� of the s� secu�ed by ttns Seca�ity � ,�:.,..
<br /> � ., � . : #; wr�oas I�►insetest.AnY fo�bp Lender in e:exd.aAB��or semedy sball nnt be a waivet of or p�+ectade •. , .,,
<br />.�,.� • 3 ��a�=:-
<br /> � exec�ise ot a u y rl 8 h t or sem�dY• ;t��.�
<br /> � � '� Bo�ndi Jotai and� �93�5�. The cmrenaats anfl agr�ents o f 9�i s �i4,:;;;.
<br /> '�``., �. �.' . � . u. Saoa�sars an� A�
<br /> ' $��i j�CII�56811 bl�3IId beDEfit Q1C&uCCCSS018 8nd aSSlgCTS Of I.CQ�Ct 8nd BOIIOWCis SUbjeCt t0 @i8��� '�'�:`
<br />:;��� � . .- � cg �:ir�'=�
<br /> - . ''� ga�iT.Bonotver's caveoants and agc�emenzs s�all be ioint a�d seveml. AnY Buaower vlho co�s�is Sec�i
<br /> ' � " Iast�m�t 6�nt does not�te tve Note: (a)is cas�gnia8 d�is Se�.tB Insdr�ent�Y��� ��cum►e9 8�: �,'�=:-.
<br /> � �.,��
<br /> �- � Bonower,s intemst in the PrnPenY aader the tams of this Sec�ity Iasccame�@)is nut pezsonaUy obli�tod to pay�e s�s �'�_.
<br /> � :. se�by H�ia Sec�iey Iasuamenfi anA(c)a�s tLat Len�er�d anF o�er Boa¢�may agr�e to ea�ad.modif�►,fo�or i�,.� _:
<br /> is�u''::-.�.-_:
<br /> ma�e eny a�mmodadons wIm tegard to d�e t�ms of @ds Seaa�it9 Inswment o:d�e Note wlthont 8iat Bflsmwds con�t. ��__'�.
<br /> � �3.Lo�C6a�es•If ine laan secu�ed by tLis Sa�It91��s snb}act tn s law�cb sets ma�Iaa�cLatBes. ' - ' -
<br /> �: . ' so @tat the interest as other loan dt�rges aolle�xed os W be oolIested in conme�d�n wiS�Qte -�_ -
<br />:� .:•� .. an�tbat law is fmalIp incetp� to sednoe�e�
<br /> Iuaa�the petmi t t e d l�m i t s.t h e n:(a)a a y s n c h l o a u c h a r g e s�tl t�e sednced bY the amomu�azY �;.Y��,.
<br /> �`. ' ` . sams att�eady'ooltect�&�n Bo�wer wLic�exoeeded p�limita w�be net�nde¢Co
<br /> ' Baa�awer.Lender may ciinose to make thts:efim4 tr��nd�8�A�F�owed umder the Note vr�q rna&�8 a d�x �'���g__
<br /> Paymeai a 8omower. If a refanA rednces PriuciPml. Qte rednction wIII be t�ated as a pa:tial P�DaY����� L •_
<br /> ' under the Note. �.-„��$
<br /> ��c�i,�.Au3►not�ce to Bo:mwer pmvidnd fos in tWs Ses�i-g Inst�ent sball be glven by delivednS it os bY� ,. ��s:
<br /> n
<br /> �. �� '��. ., �. ' tt b fu�st c1ass mail anIess s�Dl�Cable 1aw seqaires use of anothea metliod.The notice sLail be diiected to the Prapeit9
<br /> •�. .�; • ar aay o�es addmsv Sa�+�r desigaates by notioe ta Lender. Auq aodoe to I.ender s�all be given bY fust class ma�to .
<br /> �: . � Lrnder's ada�ss stat�hetem oz any other address Lm�s d�iSaa�s�9�attce to Borrowear.A�I�ice ym�vtd�d foi in this
<br /> Seauir9ln�shall be doemea to t�ve ban�vven t�Boa�a�os E,ender wben glvan as provided'm tbia para8rapb. .
<br /> en
<br />��...` = �,:.�� Severab11it9. Th�s Sec�s9 t� c�all be govemed bq fede�al taw and tRe law of�e
<br /> . ,,,. .. 15.��1ng L�aw: or clanse of Qils Seauity Iastr�ent�Q�Natie
<br /> ja�isdtction in vV53c�tue prnpeat9 is lacated.Ia fhe cv�tbac aay Ismvision -
<br /> � � eonfllcts wasb apylic�ble law,snrd►conflict st�all noi affi�s ofl�er pmvistans of this Se�itY Ins�men�or fhe L�Ta�which t�n be .
<br /> � � given e8ect�itbont the confltcdag Pi'aviston To t�is end tho pmvisions of ttds�ec�aitp lnstmment aiW the Note an declaied „ .
<br /> ��.. ' � .
<br /> tobes$veta�Ie. , of the i�ote and of this Sec�ity Ia�►ent. .
<br /> s
<br />��� � 16.Ssrrawer's Capy.Barmw�r s�]1 be gfirea ame confaaned aopy
<br /> ' • . Porm 8029 9190 .
<br /> � . ���6RQiEf tre�ya� o�s a�a a�� .
<br /> �..:'. ,. '��
<br /> �.,�,. . . . ' •� __....,.. ---•-�--�------. . . . � � . � . _ . ... ..
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