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<br />�, ,a�_ .� _" ���/a�/� 9 : ,
<br /> -: - .-- `� �� . . audau�,�•aud -- ''-_-
<br /> '~-°�^`� Tpp&'I'H�R WITH sIl the imprm►em�s now or he�eafter eiected on the pmF�rtY• ttiis Socmit9 ��'.:�-�
<br /> - I'H8 � ��aad addldons st�aU aL� be wvaed b3► ii
<br /> . � �ow or gereaftcr a part of the DmP�c9• asthe'Pcog�tq.�
<br /> "' �as�.AII of the fongaing is tefeaed to in�is Sec�ttq� r.•.`.�,.'
<br /> ' BORROWS�L COVSNANTS tbat Bonawer is tawfally s��d of�e estate�tneby oom►ryed aa�I�as the rig8t to g�t a�
<br /> � ' '�.S •. conyey tLe propetty and t�at the Fcoperiy is�• �Pt fos�of ceaoid.Boteower waaan�and w�71
<br /> � .� defend S�n�1Y the dde m the PmFertp againss a11 claims and d�aad�.snbjest to a�en�br�of�wiah limited
<br /> � TAIS SBCI)RITY INS'CRUMENT�anifo�m rnvwanrs for nauanal ase a�a� �. :
<br /> - vana�ons by J�sdicxlon to oom�a umfoan secadt9 i�s�a��ve�g�1 p�P�9' . � "`�,.
<br /> � , t r UN�ORM COVBNAI�'I�.Bomower aacl Leuder oavenant and agee as fo����sbaU PmmpflY PaY�dae Ste '. `.:.,.
<br /> r � � 1.Paymffit oY Rin�sJ p a 1 and InlcRSt; Fc�ap��L�te t�ar�2s• .�:
<br /> S and tate d�ar8es dae umder ti�No�
<br /> tt�Note aad a�►P�P� ' F•=
<br /> ., . ` psiadpal of aad'mierest oa the debt evidenoed by waivet LEader,Bouawec sba11 PaY� ��" .
<br /> ° 2.F1mds far Ta�s aad la�aano�Snb3ecx�BPPU�2e taw or m a watoen bY ��:`� :
<br /> � ;,�� icader�the d�y monthly paY�are due�nder fl�Atote.�til the Note is patd iafoll.a sam('Funds7 for:(a)Y�y� �.,.�:
<br />. .:�;,: . �-�.,�-.� and���Y�P�9 aver rhis s�aritq rmsam�as a lien on thee rmpeaty:lb)9euiY��� '..f
<br /> - � , v, Pcopett3►.if a�iY:i�)Y�Y��°i�i�ano�P���d?9�Y 800d ins�anoe g�.
<br /> . .. „ .,`�, ��OIIad�ts on tbe �f ,and(�anY s�s FaY�b3►Boaowet to I.ender,ia acco�dan� ,
<br /> ��9:te)Y�Y����' �,nnrt�ase tns�ance p�.Tee�it�s a�e w i t e d'��o w�oem�-'
<br /> � ., ` , . ��:�c �e pmv�inny of paza�agh g�in liw of the payment a lender for a�Y .
<br /> ,: ^,.�-_:.:� 1,�er ma9,ai anY t�me.colZert and hu2d Frn�ds in aa amatmt nai to eac�ed the m��ua!
<br /> . -. _. tetaied mertgage ioaa may teqti�fo���s e�xaw accoaat�the fe�al RQaI Sstate Seulament Praoed�s Act of --
<br /> �'� 19T4 as����me Ou time►12 U.S.C.Searan 2601 d seq.( RSSpA9,�tess aanS�er law drat epplles to @ie l�ds
<br /> � •: �3 Lender may.ai an9 t�e,collert aad ho2d Fua�ia an amaunt Bnt to eaceed the lessec amouut. ' ::�
<br /> - �a��a�. ��• on tbe basis of wrtent data and�easa�able�ma�of��°f fa�ue ..
<br /> ' � ���y e s�m�e t h e a m u a n t o f F u n d s d a e � `''-
<br /> ' ! Ssaow It�s dr athe�wlse ia acca�dauoe with aPPlicable iaw. � ��-�,
<br /> l.� are i�s�ued bY s fedetal aSencB•��Y•as e�tiiY
<br /> `. � Th� Fun�s sl�aII�e lietd iu an im�tita�on�has�de�osi� @re Funds W pay Br� �-
<br /> h�
<br /> .. . C��B�����r is sach an institadon)or inanY Fedetal$ome Loan Hank.IcndEr sL��P�esraaw ac�mt,ai
<br /> Bnxocv It�ms.Leader may nnt cbarge Boirawer for holding aaa appl➢mg the�au�.an�maIIJ►an�Y� � n
<br /> ` Pm I�adereoma�esac�. �.
<br /> .:'�- verIfy;ng�ne Ess�ow tt�s.anless I.eneer rays aouower�c ona,e F��AFr���ate�x��S� ° �-
<br /> .+3r��' a chatge.Howeve�I�er�aY��Boss�owet w pay a ano3imc�asge o�e. Unless an agce��t�S made� ��.
<br /> . � , :,�,., ased by I.eader i�c�t�rldi d�is Ioan.�epplicab2e L�d� __
<br /> ��;': r� Enaow�r aay inie�st or�on tte Fau�s: �::::
<br /> , .. �� app2icable 1aw ieq�res int�e.st to be ga�d,Leader sbaII noi be raqui�ed � on ths Fands.l�nder sball t�ve W Boaawer. ---
<br /> v' :�:,.� �- � ��:� •�===
<br /> ;�_�:i���;• . '.�•. $utrower and I.en�ec may agree ia w��•�'�'er.�at mierest sSaU De paid fat tdhit�easb �:.
<br /> ���;;�;,?:::� �. : wlmaue�.en a�ua1 acxo�aag of ine Fu�.showin8�its ana aebits to e�Fuaas and me pamase = __
<br /> .. ' .",' debit to the F a m d s was made.'IY�e Fuads are p1�ag addidanal�tY fos att s��:coied isY fliis Stcartty I��. �:-_-;_
<br />= . If the F�ds betd by L�enBer exoe�d�amomits pemmitted to be hetd Dy appl�cable law,le�ter sball ac�amu to Bmrmwe� �:_,I..:
<br /> of licable taw.If�e emount af Sie Fu�s htld by Leader at auy '�' •
<br /> - .'` fo:@te access Fands in acoardauce wld�tI;e seqoi�nffi ePP =_-_
<br />_ � - - � �_ ;�.. . d�:ts aflt snSdeat W gay�Escmw I�ms cVhen���S°Boarawra sbari maYe�����9�� ��'__ -
<br /> ,:�� �I pay to Leadec the amo�t r.e�9��� .
<br /> e
<br /> � - . . `;��; t�Ive monthty Payments�at Lende�s��cedoa ---
<br /> � in iFiuU of atl sa��.�Dy tbia Se�itY In�+Leufier s1Wl pm�,stip��efa�w gonawer�uY
<br /> . .. . tTpan pay�nt u �y l.euder sbaU aoqaire or a�il the PCnPertY.Lender,f�T to tbe aoqa�daa or s�-
<br /> .. `�•' FaaQs heldbq l+c"�.der•If+u��� •
<br />-,.�-<<s;,; • '� ' '� ot 8�e ProPerty'•s�a11�pp�Y��held bq Leader at the dme of ac�msidon or sale a9 a cr�d-it ag�st tLe sams secored by _
<br />� r�t�;,,,: : ; � �isSecatlt9'�• �elvedbpl.endetuudetpa�P� ._
<br /> _�.r.;;<:.. .. .. c::.
<br /> ,,,r, , . � Unle�appNrdble law pmvIde.s o�etwlse.all pa� 1e�r paia�a➢�2: .
<br /> _ . '`.,i��,r: 3.App}t1�8tI0D oYF8p�9• due mWei$t�14Totei seC�d�t0 E�olluis DaY� �,_-
<br />= .. '•��'�� 1 end Z sDall be applied:Srat.to an9 t����� � �
<br />-- � . `''';�. �ird,to iaterest Qne;fomdi,to DiiaMF,�dt�:azW 1ass.to a�9late c��a�der the No�. __
<br /> =���'�,� . � . 4.Ciiasges:jdeug.Barmwer sbat!�aY a11 taxes.assessmeais��.fines aad im�positia��2�ib�e W the Ptoperty - �
<br /> . • �t�s Seca�itY insuamen�a�d leas�old Oa9ments or���•��Y. Bostower sball DaY
<br /> an Y d�roctl �
<br /> . ��sL may attain prF tY 2.ar�tmot paid in Nai maaaer.Borrowes sliall pay the�Qn tt�ae Y
<br /> . . Qtae obligadoag ln @�e maauerortower�a�t p�rompt Y P'�satish to teadrs all notioes of a�onia tn be pai�under c4ais pa�- �.
<br /> - . . to pte gasfln mved FaYmenL �w Lender re�eipta er+ideocing the Day�� .. ..
<br />