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<br />„ ,. .�,. • Borrower may curo euch a defauR and reinst�te, �a provlded ��ludeaf fodeilurebof he Bonaweracinterest In tfie2PropeAy or o� -
<br /> � dismissed with�ru!Inp ih�t.In Lende►'s qood 1�ith detertninatlen, p • �_
<br /> " � • �� other mttarial Imp+�irtnent of the Ilen cre�tsd by thla Security Instrument or Lender's security lnterest. Bonower ahol afao ba In - �_
<br /> .`s dal�utt II Bortower. dudnfl the loan nppllutlon procesa,gave mated�ly idse or In�ccurate Intortnallon or stetementa to Lender (or �•'�_
<br /> tailed ta provide Lender wilh any materlel Intortnation) In connectlon with the loen evldenced try the Note. Including, but not
<br /> Ilmited to. represent�tlons conctming Bortower's�?"huall ihe provlalo er�eth leese.n H Bortowerdncqulres'tee title tout e
<br />- Instrument la on ■ le�aehold, Bortower ahall compy
<br /> PropeHy,the le�eehold�nd Ihe iee tttle sh�ll not me►ge unlesn Lender�yreea to the merper In w�iting.
<br /> 7, prot�ctlan of L�ndsr's Rlghti In th� Prop�rty.It sor►ower tens to perform the covenanta and agreamente •
<br /> +� contdned in thls 3acurity Inatn�ment, or thera la � Icyel proceedlnp thit may elpniflcantly �ttect Lender's �ights in Ihe Properly , ;L
<br /> � (such ea a proceeding In benkrupicy. probate,for condemn�tlon or iorlelture or to enforoe lewa or repulttlone),then Lenda r�y
<br /> ,,,�y,� do nnd p�y for wh�tever Is neceacary to protect the vnlue of the Property and Lender's rlghta In the Property. Lender's ectlons
<br /> J�� .� re�s n b e �ttomaya�l es �nd ente�i g ny the�Properry to make�r�airsY Althoughelend'may ake a Uoneunder 1Ns pareg aph �
<br /> "� Y,Lender does not hae to do ao.
<br /> ' My smounts disburaed by Lender under pangnPh 7 shtll become eddftional deht of Bortower aecured by this Secudry
<br />_� . {� Inatrument. Unlesa Lionower and Lender�gree to other terma o1 payment, these amounts shail bear Interest hom the data o1 �
<br /> dlsburoement�t the Note rete and ahaN be p�yable, wfth Interest. upon noUce hom Lender to Oortower requesting peyment. �
<br /> '" 8. MoR�aQ� insu r a n a�. U L e n d e r r e q u l r e d m o rt g n g e I n s u r u nae ae a aondfqon oi rt►eking the loen sacured by thla B
<br />�''•�'��f'•*'•� 9ecurtly Inatrument, Borrower�hd pay lhe premiums requked to mekiteln the mortg�ge Inaunnce In etteot. If,tor any reason, t he
<br /> _S, i. K�.
<br />:' f+'�:-�. mortgaqe insutence covaage �equked by Lendet lepses or ce�ses to be in ettect, Bortower ehaN pay the premiume requUa to
<br /> �'`• •��� obtnln coverage SubstantiaNy equNalent ta the mortgege Inaurance prevlously in eflect, at a cost substantla�ly equNalent to ihe
<br />.���r'�F�.:�a�
<br /> *-,"r cost to Bortower ot the mortgege insurence prevlousy In ettect, hom an altemate mortgago Insurer approved by Lender. if
<br /> �f•� :`k substantia equlvalent mattgage Insurance coventga Is not avaltable, Borrower shall pay to Lender each month a sum equal to �
<br /> '=:���;{a�j�, onatwdlth o}the yearty mcRS�9e insurance premium being pald by Bortower when the Insuronce coverage lapsed or ceased to �
<br /> �'���'�f•`�''�« be In eHect. Lender wUl accePt,use and retain these p�yrt►ents as p loss resave in Ileu ot mortgage Insurence. Losa reserve�
<br /> '��f�`�'`� n ents may no longer be►�Qairod, at tha option of Lender,H mortgage Insurance covarago pn the nmount and br the perlod � _
<br /> r,..t;:�' � P Ym
<br /> - th�t Lenda requkes)provided by an Insurer approved by Lender egeln becomes awilable and Is obtalned• Bortower shall pay
<br /> T �„�•. the premlums roquked to malntaln mortgage insurance in eHect, or to provide a loss reserve, unUl the requirement tor mortgage
<br /> J=•- Insurence ends in acco�danco wRh any writton agreement between Bortower and Lender or applicable Iaw.
<br /> ,�y�;'�
<br /> :�:'? 9. Insp�ctlon. Lendar or fts agent may make reasonaWe entrles upon end InspeaUons of the Property. Lender shel ve
<br /> `� � ��e • Borrower notice rt lhe tkne oi or prior to an Inspectlon sPecitying reasonable ceuae for the Inspecdon.
<br />''�`{''�" 10. Cond�mnation. The proeeeda of any�ward or claim foe datnsges, direct or consequentlal, in conneetion wtth eny
<br />-pPr.tf
<br /> -=�-.�;;' condemnatlon ar other takng o1 any part of the Property, or tor conveyance In Ileu of condemnation,ere hereby assigned �n
<br />- •�:'-'' - shall be pald to Lender.
<br />-_4��;i In the event of a toUl taking of the Property, the proceeds shall be applied to the sums�Secured by thfs�Which
<br /> —_f-__ Instrummt,whetha or not then due,wNh any excees paid to Burrower. In the event of a partial taWn of the Property
<br /> -f ��--�� the fak m�rket value ot the Property immedlat e l y bebre the Uking Is equal to or greater than the amount of the aums aecurcd
<br /> :'=t' ..
<br /> __,.� �,y =r,;; ;a�r}�y Inatnsrtsent 4rnm?��tely betore the taking, unless Borrower and Lender otherwise agree In wdtlng, t e aums
<br /> �.v�li„r�� secured by thls 3ecurity instrument shatl be reduced by the amount of the proceeds mutppued by ihe ioiiuwiiiy ir.��n: (:3 ths
<br /> - __��;�� total nmount ot the sums aeeured immediatey before the taWng, divided by (b)the tair meulcet value of the Property immedUttely
<br /> -- betore the takktg.My balance shatl be pald to Borrower.In the avent of a parqai talcing of lhe Property In which the f�ir ma�cat
<br /> —_= vslua oi the Properly Immediately betoro the taking Is less then ihe amount of the sums secured immediately betore the tsking.
<br /> ----__-�� untess Bortowa and Lendor olherwlsa egree In wrfUng or unless appllable law otherwise provldes, the proceeds ahaN be
<br /> - �---- applled to the aums aeaxed by this Security Instrument whether or not tha suma are the�due.
<br /> -
<br />