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<br /> :. � TOOETHER WITH all the improvemente naw ar hereafter crocted on the property, and all easements, -
<br /> appurtanancea,end fixtures now or hereafter e part of tha property.All replacemonts and additions ehall aleo be ca�verr,d
<br /> _ �.. by this Secudty Instrument.All of the longoing ie roterrod to in thIs 5acurIty Inetrumont es tho"Property." -
<br /> � HORPtOWER COVENANTS thnt Borrow�r is law[ully eeisod of the estato hereby conveyed and hae the r�ght to
<br /> .,,;_;,��` gr�nt and convey the Fraperty end that the Property ia uncncumbcrcd,except for encumbrnnces oi record. Bonower �, .
<br /> —""`:'"•"'r wuranta ead will defend generally tho title to the Property against ell cleime and demande,aubjxt to any encumbrancea
<br /> ofrecord. -
<br /> _ _ .�.-� THIS SECURITY INS'fRUMBNT cflmbines uniform cnvencnte for netional use nnd nonvniform wvenente with
<br />• limitod varlatIons by judedlctlon to canetitutee unitorm securIty inatrument covering real propnty.
<br /> ` LJIJIPORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender wvenant aad agree as follows:
<br /> �. 1.Paym�nt of Princlpsl and Iaterost;Prep�yment aad I.�te Charjes.Borrower ehall pron�ptly pay when due �
<br /> ..:��,,.:. . the principal ot and interest on tho debt evIdonced by the Note and any propayment and late chnrges due unda the Note.
<br /> ::r;�;,,;,s. 2. Funda for Ta:ea and Insuraace. Subject to appl�cablo law or to a writtan waiver by I,ender, Borrower ehall
<br /> ` '' " to Lendar on tha dny monthly paymenta ara due under the Noto,untIl tha Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for.
<br />-::•�.:... ':.
<br /> : -:.,:, a yearly taxes end essessmenta which mny attain priority over this Securiry Inetrument as a lien on the Property;(b)
<br />`;�s��'•'s�E yearly leasehold paymante or graund rents on the Proporty,if any; (c)yearly haznrrd or property insuranco premiume;
<br /> _;?x?�"� (d)yearly flood ineurance premiuma,if aay;(e) yearly mortgage ineurance premiumn.it eny;and(f)eny eume payable
<br />_-? by Borrower to Lender,in sccordaace with 4he provlsions of paragraph 8,in lieu oi the psymaat of mortgage iasuraace
<br />�w�;�;:�� promiums.The�e iteme are called"Escmw Iume.'Lender may,at any time,collxt and hold Funda in aa amount not -
<br /> ='�-�`' - to excnod tho meucimum amount a lender ior a fedcralty releted rnortgaRe loan may requir� !or Borrowor'e escrow
<br /> account under the iedoral Real Eetnte Sattlement Procedures Act ot 1974 as amanded irom timo to time, 12 U.S.C.
<br /> _ � Sectian 2601 ei seqr. ("RESPA"),unless another lew that applies to the Funds sets a lesser amount.If so,Lender may,
<br />:�.�;�,�•. at any dme,collect nnd hold Funds in an arnount not to excad the lessor emaunt.Lender miy estimate the amount oi
<br />"�''`�� ;� Funds due on the basis of current datn and reaeonable estimatcs of es�enditurea af futuro F.scrow Iteme or otherwise in
<br />:,{�,���• `
<br /> =���s�� eccordance with applicable law.
<br />=`Y%�.�� Tlie Funda shell bC hcld in an iastitution whose deposite are insurod by a federal agency,iastrumentality,or Catity
<br /> _._,.•.
<br /> ��:;_ �. (including Lender,it Lender ie such an iaetitution)or in any Federat Home Loan Bank.Lender ahell apply thn Funds to
<br />,t���':i pey the F.scrow Itoma.Lendor may not chsrge Bonower for holdtng and epplying the Funde, annually aaalyzing the
<br />°==``�,"•� eecrow eccount,or verifying the Escrow Items, unless Londor pays Bonower intereat oa the Funds and npplicable Isw
<br />--'�S:Yt�.+.. ��
<br />-._.1,:..x. �ermits L,ender to maka such a chnrge. However, Lend�r may require Borrower to pay a one-t�me charga for aa
<br /> _:;�::1i�;;. • independcnt real estate tex reporting servico tued by Lender in connection with ihie Ioan,unleae applicablo Iaw provides °
<br /> -;��4 y„��:�r oth�rwioo. Unless an agrament is made or applicable law roqulres intereat to be peid,Londer etull not be roquired to
<br /> - pay Borrower any interoat or eaminga on tha Funds.Borrower and Lender may ngn�e in writing�howev�r�that intereat
<br />- __ abdl be paid on the Funds.Lender shall give to Botrower,without chnrge,an annual accounting of the Funds,ehowing
<br /> -
<br />