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<br /> ��
<br /> � -.
<br />�'�� ti.ASSIGNMENT OF LEASFS. Upon Lendu's request,F�cx�mwor ehall assign to Lendct aU Icoses of tho
<br /> . -' . Propaty �uid�11 socurity doposlts m�do in connectbn wtih ka9e.v of Uxi Property.Upon the aSSlgnment,Lender
<br /> � shall l�ve tho rlght a modify,extend a tuminaLO the exisdng kase.c and to executa new leases,ln I.cnda's sob
<br /> . .. . dl�cndon.As nsod in thi�p�ragrnph O.the wad "leaso"sh�U meen"suble�e" if tha 5ecu�ity Inatrumutt is on a ��
<br /> �_
<br />.k,.;,,.,;.,�� �• �
<br />�.;�'� ,• Bamwor�baotutaly md uncandidonnlly wigns and transfere to L�der ell the rents and nvenues(��Rents")�f 1he -
<br />_��v:;�'�'..'t�' Propaty. ngacdkss of to whom ttle Rcnts of the Propaty ue payebk.Bocrowu authorizes L�der or Lenda's -.
<br /> �-',�a:;�`: �,gente to wibat ti�a Rents,and�as th�t each Wuat of tho Proprity shall pay tba Rents to L.caWcr or Leadu's --
<br /> ��F�o
<br /> __.,.�;� agentt.Howeva,Barower ehaU rece[vo Ihe Renn undl(i)Lender ha9 givea Boimwu nadce of default purauant w --
<br /> -'���- pkagnnh 21 of tt�e SocurIty Xas�uma�t uxl(ii)I�ea�der h�Biven �wdce W the Wwnt(s)tt�at the Rents ara to be
<br /> ��'� pdd b I.ajder a I�endcr'e �gart 'IhL� atsignrtxmt of Rcnts constitutes an absolute assignmcnt and not aa
<br /> ;,,.��t, auigna�ent fa addidoaal aecurlry only.
<br /> •"� r Tf L�ender glves notice of breach to Hamwu:(i)all I�ents receivai by Borrowu shall be held by Borrowu a4
<br /> -_- — trwtee for d►e ba�ef'u of I�erider only.t�be�pplied b the swns socured by tbe Securlty Ingtcume,�t;(ii)Lend�x s6e11
<br /> �M1�4�. .,. be rntitbd to collect and receiva atl of tho Rents of the Proputy: (iIi)Barowar agroes ihat each teaant of ttie
<br />-~�.' �Y �P�Y all Renis due�nd unpaid w L�ender ar I�er�du's�garts upon I.ender's v�n4tua demand w the
<br /> . wwa�(iv)uaku �pplic�bk law pmvldes otberwfee. all Raits collected by Lrnder or I.ea�der's ageats shall be
<br /> .'�"""�� � applied first to the costa of t�king ca►trol of�nd many�ing 1he Pm�xxty u�d coUocdag the Rents.including,but not
<br /> x.�=�-..:..
<br /> �-�';s� limiud to��roo�neYs'fea.roceiva'a fees,Praninma oa recdva'a baad�.repair and mainta�ca costs�insurance
<br /> -"'-'�"� premiwna.taxes,assessments and odser ctnrges on the Pruperty. and th�n to tbe soms sxux�ed by the Socurtty
<br /> -�<�'^� _ L�strumenC(v)I�ea�der.Lenda's agents a any judici�lly�ppointal receiver si�all be li�bk w eccount fa only thox
<br /> :��w�_ Reaa accwlly rceeivod;end(vi)L�ender sh�U be enatbd to have a raxiva appoint�ed w taice passacsbn ot�ena
<br /> _==-_�; ��Ba ��Y aad collect the Rwts and profits da�ivod from the Pmpeity without ony ahowiag u to the
<br /> -- inadoquacy of ttie Pmpaty as eocurity.
<br /> - - II tl�e I�enta of the Pmperty �re not suffickmt w cover the costs of taking coutml of aod managing t6e
<br /> -- Propaty and af oolbcting d�e Renta�ny fiwds wcpe+�ded by I,ender for such purposes shaU becomo indebtedness of
<br /> — Baro�ver p I.eader aocurod by the Socuriry Ins�umait purswat to UnU'am Coveaant T.
<br /> - Borrnwa repceaeov and w�ants tt�t Barowtr hti not exxuted�nY Driar assignayait of iha Rents�nd h�s
<br /> _— rat and w�iU not pafam my act diaat would preve,�t Lenda from eacercising its rights onder tbL�pu�ph. _
<br /> - .-....— � I.e:�dor,or I�ender's atgeats a a 3�diciallY appoinud reoeiva.shall not be required to eaoer upon.t�ta oonuol
<br /> _ � of a m�►innin the Prosxity before a after gtving aotice of dcfault to Barowa. Howaver,I.ea�da.or I�enda's
<br /> „� agents or a judicLlly appointed rec�lva.may do so at my dme whw a defeutt oocurs.My applicsttion of Rents
<br /> — * shall not cure a waive any default a invalidrta any cNher right a nmedy of I.ender.This assignment of Reats of
<br /> -- % the Pmpe�ty atudl t�ami�ute wben�Il the suma exurod by�he Securlty Instruma�t are peicl la fiill.
<br /> • L CROS3�DEFAULT PROVISION. Barowa's defnult or braich unda any note a agroaneat in
<br /> --A—..., which i.cnr]es ha�m inta�st st�all be a bnach unda tha SeciuIry Instroment and L,ender may invoke any af the
<br /> _�;��': remedks pamiued by the SecurIty Insocument.
<br /> -_—�_ �Y SIGNING ASLAW�Barower accepts end egras to the uxms and provLvions c;ontained in this 1-d Family
<br />-'_---- Rida.
<br /> --�;�. T�� k. ��y�a� cs�� � >
<br />���.�r� � TFIOMA3 K 1tSINIBR3 -Botmwer REBECCA IMERS •Bormwar
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<br /> .••.N�.����lt'ID t��> �SWI,
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<br /> '�;;,:-°, .:�.j, •Horroiver •Borrower
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