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<br /> 9 � -���/�s�� :..
<br /> p�ayments msy no longer ba roquired,at U��option of Lcndcr.if rtwrtgage insurancc covcrage (in tha omount and far thc period
<br /> that Lender roquines)providod by an insurer�ppravod by Lendcr ugein becomcs available end�s obte�ncd.Borrow�er shall pay thc _
<br /> prcmiums rcqulrod to maintain mortgega insuranco in effccti ar W provide a loss rescrve, untll Ihc rcquircmcnt [or mortgagc =
<br /> insor�nce ends!n accord�nce with any wrluai�ament betwan Borrowu and Lenckr or applicebb law.
<br /> 9,Inspection. Lr.nckr ar iG9 �gcnt may mxke rc.�sonablc cntrics upon and inspccflons ot�he Pmpeny. I.cnAcr shnll givr, -
<br />- �� �@� Barower nodce tu Iha dme of a prbr W an inapocdon epxifying reasonable causo for the inspocdon.
<br /> � 10.Coodemnatbn. 'ilie proceeds of eny award or claim for dampges, direct or consoquential, in connecdon with enY -
<br /> ,y,�,,,,,.,;+1� candemnadon or oU�er taYing of any part of thc Propelty,or for convcyance in Ucu of condemnatlan,ara hercby asslqnal and
<br />..� s6all bo peid to I.endcr.
<br /> In the ovent of a total takL�g of tha Propuey.iha proccetls shaU bc applled to the sums securod by thls Seturity Inswmcn�
<br /> whethu w not�er�due,with any exccss paid tn Bomower.in thc evenc of a partinl taking of tha Property in which tho fair market �'
<br /> � valoe of tha Property imtnodiately bcfon thc faking is alual to or grcatu than the amount of the sums securod by Ihls Socurlty �'
<br /> 4
<br /> . ?�F Instrumcnt Immediatcly hefae the tai�ng, unless Borrowu end Lendu othcrwise agroe In wridng. ihc sums sccurod by ihis -
<br /> ' SocurIty U�s�ument shall be reduced by the emaunt of ihe procads muldplled by thc following fracdon: (a)the total amouut of -
<br /> the swns seciued Immediately before the taking.dividod by (b) the fair merrct value of the Property immediauly before the �":-
<br /> tokiag.My balance shalt be paid w Borrowu.In the eveat of a parflal taku:g of the Properiy in which the fair m�ricet valua of the
<br />-. Propeity immodiately before the taking is kss Qt�an the emount of the sums sxured immediately befora tho tbking, uNess
<br /> Horrower�nd Leuder othe�wLse agcee In writing or unless Applicable lew otherwise provldes�the procecds slwll be a�pljacl w tt� �
<br /> . � sums aocurod by thia Security Instrument whether or not tha sums are theu due. --
<br /> •• If the Ptopaty i�abandoned by Bomnwu,or if. afi�er noHce by Lendu to Borrowu Itutt the condemnor offers to make an
<br /> � • award or seule a cleim fa damages,Borrowu fails to respond to Letider within 30 days eftu the date the notice is given,Lendec
<br /> '�' • is anthorIzod w colkct end apply the procads.at Its opdon,elthu to restoradon or n,pair of the Propeny or W the sums socura!
<br /> � by this Security Instcument,whether or not thai dua
<br /> ,� Unless Lender and Borrowu othawLse ag�e in wridn8��Y aPP�cadon of pmceods w prIncipal shell not eactend or postpone
<br />- • the due date of the monWy payma�ts nfem�d to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such paymwts.
<br />�,r,,,..;. �; 11.Borrawer�at Rdeased;Forbearance By Lender Not a Waiver. Bxtanslon of the time for payment or modif'�csdon
<br />” of�rno�on of the sums secuced by this Secnr;ry Iastrument granted by Lendu w any auccessar ia interest of Barowar atwll
<br />=`��`'�'.:,t:�. aot operate to release tha liabiliry of the original Borrowu or Borrowu's successors in interes�L,ender st�eU not be roquired co
<br />�. ..�
<br /> car.:m�cc Fr�Bs ag�srt any su�r fr��nia�t ar r�fusc sa axt�td sisnc far paysssr�st ts�o��odtfy a�;�;i�i€
<br />-�u�� . i the snms socured by this SecurIty Instrument by reason oT aay demand mede by the original Borrower or Borcower's suceessors
<br />_h�-:.. .,: . In intenst My fo:bearance by I.ender ia eaercising any right or�+e�nody shall not be a waivu of or proclude the eaerciscs of any
<br />�~''� rlgAt or remedy.
<br /> •r�.,r r�t���%�•
<br />'`•"''''`� `'� ' 12.Succeaeors�nd Aas�gn�Bouad;Joint�ad Several Liabillty; Casignere. 'Ibe covenants and agreements of th3s
<br />:i"' '�':� 1�._
<br /> :�,;�1�,,`.�+.;�L Sac�uity Listcumeat shall bind end benefit the suxessors and assigas of Lendu and Borrowa.subject w tha provL�ons of
<br />�_r`,�„����; . p�ragraph 17. Borrowa's covenants end agroements ahall be p�nt and sevuai. Any aorrowu wtw co-sigos this Securityr
<br />;,'*�;.:,,,..., Instrument but does not execute tha Note: (a) is co-signing thfs Socurity Instrument only to mortgago.grrnt end convey that
<br />-�,:.,.,.s;,,�. Bocrowu's inunst in the Proputy unda the terms of this Security Inswment; @)is not personally obligaud W pay tde sums
<br />�„''-"�.�;;t�,, . socurod by this Secwity lnsun�men�end(c)a�oes that I.endu and any other Sonowu may agroo to axtend,modifY,forbear or
<br /> ���•,�_:,� ` malce any a000mmodetions with regard to the tams of th�s Security Inatrument or the Nute without that Bormwu's conSenG
<br />�'"�"°"��''—' 13.Lown C�es. If the bsn sacured by this Sxurtry Instrument ls subject w a law wbkh sets maximum Mru►cd�rges,
<br />�` -,5i�� and that law is finally intupreted so that th�inter�est or othu loan cherges cc�llectod or w ba collxted in connoction with the loan
<br />�=T��3��..��
<br /> _�""°'�':..� eaceed the perruitted Wnits,Wen:(a)any such loan charge sfia9l be reduced by the amount noces,cary tA roduce the ctwrge to the
<br /> --`�'�'�': ' perrp�aed Wni�and(b)any sums alnady colkcced from Borrowu wtuch exceeded permiasd timits wlll be refunded to Bomowu.
<br /> :s._ .:c
<br />-=�'`�•��`�'~��� Lendu may choosa ta malce th�s refund by reduciag the pdncipal owed under the Note or by making a direct payment to
<br /> -_:�::s,M��.`, ,'
<br /> ' Bormwer. If a rcfiuid reduces principal,the roducdon will be�eated es a partial Pn�ayment wIthout anY prtpayment charge
<br /> � .
<br /> =��::�'� , under the Note. - -
<br /> ����:• 14.Notloes. Any notke W Bomower pn�vIded for in thLg Securiry Insawnent shall be given by dellvering it or by mailing it
<br /> ------"�'L by first class mail unless applicable law roquices �se of another method.'il�e nodce shall be directed to the Pmpaty Address or -
<br />_,;,;�:�".;;=� any othu acldress Bmrowa designates by nodce W I.ender.My nodce w Lender shall be given by first cless mail 0o I.ender's _-
<br /> _,;;,.{°°°�',.: address statod hexe3n or any other address Lender desfgnatss by noticc tn Bomower.Any nodce peovldcd for in this Seauity -
<br /> ���rf' ` Instrumait ahall be doemed w have been given to Barowu or Lendu when given a4 providod in this paragraph.
<br /> �
<br /> - 1S.Governing Lawi Severa6ility. This Security Instrument shall be govaned by fedcral Iaw and the law of tho --
<br /> juiisdicHon in which fl�e Pmperty is located.In the everit thet any provlsion or clanse of this Security Instrument or the Note —_
<br /> � conflicts wIth applicable law.such conflict shall not affect ather provisions of this Secnrity Insuument or the Note which can be ___ -
<br /> give,�affoct without the conflicdng provis�on.To this end the provisions of this Socurity Instrument and the Nou are doclared to -
<br /> . be severabls.
<br /> �'�'=--
<br /> , . �„r--
<br /> .�._
<br /> Form 302a O/o0 Rk'��'��-
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