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<br /> '� 'I�6TH8R W17'H all 11w improvcmcnts now or hercafur ercctcA on thc property,and all cascmcnt�, appurtcnanccs,and
<br /> tixwre�now or hucattcr a put oi tho property.AU rcplaccments end addidonW shall nlso bc covcred by this Saurity InswmcnG
<br /> AU of tho foregoing is refemd to In�ht�Sxurity Instrumcnt r�thc"Pro�crty."
<br />• BOR1tOW6R COVBNANTS thnt Borrowa is Utwfully scised of 1he cstetc hcrcby cunvcycd and has tha dght to grant and
<br /> camcy Ihc ProQuty and thet tho P'roperty Is uncncumbcrod,exccpt for cncumbranccs of rccard. Borrower warrants und wlll
<br /> • . :� dcfend ger�erolly�he tltb to tho Propaty ngeinst aU claims end demands,subjoct to any cncumbranccs of rccord.
<br /> ` THIS �ECURITY INS'I1tiJ1�+�IV7' combtnes unifortn cflvenants for nadonal use and non-uniform covenants with Umited �
<br /> �'"'""� variadans by Jurisdkdon to consrlWte a uniform securlty instrume�t covering real pmperty.
<br /> �:t UNlFORM COVBNANI'S.Borc�nwer and Lender covonant end agree a9 foUowe:
<br /> � 1.P�yment of Principal�tnd Iaterssti�pAYment aod Late CharQea. Borrowu shall prompdy pay when due the
<br /> principal af u►d intei+est on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayment and tate charges due undcr the Note.
<br /> Z.Funde tor Taxa ond Iosunna. SubJect to applicabk law or w a wduen waiver by Lendu, Borrowu shall pay to
<br /> '. Lender on tha day monthly payma�ts are due under�he Notc.until thc Natc�s paid in fuU.a sum("Funds")for: (a)yearly taxes :ti�_
<br /> . � and a�sessments which may ettain priority ovu this Securlty lnsuumcnt as a Gen on the Property;(b)yearly leasehold payments `
<br /> or grcwnd rents on the Prapetty.if enY�(c)Yearly harard or property insurancc premiutna�(d)Ycarly flood insurencc ptemiums.if -
<br /> � enY� (�)Y�IY �BeBe insurance pcemiums.if any: and(�any sums payabb by Sortower to I.ender.in sccordanca with the =
<br /> ' provisions of parograph 8.in iku of the payment of mottgage insurance premiums.These itams are c,alkd"Eiscrow Items." �-,.
<br /> . Leudu may,at$ny time.collect end hold Funds in an nmonot not to wccoed the manimum amount a knder for a fcderally related _
<br /> n
<br /> mongige loon may roquire for Bcxmwer's accrow account under the federal Real Estate Seukanent Pmcedures Act of 1974 as �_
<br /> - anknded from time Lo tiitne,l2 U.S.C.Secdon 2601 et stq. ("RESPA"),uNess another law that applles to the Funds sets a le.�.cet
<br /> _ amounc If ao, L,�uier may,at any tLue, collest and dold Funds in en emount not to exceed the ksscr amoun�Lendu may �_-
<br /> -��� esdmate the�moaat of Fw�ds due on the basis of ciurent data and reasonabk esBmates of expaidItures af futun Fscrow Items or
<br /> othuwlse in eccordanct with appllcable law. _.
<br /> � � ` 'i�e Funds sh�ll be he3d in aa insdtutian whose d�posits are ins�red by a federal ager�cy�lnstrumentallty.a endry(including
<br />:���..• '` Lender�if I,a�der ts such an ias6�tbn)or ia any Fedcral Home L�►Bank.L,ender shall apply the FS�nds a pny the Escrow �
<br />•.,' Items.Lenda may not charge Borrower foc holding and epplying the Fuuds,ennuaqy analyzing the escraw account,ar verlfyIng =
<br />�y`' � tl�sa Ssaow ltems,unless Ler�der pays Borrnwer intaest on the Fw�ds end applicabk law pecmita L.ender ro m�lce such a c6arge.
<br /> Y�: , �� Howeva, Lender may roqulre Botrowu oo pay a oue-time charge for an independent rcal estAtc tax reporting savke usod by
<br />-- T�..�r1�4r! �.�nnectk►n with this 1o�n,tuiless appllCnble law provides Othe�rrLSE.Unless etl amroenlent is mStb Ot eDDlkAblC ISw
<br />;��y��; '~� rcq�ires intaest W be paid,I�ender shall rwt be requirod to pay Borrnwu eny Intenst or eamings oa tha Fwids. Borrowa and
<br /> ���� .- :�...;
<br />,F ,. , �^. I�da may agra in ariting,lwwever.ttwt interest shaU be paid on the Funds.Lender sl�all gtve w Bormwa.wtthout ctiarge�an
<br />_;�;,;�;;�w::� ennnal aocounting of the Fnnds,showfng cxedlts and deblts w the Funds and Iha puepose fa wdkh each debit to the runds wac
<br />�"}%µ}°:�:�` made.'Ihe Funds aa plodged as addittonsl sacurity fa all suma securod by this Sxurity lastrumenG
<br /> `-":`,`''fi If the F1mds tx]d by Lender eaccood the amounts peimiued a be held by appllcabk law,Lender shaU eccount to Bomowa for
<br /> iw:Yr:.;(p:i£f
<br /> --�� ''=� thts e�coass Fw�ds in accordanoe with the roquirements of applicabk law.If the amount of the Funds held by L�ender et any tjme is
<br />-,�n;..:�..��
<br />���� � not su�icia►t to pey the Hsaow Iums when due.Lendc may so notiffy Borrowa in wridng.end,In such case Borrower shmtU P�Y
<br />�,;s�'"� .'. to I,enckr the stnount necessary to make up the deficlency. Borrower sda11 make up tde deficiuicy in no more tt�an twelve
<br />�al�;":.�:� ` moathlY PaYment�,at I.endu's sok disecetion.
<br />�,w�o,.� t
<br /> ��,.u,.�� . UP� P�Y�t in full of all sums socurod by tlils Socurlty Instnunent,L.ender shall proa�pdy refund w Barowu any Funds
<br />:��� ,t held by 1.ender. If,under pnragraph 21.Leridu shall acquire or sell the Prope�rt�y,Lender.prlor to the acquisitbn or sale of the
<br /> 'V6.:`�1° propeity, sh�ll apply any Funds held by L.erder at the timo of
<br /> ---_--.-�� �' acquL�Idon or sale�s a credit egainst the suau socured by thls
<br /> _ _,__-� Securiry Instmment
<br /> -�-..�r= 3.AppYcada ot Payments. Unless applicabks law provides otherwlse.all payments recelved by Lendu under paregraphs
<br /> ir w,;�r � 1 and 2 3haU be applkd: firat.to any prepayment charges due under t�e Nou;socond,w amounts able nnde.r
<br /> PaY A�B�'ePh 2;
<br />-'=��� third,w intaest due;fourth,oo principal due:and last,to any lata chargcs dne nndu the Nota.
<br /> -y}"��; 4.Ch�rges;Lkna. Borrowu sball pay all taxes.assessments. charges.fines and ImpositIons attn'butabk oo d�e Proporty
<br />�$��� wtiich may ettain prbority over this Security Insuument,and lea5ehold paymu►ts or grouad reuts.if any.Borrower adall pay Wese
<br /> `�"'' obllgadons in tho marmer provtdod ln pazagraph 2.or if not paid in thae mannor.Bomowu shall pay them on time diroctly w thse
<br /> —_-.�:� perxm owed paymemt Bocrower shall promptly fmnish to Lender all r�otices of amounts to be paid nnder this paragraph.If
<br />""'�;;:.�:� Borcower msices tlkse payments dinedy.Bomower shall promptly fumish to Lender rocelpts ev�dencing the payments.
<br /> �ID7.� n�.�,.,
<br />_,. �-�-�,.•, Borrowa shall promptly discharge any lien which haS prlority ovu this SecurIty Instrument unless Boxrowex.(a)egrees in
<br />;,`�.�;...`.':•. wridng to the payment of the obllgation securecl by the lien in a manner aocoptable w Lende,r;(b)contests in good feith the lien
<br /> T�"� '' by. or defends against enfotcement of the lien in, legal proccedings which in the Lenda's opinior operate w prevcnt the --
<br /> � � � enforoemer�t of the lien;or(c) sec�res Erom the holdcr of the lien an agreement sadsfxtory to I.enda subordinating the lien to
<br />�;°. th�s Socuriity InstrumenG If I.andu detumines that any pan of the Property is subject to a liea which mny auain priority over this _- _
<br /> ' , � Security Inswmea4���Y 81V8 Borrower a notice Idontifying the lien.Borrower shall satisfy the Hen or take one or more ---
<br /> ` of the acdons set tocth above wlthln 10 days of the giving of noace. �=
<br /> � Form 30Z8 91aG �-a'�-.
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