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201208791 <br /> Por ISie repairs and reslpraLion in a eiv�gle paymen6 or h�a serics of progres�paymonts as tl�c worlc is <br /> coinpleYed. If the iixsurauce or condetruiation proceeds are not suf&cient to repnir or restore flie Property, <br /> Rorrower is uot reliaved of T�orrower's oUligation for tlie completion of'such repair or rasYorakion. <br /> Lender or iYs agent inay malce reasonaUle enisies upon znd inspections of tha Property. If it has reasonnble <br /> cauee, Le�idcr m�y inspcct thc intci7or of thc imp��ovcments on thc Property. l znder shall give Bon�ower <br /> n�tice aC the fime of or�rior[o such nn int�erior inspeotion specifying such reasonttble cai�sc. <br /> 8. Borrower's Loan Applieation. Born�wcr ehall bc in de£ault if, during thc Loan applicatic�n process, <br /> Borrower or nny persons or enlities�oting nt Clie direcHon of Boxrower or willi Borrower's knowledge or <br /> consent gave materiAlly false, misleacling, or inacewaka infi�nnation ar staYements ttr Lender (or fuled to <br /> Urovido I,c�ider with n�aterial infom�a6ion) in conneaCian wiLh the Loan. Materinl representatic�ns include, Uut <br /> are not lunited ta, represeutntious concerning Borrower's ocoupancy of the Proper[y as Bonrower'e principal <br /> residence. <br /> 9. ProtecYinn of Lender's Interest in the PropeMy and Itights Under this Security Instrument. If'(a) <br /> Barrower fails to perform the cove��ants and abrrecments contnined in this Sceurity lnstrumont, (b) fliere is a <br /> logal prc�cccding thaC mighC eignificanCly a�fPeeC Lender'e interesl in the ProperLy and/or righfs under Ch'vg <br /> Security I�isfnui�ient(suoh as a proceeding in bnnlauptcy, probate, for condetruiation or farfeiture, fox <br /> enfoxcement of a lien which may atPain priority over Chis SecuriCy Histruuient or to enPorce laws or <br /> regulat7ons), ox,_(c) �3o1'rower has a,UaiidQpeft the Prope.rty, then 4end�r i�i�y clo ancl pay fbr whatevcr is <br /> ieasonable or appropriate to proYcct Lcndar'a intorest in fhe Properly aiid righl5 uuder Ll�us 5eeurily <br /> Tnstrun�cnt, iiicluding prolecting nnd/or aesessing the value of the Properry, and securing azid/or repairing <br /> the Properry. Zender's actions can inelude, but are not limiYed to; (a)paying any sums secured by a lien <br /> which has prioritq over tliis Seciu�ity Instrumont; (b) 1p}�oaring in conrl; and(c)paying reasonable aCCorneys' <br /> fees to protcct ite intcresC in lhe Property and/or rights imcier this Seciuity Hist�lunent, including iYs secured <br /> posiCiou in a 6t�iilcruptcy prooeecling. Secm'ing the ProperYy inclttdes, Uut is not limiCed Yo, entering Che <br /> Property to make repairs, change locks, replace or board up doors and winclows, draii7 watcr,fi-otn pipes, <br /> eliminate building or otl�er code violations or dangcx�ona oondifinns, anci haue utilities lurned on or ofP. <br /> A1thoL�g1� Landcr may take aoCion mider tliis Section 9, Lender does not have to do ao �nd is not under eny <br /> dufy or obligation to do eo. It ie agreed Chnt Lender incurs no liaUiliSp For uot talcing aaiy or a11 actiovs <br /> auEhoi7zed under this Soction 9. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender tmder this Seotion 9 shall become addiuonal deUt of Borrower secured Uy <br /> Y1�is Security InstrtunenC. These amotiuiCy shall be�r intcrest at thc Noto ratc from thc d¢�to of disbur�cmcnt <br /> and�l�all Uc payablc, wiHi e�tch inLereaC, upon no6ioe fi�om Ilenclex to Borrower xeqL�eatin�;payment. <br /> lf this Secnrity Ir�strumoi7t is on a leasehold, Borrower sh�11 comply with All the proeisione of the leese. If <br /> Borrower aoquires fee title to the Property, the leasehold aud the fee tiYle shall noY marga miless Lencler <br /> ngrees to the merger in writing. <br /> 10. M OY°tgag0 II�SUranC�. IfI,ender reqLiired Mortgage Ins�lrance aF a pondiNoti of making Lhe Loan, Bonrower <br /> sha11 pay t7ie premiun�s rcquircd to mainCain fhe Mortgage Insurnnee in effect. If, for nny reason, the <br /> MorCgage I�ism•ance coverage required Uy Lender ceases to be auailable from Uie mortgage insurer that <br /> previously provided st.xch insuruice and Borirower waa requircd t�malco scpnrately dcsign�ted paymcnfF <br /> Cowa�d the premiunts for Mortgagc Iiisuranco, Borrower shall��y Che preminms required to obtain ooverag€ <br /> aubstanCially equivnleiic to the Mortgage Ineurence p�•eviously in effaot, at� cost substaartially equivalexit to <br /> the eost to Borrower of the Murtgage Insurance previonsly in effect, �fi�c�m an alternate morfgago insurer <br /> selectied by Lendex. If suUst�mtially eqLiival'ent Mortgage Instu'ance cover�ge ie nol available, Bonrower shall <br /> — - ------------- znoazasz <br /> NCOFFlSK�-SinB le Fam ily-Fannle M a2/Fredtlie M ac 11NIPORM IN9TRUM ENl' form 5028 1101 <br /> vMp�ro vmiPs�Ne��i�as� <br /> Wolters I<luwer Flnanol2l Servlaea P�iBe�nf 1� <br />