<br /> Any applicmtion oP peymenCs, iusurnnce proceeds, or Misoell�neous Prooeede to princip�l due Lmdc.r the Noee
<br /> sl�all iiot extencl or post��ove the due date, or chan�e flie amounC, of the Periodic Payments.
<br /> �. P�uids tbr Pscruw Ite�n6. Boirower,sha11 pay to Lender on fhe day Periodic Pa}nnants are dae under the
<br /> Notq ui�Hl tt�c Notc is paid in full, a swil(tl�c "N'timds")to providc;for paymant of auio�mts due for: (a)tases
<br /> nnd assessmenks and other items which can att�tin priority ovex this Seourity InsintmenC ae a licn or
<br /> encumbrance on the Pxoperty; (b) leasehold payments or ground rents on the Property, if any; (c}preu�iiuns
<br /> for any t�nd�lI insurAnce requiced by Lender tuider Section 5; and(d)MorEgage Inetuance premiums, if at�y,
<br /> or any sums payaUle Uy Borrower Co I,ender in lieu of the payment of Mortgage Inswauce premiums in
<br /> accordance wifh the provisions of Section ]0, 'I'hese items are ca7le�i "tissrow itcros." At orz�ivation or at
<br /> any time during lhe lerm of lhe Lo�n, Lender niny require that Commui�iity Associn�ion Dues, Fees, And
<br /> Assessments, if any, be escrowed by Borrower, �nd such ducs, feac aud aace9a�ments sl�all be an'Esccow
<br /> Item. Borrower ehz11 prompCly fnrnish lo Lender all notioes o£�n�iounts to be paid under Chis Seotion.
<br /> Borrower shnll pay Lender the Pwids for Eacrow Items unless Lender waives I�orrower's oUligation to pay
<br /> the Fttnda for airy or all Sscrow Ite�ne. [.,endcr may waivo Borrowcr's obligatinn to pay to Lcndcr Nunds for
<br /> at�y or all Lrscrow Itetns at uny time. Atry sueh waiver mny otily be in writing. In the event of snch w�iver,
<br /> Borrower shnll pay drrectly, when and where payable, Yhe amounts due for a�ry Esorow Items for which
<br /> paymeut o£Funds hes been waived by La�lder and, if'Lender requires, shall furnish to Lender receipts
<br /> evidencing such payment wil3iin such time�eriod as Lender may require. }3orrower's oUligatio�l tn malce
<br /> such pa}nnante:uid to provide receipts shall for all purpoec;s be dcemed fo be si wvcn�nt and agreameuC
<br /> contained iu this Sccurity Inetrument, �s Che pluase "oovenan[and agreetnent" is used in Section 9. If
<br /> Boxrower is nbligated to pny Esorow Itetns direcCly, pursu�it Co a wRiver, and Borrower fails to pay the
<br /> aniotuiC due for an Pscrow ICem, Lender m�y execcise its rights undcr Scctron 9 and�ay sucl� aniouut ancl
<br /> Rorrower shall therr Uc oUligatcd under Sec�ion 9 to repay to Lender nny auch amount. Lender mey revolce
<br /> 11ie waiver as tio any or all Escrow Items aY nny t9me by a noCica given in accordance with Section 15 and,
<br /> upott suoh revooation, Borrower shall pay io l.endar a11 Funds, and 'u� sucl� an�nunts, that airo thcn required
<br /> uncler this Section 3.
<br /> Lender inay, at ury tiime, collect uid hold Ftitnds in an am�rut�t(a) snffcienl t'o pern�iC Lender 4o npply fhe
<br /> Pttnds at tlie time specificd undor RESPA, and(b)nof lo excead Che maximutn amount e lender cnn reqnire
<br /> m�der R�SI'A. Lander shall eslimete the amoiuit of runds due on Ehe basis of elnreut daYa and reasonaUl�
<br /> estimaYe,s of expendit�u�es of ftituro Esc�'ow Items cs otl�erWiee in aocordanee with Applicable Law.
<br /> The Funde shall be held in an institution whose dcposiCs �re insured by a Pederal agency, inslrumentaliCy, or
<br /> rnility(it�c:ltiding Lender, i�f Lender ie �n inatitufion whose deposits 2re so insured) or in wy Federal Hoine
<br /> Lonn Bntflc Lentler shall apply Phe Funds to pay the T;�scrow ltems n�� lator tihau thc�timo spcc'rficcl undcr
<br /> RFSPA. Lender s1�a71 not charge]3orrower for holding nnd applying the PuncLs, �nuunlly analyzing the
<br /> eE;orow accounf, or verifying the Escrow Ttetns, unless Lender pays Borrower interest on tl�e Pmida and
<br /> Applicflble Law permiYs Lender to make such a charge. Unless an abrreement is made in writing or
<br /> ApplicaUle Law requiras interesk to Ue paid on fl�e Nunds, Lundcr Fl�al] not Ue required fo p1y Borrower airy
<br /> inEerest or eamings on the Funds, Borrowcr and Lencler o�n agree in�vriting, howaver, ftiat interest eha11 be
<br /> paid on tl�c Flzuds. L,ender shall give to Borrower, witkaouC ch�rge, an anmial accounling�of 11ie Funds as
<br /> required Uy 12FSPA.
<br /> If there is fl surplua of Funds laeld in escrow, as cleiined ur�de�'RP;SYA, Le��der shall account to Borrowcr fo��
<br /> Uie excess funds in accnrdanoe with RLSPA. If thcre is n shorCnge oP Fimds held in eeorow, ns delined itntler
<br /> }2HSPA, Lrn�der shall notify Borrower as required lay ILESPA, and Bon•ower shall pay to Lender tiie amoLuit
<br /> neceseery to make up the ahortage in:�tecordance with RESPA, but.iti no more thau l2 rnonthly p�ymct�ts. IP
<br /> there is a deficiency oFFunds l�eld in eycrow, as dcfincd tmder 1tLSPA, Lender sli211 no[ify Bortawer na
<br /> —� ----- 2nouza�z
<br /> NEBRASKASIngle Famlly-Fannle A78e1Fretltlle M ec.UNIFORM WSTRUId ENT Ponn 3020 1101
<br /> VM P� VM P6(NE)(1106)
<br /> Wolters Kluwer Flnanclal Services �age 5 of ll
<br />