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�E-RE�O�DED <br />�01�0877ti <br />L�AN �: 1208R3B00321755 <br />� CASE �: 34-34-6-0191817 <br />MIm: 1001112-0000004026-1 <br />VA GUARAMTEED LOAN AIdD ASSUMPTIOIV POLICY RIDER <br />NOTICE: THIS LOAN IS NOT ASSUMABLE WITHOUT <br />THE APPROVAL QF THE DEPARTMENT OF <br />VETERANS AFFAIRS OR ITS AUTHORIZED AGENT. <br />THIS VA GUARANTEED LOAN AND ASSUMPTION POLICY RIDER is made this <br />iaza day of oc�rosEa, Zoia, and is incorporated irrto and shall be deemed <br />to amend and supplement the Mortgage, Deed of Trust or Deed to Secure Debt (herein <br />"Security Instrument") dated of even date herewith, given by the undersigned (herein <br />"Borrower") to secure Borrower's Note to x�s�,s &TATE s�xx oF ranx��r�, A <br />KANSAS CORPOR11allTIO�T <br />(herein "Lender") <br />and covering the Property described in the Security Instrument and located at <br />1724 W Charles St <br />Grand Island, NE 68803 <br />VA GUARANTEED LOAN COVENANT: In additian to the covenants and agreements made <br />in the Security Instrument, Barrower and Lender further covenant and agree as follows: <br />If the indebt�ness secured hereby be guaranteed or insured under Title 38, United States <br />Code, such Title and Regulations issued thereunder and in effect on the date hereof shall <br />govern the rights, d uties and liabilities of Borrower and Lender. Any provisions of the Security <br />Instrument or other instruments executec! in connection with said indebtedness which are <br />inconsistent with said Title or R�ulations, including, but not to, the provision for <br />paymerrt of any sum in connection with prepayment of the secure,c! indebtedness and the <br />provision thatthe Lender may accelerate payment of the secured indebtedn�s pursuant to <br />Covenant 18 of the Security Instrument, are hereby amended or negated to the extent <br />necessary ta conform such instruments to said Title ar Regulations. <br />LATE CHARGE: AtLender's option, and asallowed by applicablestatelaw, 8orrowerwill pay <br />a"latechar e"notexceedingfour percentum(4%)oftheaverduepaymentwhenpaidmore <br />than fifteen �15) daysafterthe duedatether�fto coverthe e�ra expense involved in handling <br />delinquent payments, but such "late charge" shall not be payable out of the proceeds of any <br />sale made to satisfy the indebtedness secured hereby, unless such proceeds are sufficient <br />to discharge the entire indebtedness and all proper costs and expenses secured hereby. <br />GUARANTY: Should the Departmerrt of Veterans Affairs fail or refuse to issue its guaranty in <br />full amourrtwithin 60daysfrom thedatethatthis loan would normally becomeeli�ibleforsuch <br />guarar�ty committed uPon bythe Department ofVeteransAffairs under the pro�nsions of Title <br />38 of the U.S. Code 'Veterans Benefits," the Mortgagee may declare the indebtedn�s <br />hereby secured at once due and payable and may foreclose immediately or may exercise <br />any other nghts hereunder or take any other proper action as by law provided. <br />TRANSFER OF' THE PROPERTY: This loan may be declared imm�liately due and <br />payable upon transfer of the properry securing such loan to any transferee, unless the <br />acceptability of the assumption af the loan is established pursuant to Section 3714 of <br />Chapter 37, Title 38, United States Code. <br />An authorizecl transfer ("assumptian") of the praperty shall also be subject to additional <br />covenants and agreements as set forth below: <br />(a) ASSUMPTION FUNDING FEE: A feeeq ual to on�half of 1 percent (.5Q%) of the <br />balance of this loan as of the date af transfer of the property shall be payable at the time of <br />transfer to the loan holder or its authorized agent, as trustee for the Department of Veterans <br />Affairs. If the assumer fails to pay this fee at the time of transfer, the fee shall constitute an <br />VA GUARANTEED LOAN AND ASSUMPTION POUCY RIDER Initials t ''���� <br />Online Documents, Inc. P�ge 1 Of 2 8751ASR 1103 <br />