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<br /> ���` ^ ' Comm� I Fsderal Bank,P.O.Box 1103.Conaum�r Loan�,Omah�NE 88101.Bnnch phon�nur+nb�r
<br /> -,:::��r.�.,'� -------- ------------------------sp��bov�thl�tin�ta ncordinp dsu.------��t �'bb�---------�
<br /> `���-'�� � MORTGAGE-- Collateral
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<br /> �`�� � �id�ra►e�,�c Real Estate Mortgage ��.
<br />-�;:�� �
<br /> _ - — Natun N Ind�6tedn�as Loan Nr►ount M�rixity D�t� Initial Intuwt Rat�
<br /> -.,,,�e Con�um�r Loan 11,ZOZ.6Z 10/O�/07 10.750
<br /> `
<br /> .� i, C��3 I�IIIYP'9 and 1Q�YL�T I�i1�8 •
<br />--,,�,.y�� hMbY Giv�ConxnKCial F�d�►al Ba�k.�F�d�►�I Savinpa Bank('Co�wnKeiN Fed�r�l').wfioM addrw it pi.s4�� ��03
<br /> a t;;?�w �p� �' 68101 •mortpp�.with pwiw►of sai�.of th�fdlowino PtepKtV top�ther with ali improvsmMU now or
<br /> - h�naRtK�abd on th�ProP�►N.�d MI w�rn�nU,dOhu�nd�PP�a�as th�r�to:
<br /> ���.� ?A►r SL�IIT_S7�G4ITllt+I�f(� 6� �MBIQ�ZO � CITY
<br /> 0!' QiIlI�D Is[ . l�1T+I+ Q7�PY� l�3R19�Q1.
<br />--''r�'�''Jf�
<br /> --- If mon th�n om paw�sipns this Mortp�p�.th�word'I'rnwns"w�.'
<br /> 'Ihia Mortpp�s�curw�Ioan mad�by ComnMrcial f�dw�l widene�dby 1 A_750 %
<br /> .-.`:� w y��.������,�t,lu�g+.�w in tM anxn,nt ot S_.i1-�01.6� .with inunst at the fnitisl nite o!
<br /> ,�?�1�5��
<br /> . p�r�nnun.eontains the t«ms ta npa�nrrnt of th�t loan.H di�t not�i�ma chanp�d a npi�c�d by�n�w rwt�.It w11i W a�cuW bY mia�7viortpw�.
<br /> — 1 p►orNS�th�fdlowing thinps:
<br /> 1. NI paytrnnU on anv�t�or othK d�bt s�cund by thia Mortype will b�p�id whM dw.
<br /> 2. M inwra�c�policy ta fin�nd�xbnd�d cov�npe vuill b�k�pt in fores on th�prop�rty in an�mt�t Iwtt�qwl to tM d�bu s�cund by this
<br /> � C�m��ci�F�d�il wi�li b�w nam�ditns�und on tM�pa�ow'ih�Inaanc�eomp�ny must 6�wtidactay to Corm»raf�l F�+�.Md
<br /> 3. AI t�x�s and�st«tm�nt�on M�prop�rtywill be p�id bsfan th�y b�can�dNinqwnt
<br /> �— +. No wnt�will b�canrnitUd ot�th�ptop�rty,and It will b�kept in pood npair.
<br /> 6. 1tN prop�rty will not b�wid (includinp by Iw�d con4rsot).Iwad.aod no int�nat In It wfll b��sNyrnd in anYway.
<br /> 6. I own th�prop�rty t►M�nd cl�ar of any othK mortppM or �ncumbranas D(CEPT Cri�lL 14R'1�1T. _
<br /> 7. No oth�r mortpp�or lien on tM p►oPwtY will�r be allovwd to M i�d�taWt w b�fonclos�d,
<br /> H my ot thw�prorNw�n not k�pL th�n Conxn�rciai F�dKal un s3�elan rl of tlu d�bt fmrrNdiatNy du�and pay�bl�without�dvnna notic�.
<br /> Exc�ptionsmry b�rpuind by Iwv.TI»int�rat at�will inenw to 18.Ql016 w sny lu�r ot th�m�xlm�xn r�t��Ilowebl�by law�t th�t tir+�.�nd thb
<br /> matQ+?�aan b�fonclowd in�ccordanc�with�ppIieabl�Iwv.H th�debt i�ace�NratW.th�n I�Iw�u�p n any r�nt or othK Incortw fiorn th�p�q�rty to
<br /> (FOR S0.DAKOTA RESIDENTS ONL1�. In tM�wnt o1�r►y d�twit in 1M m�ldnp ot any paymM�t a In k�fnp anyeo�ron�nt ft�r�fn,thts Mo�lpps mW b�
<br /> fonclowd by�nUa�,w by�dwrtf�»�t as provid�d by st�tun or tM rWN ot prwtic�nlatinp th�nto.and this prpraph shsll ba dwm�d�s wthori�inf��nd
<br /> ccx�stiMtnp�povwr of�u m�ndonrd in�aid�tut�a nrNs�nd u►y am�ndmsnt tMnto.�nd m�y ntaln at�tutory casts�nd attan�y fNS(SO.W V,TdN.
<br /> OK.and MI rwid�nts only).
<br /> - - - CwW n arnounu can b�psi�by Comm�rcial F�duat and add�d to 3t�e dsbt Ncursd by this Mortpp�.Inctudinp a�y tax�t or inwnne�I hw�p�d to
<br /> - pay but fail to.any ettomy fsu or caxt�xp�nw Cammsrel�l Fedrr�l payn H it is mad�a party at any IipN�atton b�qht by�om�on��la ea�e�rt+mp�M
<br />' - prop�ty aM�ny�ttomsy iMS o►caxt�xp�nsw wh(ch th�law mipht�Ilow it Comrr�Val Fad�nl hu to po to eaurt�p�inat rt�to cnll�at th�d�6t a
<br /> - torociow tht�maRp�pe.H a�y of theM thinp�h�pp�n,thsn tM�ddTtional d�bt wfll accrw int�nst at th�a�n�nt�u tM twt of th�d�bt�nd m�rt be yald
<br /> - imrMdf�iNy.
<br /> °�c,�� I(this prop�rry b�vw cond�rnned und�r th�pow�r of�min�nt dorrw(n w any aimflar msthad ot t�kin0 P��N ta publle us�.�nY Procwda o1 tM tak(rp
<br /> - �•=�-�*���+ witl M p�id to Conwnwof�t F�d�nl up to th�tull�mount oi th�d�bt wcund.
<br /> -":i�
<br /> ,,"',��,._., Barowv w�iw��II ripht of hansstNd�x�rnptioei in th�ProprrlY�ndfutix�w�ivw all riphts of nd�tnption.�x�rnptlon.distributiw�har�and dwwr.
<br /> - :�i���•'� No1iw b Borrovwr(for Okl�hom� 1: A w�r of saN hn bNe nnt�d in tht� A of»I�mr �Mow th� �o tda fM
<br /> r�1� n■ ur+• •
<br /> .::��l.. �
<br />- � ::,i 09 25 97 C'�+�RD3 I�A� � •.••� �• , • - '�- =--
<br /> . .._ ... Tod� a Ost� Borrov��Typ�d Narrw �' na ro i_,
<br /> ���N� /� ' �' � --
<br /> ��..�.,� 1
<br /> Bortowse't Typed N�ms s � n�t _
<br />-��i,�-•-ss�.�;_ a�o2 �li9 1�VS QtPit�D IH[�D. I� 68803 _
<br /> _.�„���;_.,.y.. .
<br /> � • r. ad re..
<br /> � STATE OF I��II�
<br /> . COUNTY OF }AIZa � u -
<br /> On thi� Z� day of �� .18 97 ,b�faw rrw.�notary puWic in�nd tor wid county, p�nonatly carn� -
<br /> �� +l1�KAYLYt�?I�lY�9 to me known to b�the Idsntic�l p�rton or perso�t wfiwe
<br /> nama it ot�ro�Nxad to th�abovs rtwrtpip�,and thsy,h�/ah�/th�y wver�ily �eknowledy�d th�uld fnstnxrient and the execution thsraot ta be��ir
<br /> „ � voluntxy�et�nd dMd. � � �
<br /> WITNESS my hand md noUnal asel th�day�nd ysar lait written abow. � - t�`,� � �� �� ��! �•L�� �.�.l.r. '"
<br /> My cortmiuion�xpiros: �
<br /> NE-IN-WY-IL-SD-MI-AZ-MN-IA ����t ' ';`"° DN-1077 (07/97) -
<br /> Can�n. t4,t9iD
<br /> �. .. ....._ � _
<br /> r,.�,,. .:i..W._ .. _. ., -..,�::... ... _,_ .-- - - - ---- -
<br /> -- �.,.� , . ....._ _.__ __
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