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� � . ,�:,.''•�'q�' <br /> � k'.: <br /> _ . ;� - � -�•. -- . . ...r ... _ �,}`%'s�f i�..ti• . . .. <br /> .. _ �._��. �IORl�tlw:'a.� iu_ . . . .�. . .. _ �'. <br /> i 1 . <br /> .. •. 1+� ��' � <br /> .::"�ry.• COVENANTS ��'r�'!f ff I�� L,.: <br /> . Y oth�rwia, any �':: <br /> 1, p�ym�nts. Bwrow�r aerse• to m�k� all pa m�nt� on tho t�cund dabt whsn due. Unleti Borro e end L n e g <br /> '_� payments Under rs . s#ro}n Borrow�r or for Borrawar't benetit wlll be applled firtt to any amounts Borrower owes on the secured debt <br /> not reduce or xcu�s n u�e�d p�1YtDf+�ttuntll thw�necured debt fi pi�ld In full�l prepayment o}the tecured debt occurs for any►anon,It will <br /> '�� 2.Claim�Ay�intt T .B roS�N'wil{'jtiY�II t�x��,atssttment�,�nd other charyes attrlbutabla to the proporty whei�due and wlll dafend tltle <br /> . to the propertY apNn�tv11►'aMim w��►��uld Impelr ths Yen of thl�d�ed of tru�t.Lender may requlrs Borrower to nsign any riqht�,cl�kn�or <br /> � i� dei�nse�whlel�Horrower may havs ap�lnst partle�who suppty Ubo�or materlals to improve or mainteln the propeny. <br /> 3,�n�u►�nc�. Barower wlll ks�p ttie prop�rty Imured under tums acc�p4abls to Lsnder�t Borrowar's sxpsme and for Lender�bendlt. All <br /> •,: ;• , Imurance pollcis�thail Inctud�a�t�ndard mortpe0�pol�us�Iro f�vnr of Lender.L�nder wlll be nem�d�i loss payee or aa the Insured on any such <br /> � or�to the aecu►�ed debtl If Linder requlrei�mortpiye Ini�winci�t B�orrowi���p�Iii to�malntaintauchhniuincit}or ar lonp ri Lendar�requlrei roperty <br /> ..Jr. <br /> �� 4,prop�rty.Borrowe�wilt keep tha property in qood conditio�i and make all rapnlra ronflonubly nacaaeery. � <br />_- ,:, � <br /> y,Exp�nsa,Borrowar�pnss to p�y all Lender'a�xpense� includlny nason�ble�ttornsyi'tsei,if Borrower break�any covenanta in tNt d�ed <br /> ��i� of trutt or Im m�y oblly�tion tecurod by thit deed of trust.�onowar wlll pay thess amounte to Lender ea provided In Cavenent 9 of this deed of ._ <br /> .-_- <br />_ ° -� troit. <br /> iecurrit�ysnt iesi�Borrower�will perform all{oftBorrowerinobllpatlonieunder eny prior mortpipe�desd of trust�or�totheicieeurfty ayr�ement� <br /> �• Includiny Borrow�Ys covemnts to make peyment�wh�n due. -- <br />--*ti.,. 7,A�pt�tn�t of R��nd P►utl1�•Borrower astipn�to Lender the rants and profits of tha property.Unleas Borrower and Lender heve egroed , _ <br /> "���- � otherwrie In wrltinfl,Borrowsr m�y collect and retain tM rent�as lonp �s Borrower,�d�collect the'rentnBAnyNients�Lender col ecta�ihall be <br /> "`•�`��° � apent,or �court appointed rocelver m�y take poiseasion and mampe tt�e property <br /> „� ,.,..:. <br /> applied flrat to the coats of manspin�the property, Inehrdinp court coate and attorneya' fees, commiulons to rental AOonts, and eny ot er <br /> �.,:,i,Y'� necesaary related expenaea.Ths rem�ning�maunt of rent�wlll then appty to payment�on the eecured de6t as provided In Covenant 1. <br /> •°^ •"�'� i'kiseho d.�lf tch�li dwd of trus�t li on a unt�in i c�ondominlum of i plannsd unR tlivelo�pmsnt PBorruwer will�peiform allhof Bo rawer s dutlei <br />_-Y'''�� under the covamnts,by-lawa,or repui�tlons of tM condomfn(um or planned unit dsvebpment. <br />�4 I:'��� g A���y o��r,nd+r ta p�r}aret for dorrowa.If Borrower f�Ua to penorm �ny of Borrower'� dutiu undsr thi�dsed of uust,Lend�c maY T <br /> Y`'�'ka"��• perform th�dutks or aau�e them to bs periormed. Le�der may si0n Borrower'�name or Fay any amount!�neceaaary for parformance.If eny <br /> ;�,;;r�� construotion onths property is diacontinued or not oarried on in a rsatonsbte manner,Lender mey do whatever la necesoary to proteat Lender's <br />, �„,�.+�,. �ecurity interest In tho praperty.Thls msy Innlude completiny the construotion. <br /> ���ne%r��i�•. Lender'�f�ituro to psdarm wiil not prociude Lender from�xerciaing any ot its other riphta under the Isw or this deed of truat. <br />-'�""A'a': <br />''='��'`.;•;�,,P Any amounta peld by Lender to proteat l.ender's security interoa wiil be cecured by this deed of trust.Such amounts wlil be due on demmd _ <br /> and wtil beer interest irom the dats of the peymant until peld In fuil at the Intere�t rote In eftect on the eecured debt. <br /> '�`�l•, . �p, p�yuh �d/�cc�IK�tion. If Borrower fails to meke any psyment when due or breaks any covanants under this deed oi trust o�my <br /> ';.r.r,,;�.��. ; oblip�tion:ecured by this deed of trutt or any prlor morty�pe or deed of trust, Lender may eccelerate ths maturity of the secured d�bt�nd <br /> �� � i•;,;:,, domand immed'�ete p�yment and may invoks ths powar of sale�nd eny other ramediet permitted by applic�bls Iew. <br />:��`�y;;:`;> <br /> ��'J "� MreRo et�the,Odreie of eaohtauch�penon,�si iet�forth herean copie�of the noticss of default and�ale bn aent to e�ch person who Is s puty <br /> -,```;,..,-�. <br /> 12. Pow�r of tha Lendst Invoket the powsr of ule,the Truttes shail first record in the offiae of the repi�ter of deeds of each county <br /> � ..+.�� wh�nin tn�uwt pruPsrir or•oi��e p:ri os p:rr•sl thexzo!1s eltsfst"'!+!n^tir.s of dsfault contalninq the informstion requlred by law.7he T►uttse <br /> -�i�`a.".'. ihail also maft copiei of ths notice ot dsf�ult to ths Borrowu,to eacfi psrson who is�party heroto,and to otner psr�ons as pre.u��d tY <br /> _^�_"`++',� �pplic�ble law.Not less th�n one month after the Truites rocorde the notice of default or two months if ths trust property Is not in�ny <br /> ° Incorporatsd ciry or villeye and Is used in farminy operatbns c�rrfed on by the trustor,the fruatee shail give publio notics of�ale to the psaony <br /> and in tha m�nner pnscrfWd by�eppplioable Iaw.Trustee,without demand on Borrower,shsll sell the propertY at publia auation to the hlyl»st <br /> ��t,o:r;�� bldder.If rsquhd by the Farm Homeatead Proteatfon Act, Truaee sh�ll oNer the property In two separate sales at►aquirod by epplic+bla I�w. <br /> --.-:��� Trustes m�y ponPons sde of dl or�ny paresl of ths property by publla announcement at the time and place ot any previousty schedubd ule. <br /> --- Lendsr or rts d��ipr»e may purchase ths propetty at any isle. <br /> ��-- Upon rscetpt of paYment of the price bid,Trustee ahdl deliver to the purcheser Trustes's deed conveyinp the propertY.Ths recitial�conuirnd irt <br /> Trust��'s died�hall bs prim�facie evidlence of the uuth of the statemeMe aontained therein.Trustee ahall apply the procesd�of the nls in ths <br /> =�iH� fotlowlnp order (a) to dl expenaa of ths saie, includinp, but not Ilmitad to, roason�bte Trwtes's fe�a, rs�wrnbis �ttorMy's fees and <br /> �..��,;� reinst�temsnt hss;lb1 to atl sums seca 'hv thlt dsed of trutt,�nd(0)tho balmce,if�ny,to tM psrsons Iepaliy antftlsd w rec�fve it. <br /> 11°'°� 13,Fonclosix�.At Lender's option,this deed ot trust mey be forecioaed In the manner provlds by applioable Isw for foreclosure of morty�0es <br /> -----� on rsal property <br /> � 14,Insp�cflon,Lender m�y enter the property to inspect it If Lendar pivss Borrower notiae beforehand.The notice must state the �euan�ble <br /> cau�s for Lendu's in�pectton. <br /> -.t� �6,Cond�n�tlon.Borrowsr assipn�s to Lendsr thsproce�ds of any award or clsim for demap es conneated with a condemnation or otMr t�kinp <br /> ot all or�ny put of the property.such proceeds will be eppNed aa provided in Covenant 1.This eaelgnment is subjeat to the term�of�ny prtor <br /> .-- tecurfty�preement. <br /> � -- 1d.Wdwr. BY sxerciainy any remedy avaliable to Lender, Lender does not pive u any rlghti to Iat�r use any other remedy.By not�xsrcl:inp <br /> -°�°-° eny nmsdy uWn Borrower's default,LenAer doos not watve any ripht to later consPder the event a dsfau�t if it happena ay�In. <br /> A � - 17,dobtt��d S�vK�f U�blliri; Co•�lpn�rs; Suca�sson and Auiyns Bound.All dutie4 under this deed of trwt ars Joint and sewrai.Any <br /> �� -- Borrower who co•siyna this dead of wOt but does not co•stpn the undertyinp debt inatrumertlol does �o oniy to prant end canvey tfiat <br /> 4+r�' Boyrrower'�Intxest in the property to the Truatee under ths term{�s of this deed of addition,wch e Borrower aprees that the Unde and <br /> ����� debt t ttiout diat�Borrower a conient eritl withouYt rslsidnp thit Borrowse rfrom the tsrmiof thii desd of truit thi�deed of trust or tM secursd <br /> . . "`�' Th�duties aad beneflta of thle deed of truet ehali bind�nd Mnefit ths suecessors and aseigns of Lender end Borrower. <br /> •������ <br /> _ __,�,�.•:-�� 1g,Notk�.UN�ss otherwise requlred by law,any notice to Borrower ehall be qiven by detiverinp it or by mailinp it by certiflod mall eddressed to <br /> B o r r o w e r s t t M p rope r t y addresa or an y other addrea�that Borrower has pIven to Lender.Borrower will pive any notics to Lsnde� by certlfied <br /> -`'�`��'�'�' be�se t to Lendei t i ddross ai stated f on pape 1 of thia deed of uutt t h e r a d d ro t a w h i a h L e n d e r h�s d e a i p n a t�d.A n y o t h�r n o t i c�m L end�r thali <br /> _-�nw�:; <br /> '� �`-"'�" Any notico sh�il be deamed to have been piven to Bonownr or Lender when piven In the manner eteted etavo. <br />--J�`a'!�i.".. <br /> . � `�:�.:�<. 19.Tansf�r 0}tM propHty ot�B�AciN IntH�it in th�Borcow�r.If ail or eny pen of the propsrcy or any Interest(n R Ie aotd or ve�eterred <br /> wlthout Lender's prior written conaent, Lender msy demand immediate payment of the secured debt. Lender may also demand Mnmedlate <br /> • demsnd paYment�In the ebove eituatloner if l�s�ohib e�d by f ederal Iaw as of the date of,thl�deed�of trust�sferred. However, Lender mey not <br /> Z0.R�conv�q�nc�.When the obligation secured by this deed of trust has been pald,and Lander has no further oblipatlon to make advences <br /> under the inmuments or agreements secured by this deed of trust,the Truatee shali,upon w�itten request by the Lender,reconvey the trust <br /> : ' pro�srty.Tha Lender sheli deliver to the Borrower,or to Borrower's nuaceasor in interest,the trust deed and the note ar other evfdence of the <br /> obl pation so utiefled.Borrower ehell pey eny recordatbn costs. <br /> � S 21,Succ�s�a TrwtN. Lender, et Lender's o tlon, maY romove Trustee and appolnt a succeseor trustes by firat, mailfng s copy of the <br /> �._r b•._ substitutlon of trustie as re�q��red by app�ab'e Peme rctihereot.tia�eltuated Theusuccesaoretruate,without convey�ence of tM p�roper°tyashill <br /> ___ . ----_.� <br /> --- -- • � oi eec�i cvu���i..........:...... ..__.,.._�_._,. - <br /> . + <br /> succeed to all the power,duties,authority and tkle of the Truatee named In the aeea ot ttuat ena ot eny auaceaeor nusiee. <br /> . Ip�B��ol 21 <br /> . OANKER$SYSTEYS.�NC.,ST.CLOUD.MN 68301 It•E00•991•73�11 FONM OCP•MT(FNE 0118181 <br /> ---�--°-. . ..._._._...... _ _, ;.. <br /> � ---. ..-- - <br /> i - - . -._ . . _. -.. <br /> � - - �� - - -- . _. ___. <br />