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<br />- - �•`�`s.:� CQVENANTS ��r/V P/�� �
<br /> � 1, hym�nt�. Borrow�r �pru� to mtk� �II p�ym�nU on the ucured dsbt when due. Unleas Bo►rower end Lender agree otherwlee, eny �-_
<br /> p�ymsnte I.�nd�r roc�lvu from Bor►ower or fm Borrower'• benefit wlll he eppiied fi►st to any emountt 8orrower owee on fie eecured dabt �:.,_
<br />� y not riduc�or ixcu{i�my�schidul�d p�ymint untll thi ecur�d debt I�'pald In full���rep�yment of the secured debt occura tor any roason,It wlll
<br /> �' 4.CIMm�Aqdn�t TNN�Bof�owl�W�f'prlr n t�x��, ut mentb�nd ather ch�rpe�ettribut�ble to tna property when due and will defend title
<br /> '' difiniis�whioh�8orr�t ir m ly h vi y M1�p�ulfM�Who�PP Y�ihor o�r mitirlili ta Improve o�ymelntein the prop rtyaasfgn any rlghts. clelma ar
<br /> t' �
<br /> #� a. Mwnne�. 8orro er w�l ��p�1}►�VTePUt1Z��tuiid;u'd�r t�rm��acapt�ble to Lender at Borrowsr'e sxpense and ior Lendor'e bonefit.A►I
<br /> 1� Inuirana pollcb�th�ll fnnlu�i�tt�nd�rd mort �p�cl�ua In tavor of Und�r.L�nd�r wlll b�romed a�lo��p�Yse or na the fnsured on any such
<br /> :1 Ineivenc�polloy.Any Insuranc�proce�d�m�y��appllsd,withl�Londer's discretion,to elther the restontion or repelr of the d�meped property
<br /> �� o►to tIN��eund d�bt.If Lend�r r�yulr�o martyaflo ineuranco,BottoWO►nproee to mnlnteln euch Inbur�nee for ee long ae Lettder requlroe,
<br />_ � � 4.�topMty�Borrow�r will ks�p tM propnty in pood condltion and m�ke sll rogNrs nsaon�bty nece�eary. _
<br />'�` 6 Exp�na�.Borrow�r apn�s to pay dl Lmdu't sxp�nset Inaludinp r�uonable attorneyR'fees,If Borrower breeke eny covenenta In thls deed =
<br /> - � '�. o�tru�t or In�ny obliq�tlon s�cursd by thlt d��d of trust.�orrow�r wlll p�y thess�mounts to Lender a�provided in Covenant 9 of this deed ot
<br /> trutt.
<br /> .. � �,�rlp i�cwft�r kibn�t�.Unlns 6orrow�r fint obt�lns Lender'�written eontent,8orrowar will not make or permit sny ah�npen ta eny prlor -
<br /> IncludlYip�Borrowir'i covi��ntit pmik p�ym nu whin�due�blipetfons under any prfor mortpsqe,deed af trust or other �ecurity aflreemant,
<br />� .�;:�, ��A��o}p��d ho1k�.eorrow�r ndpm to��nd�r th�nnt��nd profits of ths proparty.Unlest Borrowsr and Lender have�pnad -
<br /> � otMrw t�In wrltln�l, 8orrowe m�y coll�ot and ntNn the rsnts as lonp�s Borrow��Is not In d�fault.If 8orrower def�ult�,Lender, Lsnder's
<br /> , ,� . �nt,o��oourt�ppnint�d nc�iv� mp�y t�k�pusa�slon anpd m�naps th� property md collsct the rents.Any rents Lender collecte�he�l be
<br /> � _ nsce�iuryiilated ixpin{ssf The remiTni nq amoun t of►enti wtli then apply to pAyment6�on the secured d�ebt ea provided in9Co�enant�lany other
<br />--�'��:'�*^ Borrowsr� rsss to com ly wlth the provislons of any iease if this deed of uurt ta on
<br /> �.l�M�oleM1 C i M�ntNd Unk D�vNope»na. a
<br /> �=�s����' �N�u►wId.If thl��trult is on a unit In� condominium or a plmnsd unit svelopment, Borrowsr will p�r(orm all of Borrower't dutiee
<br /> ' �'”`�� undar ths eolensnta,hy-lews,a regulations of the condomintum or pi�nn�d unit d�vsiopmsnt. R
<br /> �,.�y.�;•,..
<br /> � rR �.AuMakY of l�de to��m tor torrow�r. If Borrowar f�llo to�perfo►m any of Borrower'�dutiet under thii dsed of trust,Lendar may
<br /> �I�#� p�rfam th�dutl��or o�u��tMm to W p�rform�d.Lend�r m�y siyn 9orrower's mma or p�y any amount if nece�ury for pertormance. if any
<br />-_;.,,�� ��' iicurlty Intrn�t In t6��op�irtYaThli m,y ncludi completinp the co�nstruotionmanner,Lender mey de whatover it necesary to proteat Lender'e
<br /> -�:'�`• . L�nde'�fdlun to p�Norm will not pnelud�L�nd�r from�x�rcldnp�ny of its other riaht�und�r ttu�law or thl�deed of trusi.
<br /> ♦"'� ��Wj�j biiii Intiriit irom t�h�td�ti�ot thi payment untfl pa dtin full,t�the(ntersst�rate in�effect on the,ecurid debt unts will be due oa demand
<br /> �r.�,ei�
<br />=•.�y A,� 10. Q�iwlt�nd Aoo��don.I} Barow�r fdit to mak� sny p�yment when due ot brealu any covenantt under thio deed of uuat or any
<br /> T� obllp�tbn aew�d by thl�d��d of trust or my p►iar mortp�pe or dead of Vust,Lendei mey acceiente the metudty of the:ecurod debt and
<br /> d�m�nd Imm�dlat�p�Ym�nt end m�y Invok�tM pow�r of ssls and�ny othsr rsm�dl�s p�rmitt�d by applicabl�law.
<br /> ,.,,,,;:g{�q� 11,Ilpw�t for Notla�of GfMAt.It 1�h�nby rsqwst�d that coples of the notices of default and sale be�ent to each penon who li a perty
<br />_�;=��,,,o Mnto,at thr addnw of uch�uoh p�non.�s at}orth h�roio.
<br /> - 11.�ow�r ef tM�.If th�L�nde t�voka ths pow�r of td�,ths Trust�s MNI tint rocord m the ofiics oT ine reyi:ie�oi ciaai: at asch caunYy
<br /> -- . WN�nln tM irust ptop�►ty or wm�part or paral tMreof it situ�tad a notice ot d�fault cont�ininp�eto�a��tof�otheQ personi Isap resrlbed by
<br /> -- �h�ll rl�o m�ll coplu of tM mtice of d�fault to th� Borrower,to each penon who It e party fie s not in any
<br /> �ppllcabN law. Not I�s� t��n on� month �ft�r th�Tru�tes reeord�the notice oi defauit or two months If the trust property I
<br /> Incaporat�d cfry or vill�p��nd is ut�d in farminp op�rotbns carrtad on by the truitor,the fruatee shall pive publlo notics of sds ta the peraone
<br /> -- n►d In tlr m�nn�r pntcrib�d by�apppiiwbl�law. Trust�e,without demend on Borrower, shell ssll the property et publio audbn to tM hiyhest
<br /> �'� bidd�t.Ir nquk�d by th�Farm NorrNSt��d Prot�ctbn Aat,Trustee shall offer the propertv In two sepuste�sles ee required by ipplto�ble lew.
<br /> � ����NOmlb dijtp�1e miy purchasi the p�ope�it s^y�ia�e by pubiiC ennouncement at the time and place of any previoutly scheduled sale.
<br /> Upon nalpt of p�Ym�nt of ehe prla bid,Tru�t�� ahNl dNlv�r to tM purchaur Trustoe's deed convayinp th�property.The ncitiab containeA in
<br /> Tru�tN'�dNd sh�ll M prim�f�ai��vfdl�ncs of th�truth of ths statsmmta contdnsd thereln.Truttee ihsll�pply ths procsedo of ths ais in th�
<br /> rilnrtit,mint fiii�lb)to ill tums�iiaurid by this�deed of�tru�L and lc)thet balenc�If iny t�o the pe�soni Iiyaliy entitled to recel�irey It.f ass and
<br /> tz.For�olo�w�.At Lendu'o option,thN deed of trust m�y be forecloced in the manner provide by applicabls lew tor forecbture of mortgepes
<br /> on r�al prop�rty.
<br /> 14,In�p�olbn,L�rxNr may�nt�r th�propsrty to Insp�ct it if Lender ptvea Borrower notice beforehand. The notice must etete ths rsasonable
<br /> _ aw��(a I.�nd�r's In�p�otion.
<br /> ��,Cp�fbn,8orrow�r nsly�na to Lender theproceed�of any award or ciaim fw dam�pes conneoted with e condemnadon or othar tsktng
<br /> - -- of NI a�ny part of th�propwty.Sueh proc�eds will be epplied as provided In Covenant 1.7hte essignment la subject to tM terms of�ny prior
<br /> o�curHy N�wrrHnt.
<br /> 1�.WMvK.By ex�rcl�tnp anY nm�dy avallabl�to Lsnder,Lender doet not plve up eny riphto to later use any other remedy.By not exercltinp
<br /> �ny nm�dy upon Barow�r's dHautt,Lmd�r do�s not waive�ny ripht to later conilder the event a default if ft happens apafn.
<br /> —�= 17,,foiM�nd i�v1rN Ll�i Co•�ipMrs: 8ucc��son �t�d Assipm Bound. All duNes under thta deed of truat ere jolnt a�d aeveral. Any
<br /> datow�r who co•tlyn� thit •�d of uust but do�s not co•sipn the underlYtnp debt inetrument(s) doet so onty to graM and convey thet
<br /> darowN'�Inteaat In th�prop�rty to tM Truttse under th�t�rmf�s of this dee�l ot tru�t. In�ddition, �uch a Borrower apreee thet the Lender snd
<br /> d�pt��Ntwui tlu�t Borr�wir'�eonunt i duw►thout ril�iUnp thst Eorrowae st om the termi o�this deed of tru�tf.this deed ot vust a the secured
<br /> �---�- ---- Th�dWN��nd b�rnlit�of thit dssd of Vutt�hdt bind md benefit the suoceasort and asstyns of Lender end Bwrower.
<br /> �=-�n�i
<br /> �^��+_��'� 1�,NeYa�.UnN��oth�rwln r�qulred by bw,�nY notice to Borrowsr�htli bs pivsn by deilveriny it or by m�I1Mp It by certitled mdl ad reasa to
<br /> 1�:J���� rqrrovw��t tM pro addnss or anv otl»r�ddr�u th�t Borrower has qlvsn to Lender.Borrower will pivs any notice to Lender by certified
<br />-�'='�'�=i='^ bi iint to 4�ind����ddra�DNii,tsd on�p pi 1 oi thii d,id of tru5ither addroa which Lendsr h�s detipneted.Any other nodcs to Lender shall
<br /> :.,r�'
<br /> Any notla�hdl 6�de�m�d tu haw bMn plwn to Borrower or Lender when piven In the manner etated ebove.
<br /> 1�.Tr�in of 1M hop�rty a�/�1b1�1 MtNat le tM Barow�r.It all or eny part nt the propertv or any Interest in it Is sold or Vaneferred
<br /> � ,N���qu� ��ndw'� prlor w11tt�n co���nt, L�nd�r m�y dem�nd fmmedfste payment of the secured debt. Lender mey aleo demend Immedfate
<br /> „ �� p�ym�nt ft lM Borrower Is not a natural perean end s bene}iclal intereet i�the Borrower is sold or trensferred. However, Lender m�y not
<br /> drm�nd paym�nt In tM�bow�ftu�tlon�If ft It prohlb{ted by federal i�w ae ot the date of thle deed of trust,
<br /> ` 20.R�aonwy��.W�n tM oblip�tlon�ecund by thla deed of truet haa been pald and Lander hes no further obligetion to make advancea
<br /> �, � iunl�r th�In�trummtt or �pr�sm�nt�tecurad by this de�d of tru�i,the Trustee ahalf upon written request by the Lender,reconvey the truat
<br /> . �f' . {xop�rly.TfN U�x1u shdl diliv�r to th�Borrower,or to Borrower's�ucceesor In interest,the trust deed and the note or other evidence of the
<br /> . . uldfpitbn�o ua�il�d.9r�rrows►�hNl DrY�ny reco►detlon co�ts.
<br /> _ = �� ■...-..•�- TivatM. Lsnder. �t Lmdor't optlon, m�y romove„Trustee and,eppoint e succeosor tru�stee�by f�t, rnallingN�o�P�}°���
<br /> •s
<br /> _ --_ - _.. -°----- - • - -•..••----•---
<br /> •ub�uu�ttan o1 Iru�U�e�r�quind Gy appno�bte uw. ena men,oY mm ino.ouai�ivu�����.�.,..w...�,o.....�.....�-...-- -.-.-•-o•-•-• -•-----
<br /> iu�ciCid to���I 1he pnwor,�Autieie npthortry and titl�of ths 7ru t i ne�ed in the deed of trwt and of cny�succeseor trusteo.of the property,ehall
<br /> �
<br /> ;
<br /> fp�ge Z o7 21
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