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�o�2os��� _ <br />ti <br />r� <br />LEGAL�DESCRIPTION EXHIBIT "A" <br />. Lot Forty Five (4� and Lot Forly Foar (4�, Castle Estates SnbdivisYon, Egcepting there from � <br />that part of Lot Forly Foar (4� more partYcularly described as follows: Beginning at the • <br />northeast corner of said Lot Forty Four (4�; thence ruaning sontherly along the easterly Llae <br />of said Lot Forty Foar (4�, a distance of One Hnndred Twenty Five (125.00) feeh, to tlie � <br />soatheast corner of .said Lot Foity Four (4�; thence deflecting rig�t 90°17'1T and ranning ; <br />westerly aloag the sontherly liae of said Lot Forly Fonr (4�, a distance of F'ifly T6ree and <br />� EightY Five Huadredths (53.85) fee� therice deflecting r�t 6G°29'00° and rwuning northwesterly : <br />. a disi,�xce of �e �mndr� �r�ntq �'6pee aimd S�t.y F'ive �nadredtLs (123.65) f$et, to a point <br />on a cwrve and the northerly line of satd Lot Forty Fonr (4�; thence ranning aorth�sterly <br />along the northerly line of saYd Lot Forty Fonr (4� and the arc of a cnrve whose radias is One <br />Hnndred Forly (140.0) feet, the long chord of whtch deflects rtgkt 101°45'SO" from the last <br />desrribed conrse, a long c1►ord distance of Fifty Seven (57.0) feet, thence deflecting right <br />. 11°44'45" and ruanlag eastedy aIong the northerly line of said 'Lot Forty Fonr (4�, adistance <br />of � Forty Six and Seventy Five Handredths (46.75� feet, to the� poTint of beginning. <br />