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<br /> at wle,.na��s.ie,inct�rat��he ay�ni ot itk�wc���rea.ccwu�y incurrea.not to ex�.ed 5.00 ryo u�
<br /> the princip�l�mount of Ihe note�t the tlme ot the dal�ntion at defiult,�nd reAeon�ble attorneye'�ces as permhted
<br /> by Ww;(b)to ali wms sccueed by thts Secur�ty Imtrnns�nt;�nd(c)eny exeesa to the person or persoiss kg�lly endtkd �
<br /> to f�
<br /> 22. ReconveyRna. Upon puyment of ail sums securcd by thiF Securlry Imwment, l.ender shall rcquest 7tustee to
<br /> reconvey the Propeny ond shall currender this Security Insuument and all notes evidencing debt securcd by this Suurity
<br /> Inshument ta Tlvstee. '[Fustee shall reconvey the Property wlthout warranty and without charge to the person or perwn9
<br /> legally entiUed to iG Such pe►son or persans shall pay any�+ecardAtion costs.
<br /> Z3,S�b�tit�te'ilru�tee. Lender.a:3is apdon,may from time to timc remove'Ih�stee und appoint a successor wstee to
<br /> any'[tu�tae appoiated her2utwer by an insi�ument nxorded In thc county in which this Secudry Insuument is recotded. _
<br /> Without conveya�x�e of the Property,the successor avstce shall succ�ed to all the title,�ower and dudes confemed upan
<br /> 'Itustee tiec�ein nnd by applic�ble law.
<br /> 1q.yiequest[or Noticea. Harrower rcquests that copies of the nodce5 of default and snle be sent to Borrower's address
<br /> whech is the PrqxRy Address•
<br /> 25,Rlder�to tirb Se�urity Iffitrumen� If one or cnorc riders are executed by BoROwer wnd recorded together wIth
<br /> th[s Suurity inswmen�the coven�nts and agneements of each such rider shall be incorpcintod lnto end shall�Qiend and
<br /> suppkrnent thc covenants and agreements of this Sccuriry Insdvment as�f the rider(s)wec+e a pa�t oF this Security Instrumen4
<br /> (Ct�eck applicable box(es)1
<br /> �A.djustable Rete Rider �Condominium Rider ��-4 F��Y���
<br /> �Greduated Paymcnt ltider �Planned lJnit Development Rider �Biweekly!'uyment Rider
<br /> �Balloon Rider �Rate[mprovement Ridcr a Second Home Rider
<br /> �Other(s)[specify]
<br /> BY SI(3MNG BELOW.Borcower xce and a rees to the te�ms and covenant�contained Ia this Seautity Insuumeat
<br /> a[wiu ai�j�ai�c�bjcnctii���3�°„iifi'D'�ZiSiY�itCII�!'.'!!t!!!. ,
<br /> �tlIC34: �fIICSS:
<br /> ���� ����
<br /> L L RE -Barower -$ORO�
<br /> C� ��)
<br /> C . E REIIlRARD •�� -g0"O"'�
<br /> STA F NEBRASKA, Couuty s�: �•L
<br /> _ Oa this 25th day of SEPTETaBER, 1997 .befon me.the undersigned,a Not�rY Pubilc
<br /> duly commissioned and qualified fa said county.personally came KYLE L REINHARD AND CLYDENE E REINSARD,
<br /> HOSBAND AND i�TIFE. AS JOIKT TENAII'F3 .to me 1u�own to be the
<br /> _ identtcal prr:cons(s) whose nwne(s)ere subscri6al to the foregoing instniment and acknowtedged the execution thertof to
<br /> be 1xEIR voluntary act and deed.
<br /> . Witness my hancl and notarial seal at GRAND I3LAND, NEBRASKA in said coonty.the
<br /> date afaesaid.
<br /> t MY C �A � �P1'��
<br /> ; CE l M't•lYMN�N�L C�(lt�t/�. O� � —
<br /> � EIAINE 4 S�EM1�[�K, Noucy Pueik
<br /> ' ��'�' ���� REQUEST FOR RECONVE1fANCE
<br /> � TO T�tUSTEE:
<br /> � 7tic undersigned is the halder of the note ur notes secured by this Deed of 71us� Said note or notes,togcifier with all
<br /> odxr indebtedness secu�ed 6y this Deed of'Ih�st,have been paid in full. You are hereby dlrectcd to cancel said note or notes
<br /> : and this Deed of'Ik�ust,whict�a�+e delivered hereby.and to teconvey.without wairanty,all the estate now held by you�utder
<br /> this Dad of'Itust to the person or persons legaliy eutiUed tl�ereto.
<br /> . Date:
<br /> fae�3�2t !illY IDaa�6 al6 pogt:)
<br /> ':y�y: ' � i,it��,�;;a�.' ''j�y^wF���G7Ll."ARC13 ..
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