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<br /> --='..�?� 17. 'I'r�nstcr of thc 1'r�iperty or�enedclul intcrcwt in Ho�rowcr. If ull ur un t nf thc P�i�it �►r,ny intcrc.t in it
<br /> -=- — is suld or tnuesfcrred I��r if u bcneticial�ntcrest in Hurrowcr is snld ur trunsfcrred iind urrawcr is not u nnturul��son)withaut
<br />'�i�`� i.cndcr's prfor written can+cnt. I.endcr muy, ut Its nptinn, rcyuirc immcdi.ttc pirymcnt in full of idl tiums ,ccurrd hy this _
<br /> �_— Scrurity Instrttmcnt.Howevcr,this option ytiull not I�c excrriscd hy lw:ndcr if�xcrcisc i+pruhibitrd by fcdcrul I�iw uy ui'thc dutc
<br /> - of'this Sccurity Inztrumcnt.
<br /> .'`�'� If Lcnder excrci,r�thi���p�i�►n, Lender shull give Hnrrowcr n��ticc of'uccclerutiun. Tl�e nutice,hall prnvi�le a �xrf�xl itii�nut T
<br /> Iesx thun 30 duys fr��m the dute the nc�tice ix delivered i�r muiled within wliicli Surrower mu+t �S:ry idl �ums secured hy this
<br /> .:�...� Security lnstrumcnt. IP&�rrowcr 6�ils to pay thcxc sum+prinr to the expirudon nf this periixl, l.endrr mny inv�ikc uny remcdles
<br /> - — permittcd by thix Sccurity Instrumcnt withi�ut furthcr nuticc ur dcmund on Borrowcr.
<br />_'�,��,� 18. &►rrower's KiRht tu Relnstate. If Borrowcr mects ccrtain randitionx, Borr��wer shull huvc thc right to havc
<br /> ;
<br />